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SGCP: A semi-supervised pipeline for gene clustering using self-training approach in gene co-expression networks

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SGCP : A semi-supervised pipeline for gene clustering using self-training approach in gene co-expression networks, preprint.

SGCP Introduction

Self-training Gene Clustering Pipeline (SGCP) is a framework for gene co-expression network construction and analysis. The goal in these networks is to group the genes in a way that those with similar expression pattern fall within the same network cluster, commonly called module. SGCP consists of multiple novel steps that enable the computation of highly enriched modules in an unsupervised manner. But unlike all existing frameworks, it further incorporates a novel step that leverages Gene Ontology (GO) information in a semi-supervised clustering method that further improves the quality of the computed modules. SGCP results in highly enriched modules.

SGCP Publication

SGCP is under review. The preprint is available at arXiv.

SGCP Installation

For instruction and steps please follow SGCP manual at its Bioconductor page. You can install the most updated SGCP through the GitHub repository as follow.


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SGCP Input

SGCP has three main input; expData , geneID, and annotation_db. expData is a matrix or a dataframe of size m*n where m and n are the number of genes and samples respectively and it can be either DNA-microarray or RNA-seq . SGCP does not perform any normalization or correction for batch effects and it is assumed that these pre-processing steps have been already performed. geneID a vector of gene identifier correspond to rows in expData. anotation_db is the name of a genome wide annotation package of the organism of interest for gene ontology (GO) enrichment step.annotation_db must be installed by user prior using SGCP.

Here, are some of the important annotation_db along with its corresponding identifiers.

organism annotation_db gene identifier
Homo sapiens (Hs) Entrez Gene identifiers
Drosophila melanogaster (Dm) Entrez Gene identifiers
Rattus norvegicus (Rn) Entrez Gene identifiers
Mus musculus (Mm) Entrez Gene identifiers
Arabidopsis thaliana (At) org.At.tair.db TAIR identifiers

Gene expression files can be found in Gene Expression Omnibus.

SGCP Input Cleaning

In SGCP, it is assumed that genes

  • have expression values across all samples (i.e. no missing value).
  • have non-zero variance across all the samples.
  • have exactly one unique identifier, say geneID.
  • have GO annotation.

SGCP Input Example

Here, we give a brief example to SGCP input. To this end, we picked GSE181225 gene expression (for more information visit its Gene Expression Omnibus page). Throughout this section, we need multiple packages of Bioconductor.

if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

BiocManager::install(c("", "GEOquery", "AnnotationDbi"))

First, set the directory

# Display the current working directory

# If necessary, change the path below to the directory where the data files are stored.
# "." means current directory. On Windows use a forward slash / instead of the usual \.
workingDir = "."

In the first place, we need to download the gene expression file. GEOquery (for more information visit GEOquery guide) is a package in R that can be used for obtaining gene expression data from Gene Expression Omnibus. We use GEOquery to download the expression file for GSE181225 from its Gene Expression Omnibus page). As it is seen in the page, File GSE181225_LNCaP_p57_VO_and_p57_PIM1_RNA_Seq_normalizedCounts.txt.gz in the Supplementary file section, contains the normalized gene expression. We have to download the Supplementary file. Please note that downloaded file can be found in baseDir .


gse = getGEOSuppFiles("GSE181225", baseDir = getwd())

Now, you can see a new directory GSE181225 which includes the expression file. Read the gene expression file. Column Symbol shows the gene symbols and the remaining four columns indicates the samples.

df = read.delim("GSE181225/GSE181225_LNCaP_p57_VO_and_p57_PIM1_RNA_Seq_normalizedCounts.txt.gz")

Create expData, geneID, and annotation_db.

geneID = df[,1]

expData = df[, 2:ncol(df)]
rownames(expData) = geneID


Because of the annotation_db, gene Entrez identifier correspond to the gene symbol must be identified. To this end, we use the select function from AnnotationDBi package.


genes = AnnotationDbi::select(, keys = rownames(expData), 
# initial dimension

Dropping genes that its either SYMBOL or ENTREZID is missing.

genes = genes[!$SYMBOL), ]
genes = genes[!$ENTREZID), ]

#dimension after dropping missing values

Dropping genes that its either SYMBOL or ENTREZID is duplicated.

genes = genes[!duplicated(genes$SYMBOL),]
genes = genes[!duplicated(genes$ENTREZID), ]
#dimension after dropping missing values

Keeping rows in expData that have corresponding gene identifier in genes.

expData = data.frame(expData, SYMBOL = rownames(expData))
expData =  merge(expData, genes, by = "SYMBOL")

Produce expData.

rownames(expData) = expData$ENTREZID
expData = expData[, c(2:6)]

Dropping zero variance genes

# Dropping zero variance genes

vars = apply(expData, 1, var)
zeroInd = which(vars == 0)

if(length(zeroInd) != 0) {
  print(paste0("number of zero variance genes ", length(zeroInd)))
  expData = expData[-zeroInd, ]
  genes = genes[-zeroInd, ]

print(paste0("number of genes after dropping ", dim(genes)[1]))

Dropping genes with no GO mapping.

## Remove genes with no GO mapping

xx = as.list(org.Hs.egGO[genes$ENTREZID])
haveGO  = sapply(xx,
                 function(x) {if (length(x) == 1 && FALSE else TRUE })
numNoGO  = sum(!haveGO)
if(numNoGO != 0){
  print(paste0("number of genes with no GO mapping ", length(zeroInd)))
  expData = expData[haveGO, ]
  genes = genes[haveGO, ]
print(paste0("number of genes after dropping ", dim(genes)[1]))

Produce the final expData, geneID, annotation_db. Now, the input is ready for SGCP. Refer to SGCP Bioconductor page in order to see how to use this input in SGCP.

expData = expData

geneID = genes$ENTREZID

annotation_db = "" 


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