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Errorr Message: Negotiate Unknown, 503 #67

LRonHubs opened this issue Sep 8, 2017 · 56 comments

Errorr Message: Negotiate Unknown, 503 #67

LRonHubs opened this issue Sep 8, 2017 · 56 comments


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LRonHubs commented Sep 8, 2017

Error Message: Negotiate Unknown
Exception: undefined
Error Data: 503

I get this error when trying to connect to WebSockets. Is this something on bittrex's end? If so is it a permanent thing?

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ale316 commented Sep 8, 2017

Getting this too. They said they were attacked (, which prompted them to CloudFlare all their endpoints, including the signalr ones.

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zduerr commented Sep 8, 2017

is there a workaround for this?

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LRonHubs commented Sep 8, 2017

Spam the PUSH api i guess

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masalinas commented Sep 8, 2017

@LRonHubs what do you mean with Spam the PUSH api??

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TimLaMason commented Sep 8, 2017 via email

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masalinas commented Sep 8, 2017

@TimLaMason I was using the API more than one week and I never received any error, or banned ... meaby is it a temporal problem?? I created other key and the error is the same

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Then endpoint is giving '503 - Service Temporarily Unavailable'. I presume they will reactivate it later, or else enable functionality for account auth headers. I have an alert set for if it reactivates normally. Keep us posted if anyone here's anything.

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TimLaMason commented Sep 8, 2017 via email

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How can I receive the complete error from bittrex?

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SignalR websocket hubs we're primarily designed for .net. if you code a c# hub client it outputs the error message, and you can also enable tracing to see the raw feed.

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My client I have this code:

// listen to Bittrex WebSocket
    var websocketsclient = bittrex.websockets.listen( function( data ) {
        if (data.M === 'updateSummaryState') {
            data.A.forEach(function(data_for) {
      'bittrex-event', data_for.Deltas);

    websocketsclient.serviceHandlers.connectFailed = function(error) {
        console.log("Websocket connectFailed: ", error);

    websocketsclient.serviceHandlers.onerror = function(error) {
        console.log("Websocket error: ", error);

    websocketsclient.serviceHandlers.connectionLost = function(error) {
        console.log("Connection Lost: ", error);

But not receive any erro detail only the:

Error Message: Negotiate Unknown
Exception: undefined
Error Data: 503

But where is the callback that receive this error??? how can I get this error in my code???

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masalinas commented Sep 8, 2017

@junkomatic how do you code for receive the error: '503 - Service Temporarily Unavailable'?
because i only reveive the error: Error Data: 503

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junkomatic commented Sep 8, 2017

503 is an http error response code that literally means "Service Temporarily Unavailable". There's not much more data than that.

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LRonHubs commented Sep 8, 2017 via email

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ale316 commented Sep 8, 2017

@masalinas You can go into the signalr-client node module and print the request out.

Error Message: Negotiate Unknown
Exception: undefined
Error Data: 503

Is just a catch all error.

What Bittrex is returning is the CloudFlare HTML page saying that they're verifying your connection. I believe the only thing we can do is wait.

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n0mad01 commented Sep 8, 2017

i've created a pull request for the signalR lib to at least fix the pass of binding errors into the onerror serviceHandler.

the 503 issue i haven't looked more closely yet.

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strelov1 commented Sep 8, 2017

Hmm, why using this service WS bittrex is available?

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As already mentioned, the websocket endpoint is currently protected by cloudflare's anti bot system. It is possible to bypass it, by executing a request to the negotiate endpoint (or any page on bittrex really) just as a regular browser would and letting cloudflare do its thing (how cloudflare's bot protection works is explained here: link) then grab the identity cookie and the clearance cookie and send those as the Cookie header together with the User-Agent header (which must be the same as in the request used to obtain the cookies) with the negotiate and websocket connect request. As an example, for python cloudflare-scrape does just that.

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@AlxGDev how is that a solution? My bot has a lot of responsibility and this really worries me that I could just be taken offline for several hours...

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Does anyone know if bittrex have commented on this?

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ninesalt commented Sep 9, 2017

Need a fix for this asap

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TimLaMason commented Sep 9, 2017 via email

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@AlxGDev thanks for your suggestion! It also worked for me.

For anyone interested: the goal is to add your cookie and user-agent headers to the signalR websockets connection here:

I copied the bittrex and signalr node modules intop my project and modified them a little to achieve this. But you could also edit the signalr-client file directly (not recommended, but the quickest way).

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bigdataboss commented Sep 9, 2017

Just replace connectws() function. For the future we could add headers opt. To get cookie without browser you can use nightmare.js

var connectws = function(callback) {
    wsclient = new signalR.client(
      undefined, true
    wsclient.headers['User-Agent'] = 'YOUR BROWSER UA';
    wsclient.headers['cookie'] = 'cf_clearance=YOUR CF_CLEARENCE FROM BROWSER';
    wsclient.serviceHandlers = {
      bound: function() {
        ((opts.verbose) ? console.log('Websocket bound') : '');
      connectFailed: function(error) {
        ((opts.verbose) ? console.log('Websocket connectFailed: ', error) : '');
      disconnected: function() {
        ((opts.verbose) ? console.log('Websocket disconnected') : '');
      onerror: function(error) {
        ((opts.verbose) ? console.log('Websocket onerror: ', error) : '');
      bindingError: function(error) {
        ((opts.verbose) ? console.log('Websocket bindingError: ', error) : '');
      connectionLost: function(error) {
        ((opts.verbose) ? console.log('Connection Lost: ', error) : '');
      reconnecting: function(retry) {
        ((opts.verbose) ? console.log('Websocket Retrying: ', retry) : '');
        // change to true to stop retrying
        return false;
    return wsclient;

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0b01 commented Sep 9, 2017

@CyberWlf I did exactly that. But it's still not working for me...

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@RickyHan double check everything. If Bittrex works in your browser and you copied user-agent and the cookie correctly it should work.

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ale316 commented Sep 9, 2017

@RickyHan Hey, I just got it to work on my server. Make sure that the IP you used to get the cf_clearance is the same as the one making the subsequent requests.

For the server I used this python library (, to grab User-Agent and cf_clearance cookie, then did what @CyberWlf suggested (thanks!) and it worked.

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0b01 commented Sep 9, 2017

@CyberWlf @ale316 Thanks, I'll try that on my IPv4 server. My home address uses IPv6.

Update: It's working! Thank you! It's indeed because of IPv6.

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0xecute commented Sep 9, 2017

Did you make it work with python?
I got the correct cookie and the correct user agent header, but I got the following error from signalr-client:
error: There was an error invoking Hub method 'corehub.SubscribeToExchangeDeltas'.

Thanks for your help

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ale316 commented Sep 9, 2017

@0xecute If it throws that error, it is connected, so it seems to not be an issue with Cloudflare's protection. I guess make sure you're invoking the call correctly.

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thanhlm86 commented Sep 9, 2017

@armandohg help me, i run node scraper.js

{ errorType: 0, error: { Error: tunneling socket could not be established, cause=getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND 3128 3128:8 0 at ClientRequest.onError (C:\Users\ThinkPad\Desktop\node-bittrex-api\node_modules\tunne l-agent\index.js:177:17) at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:316:30) at emitOne (events.js:115:13) at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:210:7) at Socket.socketErrorListener (_http_client.js:401:9) at emitOne (events.js:115:13) at Socket.emit (events.js:210:7) at emitErrorNT (internal/streams/destroy.js:64:8) at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11) at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9) code: 'ECONNRESET' } }

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mjmau commented Sep 9, 2017

Thanks to @CyberWlf and @armandohg, combining your two fixes works great!

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Now let's combine them! Your connectws():

var connectws = function(callback) {
   wsclient = new signalR.client(
     undefined, true
   if (opts.headers) {
     wsclient.headers['User-Agent'] = opts.headers.user_agent;
     wsclient.headers['cookie'] = opts.headers.cookie;
   wsclient.serviceHandlers = {
     bound: function() {
       ((opts.verbose) ? console.log('Websocket bound') : '');
     connectFailed: function(error) {
       ((opts.verbose) ? console.log('Websocket connectFailed: ', error) : '');
     disconnected: function() {
       ((opts.verbose) ? console.log('Websocket disconnected') : '');
     onerror: function(error) {
       ((opts.verbose) ? console.log('Websocket onerror: ', error) : '');
     bindingError: function(error) {
       ((opts.verbose) ? console.log('Websocket bindingError: ', error) : '');
     connectionLost: function(error) {
       ((opts.verbose) ? console.log('Connection Lost: ', error) : '');
     reconnecting: function(retry) {
       ((opts.verbose) ? console.log('Websocket Retrying: ', retry) : '');
       // change to true to stop retrying
       return false;
   return wsclient;

Your main code:

const bittrex = require('node.bittrex.api');
const cloudscraper = require('cloudscraper');

cloudscraper.get('', function (error, response, body) {
    if (error) {
        console.log('Cloudscraper error occurred');
    } else {  
            headers: {
                cookie: response.request.headers["cookie"],
                user_agent: response.request.headers["User-Agent"]
        console.log('CloudFlare nailed');
        start(); // Your code here

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ninesalt commented Sep 9, 2017

Can we expect an official update to the module soon though?

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@Swailem95 Take a look:

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ninesalt commented Sep 9, 2017

Well that sucks. Maybe someone's going to open a PR and fix it himself. That would be great.

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Just need to update you code @CyberWlf, because response.request.headers["cookie"] replies with __cfduid AND cf_clearance.

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@glaucoheitor It's a hot fix, not an official solution. BTW, what's the problem with __cfduid ? It seems working

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I know it's a hotfix. I am trying to use this here too.
Here don't work with that code. but if I put the cf_clearence code directly to signalR it works

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@glaucoheitor Works on my side. I don't see any reason why __cfduid could interrupt the process. You can update my solution btw :)

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That what's weird, cause it works directly on the module file.

I was trying to update your solution, but I dont have that much knowledge. lol

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@glaucoheitor double check that you copied the exact code. Especially connectws() function. I use new "headers" option

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Any body help,

i try the way @armandohg, it show error :

{ errorType: 0, error: { Error: tunneling socket could not be established, cause=getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND 3128 3128:80 at ClientRequest.onError (C:\Users\ThinkPad\Desktop\node-bittrex-api\node_modules\tunnel-agent\index.js:177:17) at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:316:30) at emitOne (events.js:115:13) at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:210:7) at Socket.socketErrorListener (_http_client.js:401:9) at emitOne (events.js:115:13) at Socket.emit (events.js:210:7) at emitErrorNT (internal/streams/destroy.js:64:8) at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11) at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9) code: 'ECONNRESET' } }
how to fix problem? Thanks.

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For those looking for an integrated fix for this issue I have committed it to

Important note: this makes the websocket connection asynchronous so please see the updated documentation

There is a unit test added which you can test with npm test tests/websocket.js to ensure it works for you.

If you have any further comments or suggestions please add them to here dparlevliet#1

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Thank you @dparlevliet

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Thank you @dparlevliet

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p0ntsNL commented Nov 12, 2017

So for those that have issues with this on python, for me this works now:

Please correct me if I am wrong! :)

from requests import Session
from signalr import Connection
import cfscrape
import time

markets = ['BTC-DGB', 'BTC-STRAT']

with cfscrape.create_scraper() as session:
  connection = Connection('', session)

corehub = connection.register_hub('coreHub')

#create error handler
def print_error(error):
  print('error: ', error)

# debug information, show all data
def print_raw_data(*args, **kwargs):
  print (args, kwargs)

def ticker_data(*args, **kwargs):
  print ticker, (args, kwargs)

def market_data(*args, **kwargs):
  print market, (args, kwargs)

#connection.received += print_raw_data
connection.error += print_error

print "sending subscription request"
for market in markets:
  corehub.server.invoke('SubscribeToExchangeDeltas', market)

#corehub.client.on('updateSummaryState', ticker_data)
corehub.client.on('updateExchangeState', market_data)

connection.wait(120000) # close the connection if no message is received after this many seconds

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jmontija commented Nov 12, 2017

Nicely done cfscrape do the job. I don't know why we got this error the bittrex_socket is on and everything was working fine until yersterday.

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p0ntsNL commented Nov 12, 2017

Nicely done cfscrape do the job. I don't know why we got this error the bittrex_socket is on and everything was working fine until yersterday. As well I was wondering if you know how to handle connection status to catch disconnection ? because I'm looping infinitly on connection.wait(0)

I think its because Bittrex enabled Cloudflare today again :) so thats why I was working with cfscrape today

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rclai commented Mar 20, 2018

Is this still an issue? Just wondering since it's been months since there was any activity here.

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