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This repository presents how to setup your new Ubuntu machine quickly.

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This setup is for Ubuntu.

Create ubuntu image

You need to use another computer to create the image file. In this example, we assume that you are using Ubuntu.

  1. Format your USB
  2. Download ISO image from this website
  3. Install an application called Startup Disk Creator if you do not have it
  4. Launch the application
  5. Choose the locations of your downloaded ISO file and USB
  6. Click Make Startup Disk

Boot from BIOS

  1. Get in BIOS
  2. Change SATA to AHCI, secure boot to false, CSM to enabled, the priority of USB in the boot options and the priority of SSD and HDD (To use SSD as system drive, make the SSD's priority higher)

Initial Desktop setup

Mount HDD

If you use HDD as D drive, you need to mount HDD.

# Check the path to HDD
$ lsblk -f

# Check the current partition for HDD
$ sudo fdisk /dev/sdb (or sda)
>>> command: p
>>> command: n
>>> command: p
>>> command: w

# Format as ext3
$ sudo mkfs -t ext3 <The path to HDD>
$ sudo mkdir /home2
$ sudo mount <The path to HDD> /home2
# Add the following
$ sudo emacs /etc/fstab
# /dev/sdb1 - Extended HDD
/dev/sdb1   /home2  ext3    relatime    0   2

# Confirm the behavior
$ sudo umount /home2
$ sudo mount -a
$ mount

Setup language

  1. Choose Japanese to avoid complications in the first place
  2. Run ./
  3. Change Punctuation style from the window (Mozc Settings) that opens by clicking Tools > Properties in A at the top-right corner of Desktop
  4. (Optional) Change keys for ... IME into Ctrl Space in Keymap style in Mozc Settings

Setup VSCode

  1. Download the setup file
  2. Run the followings:
$ sudo apt install ~/Downloads/<The setup file name>
  1. Add the following extensions: Python, LaTex Workshop, C++
  2. Add the contents in linter.json in ~/.config/Code/User/settings.json
  3. Setup the latex environment based on latex_setup/

Setup Anaconda

  1. Download the setup file
  2. Run ./~/Downloads/<The setup file name>
  3. Run ./ Note that we can create a new environment as follows:
# Put `-c conda-forge` if python version is too old
$ conda create -n <environment name> python=<version>
  1. Change the color of ipython
$ ./
# Change the following
$ emacs ~/.ipython/profile_default/

## Set the color scheme (NoColor, Neutral, Linux, or LightBG).
#c.InteractiveShell.colors = 'Neutral'

## Set the color scheme (NoColor, Neutral, Linux, or LightBG).
c.InteractiveShell.colors = 'Linux'

Setup Github

  1. Create a file ~/.github/.gitmessage
  2. Copy github_setup/.gitmessage to ~/.github/.gitmessage
  3. Run ./github_setup/

Setup CUDA driver

To use CUDA driver in your computer, we need to setup NVIDIA driver and CUDA driver. CUDA driver installation often causes serious issues on your machine, so we use Singularity to avoid this issue.

  1. Check Your GPU Compute Capability and Table: Cuda Toolkit and Corresponding Driver versions
  2. Go to Software & Updates and choose Additional Drivers
  3. Choose Using NVIDIA driver metapackage from NVIDIA-driver-xxx and click Apply Changes, then reboot
  4. Setup the Singularity environment based on the latest version
  5. Create an image file by sudo singularity build <file name>.sif <file name>.conf
  6. Make a shortcut link for the image file ln -s <The path to sif file> <link name>
  7. Test by singularity exec --nv <link name> <command to run a script>


This repository presents how to setup your new Ubuntu machine quickly.






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