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A Capacitor plugin to export base64 encoded images to device gallery.


npm install export-base64-image-to-gallery
npx cap sync



checkPermissions() => Promise<GalleryPermissionStatus>

Returns: Promise<GalleryPermissionStatus>


requestPermissions() => Promise<GalleryPermissionStatus>

Returns: Promise<GalleryPermissionStatus>


exportImageToGallery(options: { data: string; }) => Promise<GalleryExportResponse>
Param Type
options { data: string; }

Returns: Promise<GalleryExportResponse>



Prop Type
gallery "prompt" | "prompt-with-rationale" | "granted" | "denied"


Prop Type
success boolean
error string


Add Photo Libarary usage descriptions in the Info.plist file under dict tag, or with Xcode.

<string>Access to photo library to save photos.</string>
<string>Access to photo library to save photos</string>


Add permissions for External Storage in your app's AndroidManifest.xml file.

<!-- Permissions -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />


This example is using TypeScript, but you can use this plugin in any Capacitor project.

  1. Import the plugin and response types.
import { ExportBase64ImageToGallery, GalleryExportResponse, GalleryPermissionStatus } from 'export-base64-image-to-gallery';
  1. Implementation. This is a full code example that covers all the plugin methods. Consider deviding this into two or more methods in a real implementation.
const base64Image: string = ".........";
let exportStatus: GalleryExportResponse;

const currentPermissionStatus: GalleryPermissionStatus = await ExportBase64ImageToGallery.checkPermissions();
if ( === 'prompt' || === 'prompt-with-rationale') {
    // Consider providing an explanation to the user for 'prompt-with-rationale' case.
    const requestedPermissionStatus: GalleryPermissionStatus = await ExportBase64ImageToGallery.requestPermissions();
    if ( === 'granted') {
        exportStatus = await ExportBase64ImageToGallery.exportImageToGallery({data: base64Image});
    } else {
        // Show a message to the user indicating the app can't export image without permission.
        // If they want to use the feature they have to allow permission in device settings.
        console.log('Gallery Export permission denied at prompt:', requestedPermissionStatus);
} else if ( === 'denied') {
    // Show a message to the user explaining they have denied access before.
    // Enalbe it in settings if they want to use the feature.
    console.log('Gallery Export permission denied already:', currentPermissionStatus);
} else if ( === 'granted') {
    exportStatus = await ExportBase64ImageToGallery.exportImageToGallery({data: base64Image});

if (exportStatus.success === true) {
    // Export successful - Show a success message
    console.log('Export success:', exportStatus);
} else {
    // Export failed - 
    console.log('Export failed with error:', exportStatus.error);