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kaibosh edited this page Dec 22, 2017 · 46 revisions

There are five different ways to run the nZEDb engine.

  1. Screen Sequential
  2. Screen Threaded
  3. tmux Sequential Disabled
  4. tmux Basic Sequential
  5. tmux Complete Sequential

Screen Sequential

This mode is well suited to smaller systems (e.g. ARM based) or installations that will index up to five groups.

cd misc/update/nix/screen/sequential/ && screen sh

There is also a more advanced screen sequential script provided by wally73,

cd misc/update/nix/screen/sequential/ && screen sh

Screen Threaded

cd misc/update/nix/screen/threaded/ && screen sh

This will spawn 3 screen sessions. The first one runs update_binaries to retrieve headers from your Usenet provider. The second session (named RELEASES) will run update_releases. The third session (named POST) runs post processing.

Useful commands:

screen -list       # List active sessions
screen -r RELEASES # Attach to the update_releases session     
screen -r POST     # Attach to the post-processing session
CTRL-a d           # Detach from session

This mode is similar to above, however it sequentially invokes each script with multi-processing enabled. The number of threads used for each function is set in Site-Edit (at the bottom).

tmux General

nZEDb supplies a tmux.conf definition that is compatible with screen, namely use of CNTL-a instead on CNTL-b. Should you want another setup, this file will need to be changed.

NOTE: nZEDb currently does not function at all with tmux versions v2.1 and v2.2. Versions v1.8 -> v2.0 are compatible with all nZEDb tmux modes. Versions 2.3 and higher currently only function in "Complete Sequential" mode.

tmux Modes

The desired tmux mode is set via the web interface Site-Edit -> Tmux-Settings. Beginners should stay with the installation defaults. Start the selected nZEDb tmux mode with:

cd /var/www/nZEDb/misc/update/nix/tmux/ && php start.php

tmux Sequential Disabled

This is the fully parallel way to run nZEDb. Well suited for larger installations running on multi-core, large RAM servers.

tmux Basic Sequential

Basic Sequential runs update_binaries, backfill and update_releases sequentially.

tmux Complete Sequential

To use this mode, you first need to copy this file to

cp /var/www/nZEDb/misc/update/nix/screen/sequential/ /var/www/nZEDb/misc/update/nix/screen/sequential/

cd /var/www/nZEDb/misc/update/nix/tmux/ && php start.php

The script works "as-is". This mode allows complete customisation of how/when individual nZEDb functions are called and is suitable for advanced users. will not be overwritten during nZEDb software updates.

Useful commands:

CTRL-a d             # Detach from tmux session
CTRL-a 0             # Switch to window number 0 (Monitor)
tmux attach -t nZEDb # Re-attach to running nZEDb tmux session
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