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Nathan James Lardizabal edited this page Jan 22, 2024 · 9 revisions


Welcome to the Freedom in Christ Church workspace! We're glad to have you 🫶

This repository is a monorepo which holds multiple projects in the same repository. Currently, there are 2 projects in this monorepo:

  1. the main FCC website --
  2. the FCC CMS site (content management system) that holds various FCC content (sermon data, praise and worship schedule data, etc.)

Getting Started

To get started with this repo, please clone this repo in your terminal with the following command:

git clone

After you have cloned the repository, run these commands to get your local development server running:

> npm install
> npm run dev

Since this repo is a monorepo, this will run both the FCC site dev server on localhost:42069, and also the CMS dev server on localhost:6969.

If you run into any issues with getting your local dev server started, please contact the repository owner Nathan Lardizabal.

Branching Model

In this repository, there are 2 branches that you need to know.

This repo uses the main branch as the production branch, and there are branch protections set in place so that you cannot push commits directly to the main branch.

The development branch is dev, which also has branch protections set in place so that you cannot push commits directly to this branch. This branch deploys to so you can see development progress in a live environment.

Contribution Guide

Creating Your Own Branch

To contribute to this repo, first create your branch from the main branch and push to the origin with the following:

> git checkout main
> git checkout -b [YOUR_BRANCH_NAME]
> git push origin [YOUR_BRANCH_NAME]

Pull Requests

After you have finished making your changes on your own branch, commit them to your own branch first:

> git add .
> git commit -m "[your commit message here]"
> git push origin [YOUR_BRANCH_NAME]

After you have done this and have ensured that your branch is now in the repository, do the following:

  1. Create a Pull Request
  2. Set dev as the base branch
  3. Add n9d0g (Nathan Lardizabal) as the Reviewer.

Once these changes have been approved by n9d0g (Nathan Lardizabal), they will be ready to view at!

It will go through further testing before the dev changes will be merged to main.

Roadmap / Tasks

To view the upcoming tasks for the corresponding projects, please navigate to the FCC project page here. If you don't have access to this project, please contact the repository owner Nathan Lardizabal.

To view all information regarding this project, please navigate to the fcccanada page on the sidebar 😌

To view all information regarding this project, please navigate to the CMS page on the sidebar 😌