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Getting Started

Al edited this page Mar 3, 2019 · 23 revisions

BlackIce II Getting started


Make sure you plug your usb cable into USB1 before using this guide.

Installation prerequisites for Linux

You need to install the Yosys tool chain. All software is free and open source.

The following steps are for installing software on Ubuntu 16.04 or later, and cover the building and installation of three tools, which are required for programming the myStorm board. You can use these for a laptop running Linux, or to install the tools on a Raspberry Pi. Users of other flavours of Linux will.

Downloading and installing pre-requisites

These are needed for compiling and installing the icestorm, Arachne-PNR and yosys tools later.

For Debian-based distributions, use the following command:

sudo apt-get install build-essential clang bison flex libreadline-dev gawk tcl-dev libffi-dev git mercurial graphviz xdot pkg-config python python3 libftdi-dev vim htop screen iverilog

For Fedora-based distributions, use the following command:

nf install @development-tools clang bison flex readline-devel
gawk tcl-devel libffi-devel git mercurial graphviz python-xdot
pkgconfig python python3 libftdi-devel vim htop screen iverilog

Note that the tools work fine on RaspberryPi.

Installation prerequisites for macOS

You need to install the Yosys tool chain. All software is free and open source.

The following steps are for installing software on macOS and cover the building and installation of three tools, which are required for programming the myStorm board.

This guide assumes you have Homebrew installed.

Enabling xcode command line tools

xcode-select --install

Downloading and installing pre-requisites

These are needed for compiling and installing the icestorm, Arachne-PNR and yosys tools later.

brew install libftdi0 python3 gawk pkg-config libffi bison mercurial

Installation of IceStorm for linux and macOS

Downloading and installing IceStorm

Starting in an empty directory:

git clone icestorm
cd icestorm
make -j8
sudo make install

Downloading and installing arachne-pnr

Starting in the same directory:

git clone arachne-pnr
cd arachne-pnr
make -j8
sudo make install

Downloading and installing Yosys

Starting in the same directory:

git clone yosys
cd yosys
make -j8
sudo make install

Installation guide for Windows

The following steps are for installing software on windows 10 and cover the installation of APIO, required to compile programs for the myStorm board.

Downloading and installing Python

From the official python website download and install Python 3

Then add to your path. With the default install locations open a command line and type:

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Python3;C:\Python27\Lib;C:\Python27\DLLs;C:\Python27\Scripts

Downloading and installing APIO

Also refer to BlackIce Apio changes

In a command line:

pip install -U apio==0.3.0rc1

Then to download all the apio packages

apio install -a

Cloning the tutorial code from GitHub

You will want to access four repositories:

The MyStorm tutorial

git clone

Your first design (Mac/Linux)

Completed examples are in the tutorial directory. We'll build the very simplest of these to drive the red LED on the board. First change into the directory with the completed examples

cd BlackIce-II/examples/blink

Then make the Blink example


This will synthesize the code in blink/blink.v to a bitstream in chip.bin.

Your first design (Windows)

From cheat_sheet, change to the blink directory

cd BlackIce-II\examples\blink

Then synthesize the Blink example with apio

apio build --size 8k --type hx --pack tq144:4k

This will synthesize the code in blink.v to a bitstream in hardware.bin.

Uploading your design (Mac/Linux)

For Linux:

In first monitor terminal:

sudo bash
usermod -a -G tty yourUserName
usermod -a -G dialout yourUserName
stty -F /dev/ttyACM0 raw
cat /dev/ttyACM0

The usermod changes allow your user name to access /dev/ACM0 without root later, however, this will only work when logging into a new terminal

Then in another new programming terminal:

cat chip.bin >/dev/ttyACM0

You should see something like this in the first terminal :

<Iceboot 0.4> Config done
Waiting for USB serial

By leaving the first terminal open and using the 2nd to cat your bitfile you get to see the response. If you unplug the BlackIce-II (or close terminals, always close them before unplugging!) you will need to reissue:

stty -F /dev/ttyACM0 raw
cat /dev/ttyACM0

For your monitor terminal and in 2nd working terminal:

cat chip.bin >/dev/ttyACM0

For Mac:

In first monitor terminal:

sudo bash
stty -f /dev/cu.usbmodem1421 raw
cat /dev/cu.usbmodem1421

Then in another programming terminal:

cat chip.bin >/dev/cu.usbmodem1421

You should see something like this in the first terminal :

<Iceboot 0.4> Config done
Waiting for USB serial

You may need to use a different device for SERIAL depending on your machine.

If you are also using the second USB connector for debugging with the FPGA: MacOS - Beware that if you have an earlier version of the CH340 driver you may get a kernel panic restart try updating to a newer

Uploading your design (Windows) (1)

Make sure you know which COM port you device is connected to by checking under Ports (COM & LPT) in Device Manager. If in doubt unplug and plug in the device to make sure.

Start up teraterm

Uploading your design (Windows) (2)

  • Select the Serial option and the COM port of your device, then go to the Setup > Serial port... menu item
  • Delete the Baud rate option
  • Set data as 8 bit, no parity, 1 bit stop and no flow control.
  • Ensure new lines are correctly set up by going to Setup > Terminal... menu item and set Receive to AUTO
  • Then select the File > Send file... menu item and navigate to directory containing hardware.bin
  • Tick the Binary option box and open

Note. If you experience very slow download rates, unplug the device from your computer. Then plug it in again and re-check all settings above.