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A small, concise DOM library for modern browsers and IE9+ that currently stands at 1,758 bytes minified and 778 bytes minified+gzipped.

The goal is to make typical DOM programming portable, pleasant, and performant.

DOM Querying

Exposes more concise names for the standard query facilities so you can choose the most appropriate one. These extend Element.prototype so they are available everywhere.

$.filter    // alias for querySelectorAll
$.first     // alias for querySelector
$.byTag     // alias for getElementsByTagName
$.byClass   // alias for getElementsByClassName
$.byName    // alias for getElementsByName
$.byId      // alias for getElementsById

Caveats: the semantics are sometimes inconsistent across browsers. For instance, getElementsByName applies to all elements in most browsers, but in IE9 it will only return those elements that typically have name attributes, like 'a' and 'input' elements.

Collection Extensions

The standard suite of pure array-processing functions are added to HTMLCollection.prototype, NodeList.prototype and NamedNodeMap.prototype.

list.forEach     // alias for Array.prototype.forEach         // alias for
list.reduce      // alias for Array.prototype.reduce
list.reduceRight // alias for Array.prototype.reduceRight
list.filter      // alias for Array.prototype.filter
list.every       // alias for Array.prototype.every
list.some        // alias for Array.prototype.some
list.slice       // alias for Array.prototype.slice

So you can easily query and apply a function to a set of results:

$.byTag('a').forEach(function(x) { x.innerText = 'Hello!'; });

Event Handling

Pithy exposes more concise names for the standard event facilities. These methods extend Element.prototype, HTMLCollection.prototype, NodeList.prototype and NamedNodeMap.prototype, so they are available everywhere.

$.on         // alias for addEventListener
$.off        // alias for removeEventListener
$.raise      // alias for dispatchEvent

You can use the new event APIs that support event constructors in modern browsers:

$.byTag("button").raise(new MouseEvent('click'));

If you want to support IE9 as well, use the DOM level 3 API with this convenience function, and this should also work in all browsers:

$.byTag("button").raise($.event('Event', 'click', true, true));

The first argument is the kind of event, and defines which event init method is called, ie. 'MouseEvent' will call initMouseEvent, 'UIEvent' will call initUIEvent. This means you must provide all the non-optional parameters that initMouseEvent expects or it will throw a runtime error.

CSS Class Manipulation

These methods expose convenient methods for adding and removing classes, and provides implementations for versions of IE that don't support classList.

$.addClass       // add a single CSS class to an Element
$.removeClass    // remove a single CSS class
$.hasClass       // check whether an element has a class
$.toggleClass    // removes class if present, else adds the class
$.replaceClass   // replaces a class with another

add/remove/toggle support chaining, in that they return the element for further operations. Since add/remove only operate on a single class at a time, you can add multiple classes as:


This was for conciseness and simplicity of implementation, since adding multiple classes isn't necessarily supported even by browsers that support classList.

DOM Manipulation

Methods to manipulate the DOM:

element.insertAfter     // complement to standard element.insertBefore

On DOM Loaded

A common feature of DOM libraries is raising an event when all DOM content is loaded. In Pithy, $ is simply an alias for document. The DOM ready event is available everywhere, so this is simply:

$.on('DOMContentLoaded', function(e){

Browser Support

Works in IE9+ and other standard browsers. I don't have access to some mobile browsers, but this library doesn't do anything overly complex, so they should be fine.


Let's say beta quality for now, although the tests are pretty comprehensive given how simple Pithy is.


MIT License


A smaller, concise DOM library for modern browsers







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