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mythmon committed Sep 2, 2014
1 parent 24e0a22 commit 988386c
Showing 1 changed file with 341 additions and 0 deletions.
341 changes: 341 additions & 0 deletions content/posts/github-pages-travis.mkd
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
title: Github Pages, Travis, and Static Sites
date: 2014-09-01
category: posts
tags: [github, travis, static, meta]


I recently switched my blog to being hosted on [GitHub Pages][ghpages] instead
of hosting the static site myself. Along with this change, I was able to
automate the rendering and updating of the site, thanks to GitHub webhooks, and
[Travis-CI][travis]. As always, I'm using [wok][] for the rendering and
management of the site.

My work flow now looks like this:

1. Write a post, edit something, change a template, etc.
2. git commit.
3. git push.
4. Wait for the robots to do my bidding.

It is ideal.


# Prerequisites

For this to work, there are a few things that are needed. First, and most
fundamental, the site needs to be fully static. A pile of HTML, CSS, JS,
images, etc. Nothing server side at all. Otherwise it can't be hosted on GitHub

Next, the site has to be stored on GitHub, and it **can't be the account's main
GHPage repository**. For example, I cannot use the repository
`mythmon/`. This is because GHPages treats the branches in
that repository differently. It should be possible to set up this this work
flow on a repository like this, but I won't go into it here.

The `master` branch will be where the source of the site is, the parts a human
edits. The `gh-pages` branch will hold the rendered output, and be generated

Finally, the site needs to be easy to render on Travis. This usually means that
all the tools are easy to install with pip or npm or another package manager,
and the process of rendering the output from a checkout of the site can be
scripted. Any wok sites should fit these requirements.

# Part 1 - Automation.

Before I can ask the robots to do my bidding, I have to automate the process
they are going to be doing. Two commands are needed, one to build the site, and
one to commit the new version and push it to GitHub.

My site uses wok, which is a Python library. Because of this, I wanted a
Python task runner to automate the build process. It may have been overkill,
but I used [Invoke][]. Here is my invoke script, ``, with explanation

If you're unfamiliar with Invoke, it is gives a nice way to define tasks, run
shell commands, and run Python code. Make, shell scripts, Gulp, or any other
task runner would work just as well.

Here's the code. First, some imports.

import os
from contextlib import contextmanager
from datetime import datetime

from invoke import task, run


These two constants are used to clone and push the repository. `GH_REF` is the
repository's remote URL, without any protocol, and `GH_TOKEN` will be a GitHub
authorization token from the environment. More on this in a bit.

GH_REF = ''
GH_TOKEN = os.environ.get('GH_TOKEN')

This is a simple context manager that lets me change into a directory, run some
commands, then safely change out of it. I'm likely reinventing the wheel here.

def cd(newdir):
print 'Entering {}/'.format(newdir)
prevdir = os.getcwd()
print 'Leaving {}/'.format(newdir)

Here is the first of the three tasks defined. This one makes sure that the
output directory is in the right state. It should work even if the directory
already exists, if it wasn't a git repo, if it has stray file lying around,
or even if it is on the wrong commit or branch. This is generally useful outside
of Travis as well.

def make_output():
if os.path.isdir('output/.git'):
with cd('output'):
run('git reset --hard')
run('git clean -fxd')
run('git checkout gh-pages')
run('git fetch origin')
run('git reset --hard origin/gh-pages')
run('rm -rf output')
run('git clone https://{} output'.format(GH_REF))

This next task simply renders the site. It sets up the output directory by
calling the above task, and then calls then trigger wok, the site renderer.
Nice and simple

def build():

This last task is the bit that actually publishes to GitHub in a safe,
secure, and automated way.

def publish():
if not GH_TOKEN:
raise Exception("Probably can't push because GH_TOKEN is blank.")

with cd('output'):

The first thing it does is configure a user for git. GitHub won't accept pushes
without user information, so I put some fake information here.

run('git config ""')
run('git config "Travis Build"')

Next it `git add`s ll the files in the output directory. The `--all` fag
will deal with new files being added, old files being changed, and old files
being deleted. It won't commit anything in the .gitignore, if you have one.

run('git add --all .')

Now, make the commit. I thought for a while about what to put in the git commit
message. At first I was going to put a timestamp, but I realized that git will
do that for me already. Future improvements might note what commits this version
of the site was built from.

run('git commit -am "Travis Build"')

Finally, the script needs to push the resulting commit up to the gh-pages branch
of GitHub, so it will be served. The first problem I faced was how to
authenticate with GitHub to do this. The second was how to do that without
revealing any secrets.

The solution to the first problem was [GitHub token auth][tokens]. By using the
HTTPS protocol, and putting the token in the authentication section of the URL,
I can push to any GitHub repo that token has access to.

The problem with this is that git prints out the remote when you push. Since my
token is in the URL, which is the remote name in this case, it was printing
secrets out in Travis logs! The solution is to hide git's output. It seems
obvious in retrospect, but I revealed two tokens this way in Travis logs
(they were immediately revoked, of course).

# Hide output, since there will be secrets.
cmd = 'git push https://{}@{} gh-pages:gh-pages'
run(cmd.format(GH_TOKEN, GH_REF), hide='both')

To run these tasks, I use `invoke build` and `invoke publish`, to build and
publish the site, respectively.


# Part 2 - Travis

As you can tell, the bulk of the work is in the automation. A lot of thought
went into the 60 or so lines of code above. Now that it is automated, it is easy
to make the robots do the rest. I chose Travis for my automation.

I went to the Travis site, set up the repository for the site, and tweaked a few
settings. In particular, I turned off the "Build pushes" option, because it
isn't useful to me. There isn't any risk of revealing secrets in PRs, because
Travis doesn't decrypt the secrets in PR builds. The other setting I tweaked
is to turn on "Buildon if .travis.yml is present". Since I was doing all this
work on a branch, I didn't want my master branch to be making builds happen, and
I think this is a generally good setting to set on Travis.

So that Travis knows what tools it needs, I added a `requirements.txt` file to
my repository, which Travis understands how to use, if you set the language to
Python. Then I added a `.travis.yml` to tell Travis how to build my site.

language: python
- '2.7'
- invoke build
- invoke publish
secure: LXYt0XENsCV58GD2g2jB27Hil9O80DXdnyM6palKLNcYa7z/hqvqtkCwW9Wmj5jqLXjUjiTAk0BUqinvL6ZPrqGiluWQ5hY2e9YNG/eYRd1Qv1TdaDu2+iCfIK8VDehGZl9G8Ly09RL6gfHWxofnSamMztcFWqDbh/2iDp3GmUU=

Basic simple stuff. Since the The script command (`invoke build`) builds the
site, using the big script above. Similarly, the after success command `invoke
publish` uploads the site to GitHub (but only if the site actually builds).

Woah, hold on. What's all this junk at the end? That "junk" is the magic to
safely pass secrets to Travis builds in a public repository. It is a line that
looks like `GH_TOKEN=abcdef1234567890`, encrypted using a public key for which
Travis holds the private key. In "safe" builds (builds on my repo that are
not from PRs) Travis will decrypt that token and provide it to the build.
The invoke script then picks up the environment variable and uses it when it
pushes to GitHub. Pretty slick.

To generate this encrypted line, I used the [Travis CLI tool][traviscli] like

$ travis encrypt --add
Reading from stdin, press Ctrl+D when done

That is, I ran the command, typed the name of the environement variable,
followed by an equals sign, and then the value, then I pressed enter, and then
Ctrl+D. This is a normal interactive read from stdin. After doing that, my
`.travis.yml` file contained the encrypted string, and I was ready to commit

I got the value for that environment variable from
[GitHub's personal API token generator][tokens].

# Part 3 - DNS

I could be done now. At this point, when I push a new version of my site to
GitHub, it fires a webhook, Travis builds my site, pushes it back to GitHub,
and then GitHub serves it with GitHub Pages.

This didn't work for me for a couple reasons. First, I like my URL, and didn't
really want to change. Second, my site assumes it as at the root of the server,
and can't deal with GitHub's insistence of putting this site at
``. The content of this site is there, but it's
all unstyled, because of broken links to the CSS, and none of the links work.
Maybe someday I'll fix this.

So I have to do some DNS tricks and tell GH pages to expect another domain name
for my site.

## Telling GitHub.

So that GitHub knows what site to serve when someone visits, I
had to add a `CNAME` file to the `gh-pages` branch of the site. Luckily with
wok that was pretty easy. I made the file `media/CNAME` which wok put in the
root of the `gh-pages` branch and gave it the contents ``. It
takes some minutes for GitHub to recognize this change, but after that it works

## Setting up DNS

You may have noticed that I say` there, instead of the nice
clean ``. I would prefer the latter, but it isn't to be with

The recommended way to use custom DNS with GHPages is to make whatever domain
name that should serve the site use a CNAME to ``. So for me,
I have ` IN CNAME` in a Bind config. The
problem is, according to [RFC 1912][1912], "A CNAME record is not allowed to
coexist with any other data." Since the root of a domain has to have some other
records (NS, SOA, possible MX or TXT), you can't have a CNAME to GitHub at the
root. `:(`.

## Redirects

The problem with *this* is that I have used `` to reference my
blog in the past, and [cool URIs don't change][cooluris]. So I needed to find a
way to make the old adadress work.

First I tried making `` have an A record to the IPs of the GHPages
servers. This [isn't recommended][arecords], but it does work if that is the
primary DNS name of the site. However, since in the CNAME *file* above, I wrote
down `` (with the recommended DNS CNAME setup), this didn't
work. It gave "No such domain" errors. Bummer.

The solution I ended up going with is less nice. I pointed the root record at
the server I used to host the site on, which is still running nginx. I put this
in my Nginx config:

server {
listen 80;
return 301 $scheme://$request_uri;

This causes Nginx to serve permanent redirects to the correct url, preserving
any path information. Not the best experience, but it works.


# That's it.

Now the site works. It gets served from a fast CDN, I don't have to worry about
re-rendering the site, and I get to make blog posts with git. The robots do the
tedious work for me. It is ideal.

If you have any comments or questions, I'm [@mythmon on Twitter][twitter].


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