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To run the software, open a terminal, change the working directory to the folder containing this file, and type "./bb_solver" followed by these arguments:

(1) Path to input LP file 1 - This file MUST be an LP file ( whose objective function is the function to be considered as objective 1 for the biobjective problem and whose feasible set is the feasible set of the biobjective problem.
(2) Path to input LP file 2 - This file MUST be an LP file whose objective function is the function to be considered as objective 2 for the biobjective problem and whose feasible set is the feasible set of the biobjective problem. **IMPORTANT NOTE** -- This software will NOT FUNCTION CORRECTLY if corresponding variables in "file 1" and "file 2" do not appear for the first time in the same order.
(3) Additional commands (optional) - A list of optional command line flags is included at the bottom of this file.

Examples of running the software with no additional flags:  "./bb_solver testp1.lp testp2.lp"
                                                            "./bb_solver /path_to_instances/testp1.lp /path_to_instances/testp2.lp"
Examples of running the software with additional flags:     "./bb_solver testp1.lp testp2.lp -showProgress T -showFreq 10 -hausHyper A -out foo.txt -print T -matlab F"
                                                            "./bb_solver testp1.lp testp2.lp -showProgress T -showFreq 100 -out none -print bar.txt -matlab T"

**Note that this software will NOT work properly without use of the third party software CPLEX, available from IBM.


(1) Setting Parameters: A variety of parameters can be modified through use of command line flags. See the end of this file
                        for a list of such flags and their possible values.
(2) Output files: Running this software will produce two outputs:
    (a) The standard out displays human-readable updates throughout the execution of the software as well as a detailed 
        summary of the results after termination.
    (b) If desired, a secondary output file is created (which can be named by the user using the appropriate command
        line flags). This file contains the following information, tab delimited:
    1) Number of variables fixed by duality fixing
    2) Number of singleton columns discovered    
    3) Number of singleton columns fixed    
    4) Number of pairs of dominating columns discovered
    5) Number of bounds tightened using a dominated column
    6) Number of dominated columns fixed    
    7) Presolve Phase 1 time
    8) Total time spent solving first two single objective MIPs (having objectives 1 and 2)    
    9) Prepopulate time
    10) Presolve Phase 2 time
    11) Number of variable bounds tightened during ph2    
    12) Total BB time    
    13) Number of BB nodes explored
    14) Number of nodes at which local cuts were added
    15) Number of times branching was performed on an objective space disjunction
    16) Number of times a disjunctive cut was generated using an objective space disjunction
    17) Number of MIPs solved during BB
    18) Number of BB nodes fathomed by PSA running to completion while maintaining integer-feasibility
    19) Number of BB nodes fathomed because the ideal point(s) of (subsets of) the dual bound was dominated
    20) Number of BB nodes fathomed because the ideal segment of the dual bound was dominated
    21) Number of BB nodes fathomed because the ideal point of a subset of the dual bound was dominated and the ideal
        segment of the remainder of the dual bound was also dominated
    22) Number of BB nodes fathomed after each segment of the dual bound was generated, and each was dominated
    23) Number of variable bounds tightened during entire BB using probing before branching 
    24) Number of variable bounds tightened during probing due to infeasibility
    25) Number of variable bounds tightened during probing due to a dominated ideal point
    26) Number of variable bounds tightened during probing due to a dominated ideal segment
    27) Number of variable bounds tightened during probing due to a dominated lower bound set
    28) Total time spent in node processing function during BB
    29) Total time spent in user selected branching function during BB
    30) Total time spent probing during BB
    31) Total time spent generating local cuts during BB
    32) Total time spent generating disjunctive cuts during BB 
    33) Total time spent solving MIPs during BB
    34) Maximum time spent running BB on a subset of the objective space when objective space splitting is employed
    35) Item (33) + Preprocessing/Presolve time (this should be approximately the time to run BB in parallel over each
        subset when exploiting objective space gaps)
    36) Binary indicator of whether or not BB completely generated the Pareto set
    37) Total time spent until the start of duality gap calculation
    38) Number of open nodes at start of duality gap calculation
    39) Duality gap
    40) Duality gap - as a percent
    41) Length of nondominated subset of the dual bound
    42) Length of nondominated subset of the dual bound - measured as a percentage of the max of the f1-range and 
        f2-range in the objective space
    This file is written in "append" format, i.e., its contents are not overwritten each time a new instance is run. 
    Thus, the file is designed to have its contents copied and pasted into a spreadsheet so that multiple instances can 
    be compared.
    Command Line Flags: 
    1) -presolve1       Values: T - Presolve phase 1 is turned on
                                F - Presolve phase 1 is turned off (default)
    2) -preprocessing   Values: T - Preprocessing is turned on (default) 
                                F - Preprocessing is turned off 
    3) -ppType          Values: 0 - Automatically detect which preprocessing technique to use
                                1 - Use a preprocessing technique based on the weighted sum approach 
                                2 - Use a preprocessing technique based on the epsilon constraint approach (default)
                                3 - Use a hybrid preprocessing technique
    4) -ppParam         Values: nonnegative integers -  This will adjust the number of solutions generated during 
                                                        preprocessing. Increasing the value "should" increase the number 
                                                        of solutions generated. Hence, preprocessing will take longer, but 
                                                        could potentially improve fathoming throughout BB. Note that this 
                                                        value is coded into BOTH the epsilon-constraint and weighted-sum 
                                                        approaches and will therefore impact whichever procedure is 
                                                        indicated above. (default value - 1)
    5) -ppExtra         Values: T - Utilize CPLEX's populate command instead of its mipopt command. This can help find
                                    extra solutions during preprocessing for difficult problems, but it can also add 
                                    significant time.
                                F - Use mipopt (default)
    6) -ppCuts          Values: T - Each time a weighted sum problem is solved during preprocessing a local cut will be 
                                    added along the level curve associated with the optimal solution or best found dual 
                                    value. This should serve to improve the dual bound at the start of BB. However, 
                                    if numerical difficulties arise during the process of generating these cuts, this can 
                                    result in integer feasible solutions being lost.
                                F - Do not add local cuts (default)
    7) -ppGenetic       Values: nonnegative integers -  Indicates the number of times a simple genetic algorithm will be 
                                                        called after each iteration of preprocessing in order to try to 
                                                        determine additional nondominated integer feasible solutions not 
                                                        discovered during preprocessing. (default value - 0)
    8) -presolve2       Values: T - Presolve phase 2 is turned on. Note that presolve phase 2 cannot be turned on if 
                                    preprocessing is turned off.
                                F - Presolve phase 2 is turned off (default)
    9) -osFathom        Values: T - Turn on objective space fathoming (a.k.a. Pareto branching). (default)
                                F - Turn off objective space fathoming. 
    10) -cutStrength    Values: 0 - Turn off CPLEX global cut generation.
                                1 - Use CPLEX default cut generation (default)
                                2 - Use CPLEX aggressive cut generation
    11) -cutMulti       Values: T - Generate global cuts from a variety of weighted sum objectives prior to beginning BB. 
                                    The goal is to begin with the tightest dual bound possible.
                                F - Only generate global cuts from a single, pre-selected weighted-sum objective. (default)
    12) -cutNum         Values: positive integers - If -cultMulti = T, the value of this parameter will indicate the 
                                                    number of iterations of global cut generation that will be attempted. 
                                                    Increasing the value also increases the number of weighted sum 
                                                    objectives used. (default value - 4)
    13) -cutLocal       Values: T - Attempt to generate local cuts at each node.
                                F - Do not attempt to generate local cuts at each node. (default)
    14) -intObj         Values: T - Attempt to exploit problem structure when one objective function depends only on 
                                    integer variables. The reason you may not want to do this is that it can be time 
                                    consuming for some problems. For example, if the coefficients on the integer variables 
                                    are very small, although the Pareto solutions are all found on a discrete number of 
                                    verical (or horizontal) lines in the objective space, these lines will be tightly 
                                    packed and in this case working with only singletons in the objective space may be too 
                                    time consuming.
                                F - Do not Attempt to exploit problem structure in this way. (default)
    15) -bndRed         Values: T - Tighten variable bounds after processing each node, prior to branching. (default)
                                F - Do not tighten variable bounds after processing each node, prior to branching.
    16) -bndInf         Values: T - Limit the tightening attempt mentioned above to situations in which fixing a variable 
                                    results in an infeasible subproblem.
                                F - Do not limit the tightening attempt mentioned above. (default)
    17) -bndFull        Values: T - Generate the entire dual bound associated with a variable fixing when attempting to 
                                    tighten bounds at each node.
                                F - Only tighten a bound when ideal points or segments are dominated. Bounds aren't 
                                    tightened as often this way, but generating the entire dual bound is typically quite 
                                    time consuming. (default)
    18) -bndLimit       Values: T - Limit the number of variables for which bound tightening is attempted after processing 
                                    each node. The limitation is set to check 10% of the variables, beginning with a 
                                    randomly selected index.
                                F - Do not limit the number of variables for which bound tightening is attempted. (default)
    19) -psaEarly       Values: T - Each time a segment forming the dual bound is generated, it is first extended to a 
                                    segment that dominates the remainder of the dual bound. If this extension is        
                                    dominated, the node can be fathomed without the need for generating any additional 
                                    segments of the dual bound.
                                F - Each segment of the dual bound is generated until one is found that is non-dominated. 
    20) -psaEarlyN      Values: T - The method described above is employed, but only after "-psaIter" (below) iterations 
                                    of the PSA.
                                F - The method described above is never employed. (default)
    21) -psaIter        Values: positive integers - See above. (default value - 15)
    22) -psaStop        Values: T - Stop generating line segments from the dual bound of a set of fixed integer variables 
                                    when a line segment is encountered that is dominated by the primal bound.
                                F - The entire dual bound of a set of fixed integer variables will be computed each time 
                                    an integer feasible solution is discovered. (default)
    23) -extraMIPs      Values: T - By default, during the cut callback we solve one single objective MIP and add a local 
                                    cut along the level curve in the objective space associated with the best known dual 
                                    bound at the termination of this MIP. This helps in strengthening the biobjective dual 
                                    bound at the current node. Setting this flag to 'T' causes three single objective MIPs 
                                    to be solved instead of one.
                                F - Solve only one single objective MIP during the cut callback. (default)
    24) -gaps           Values: T - The solutions stored after preprocessing are scanned for large gaps between adjacent 
                                    solutions. When these gaps exist, the objective space is divided into subregions based 
                                    on these gaps and a sub-BOMILP is solved over each subregion. Note that splitting in 
                                    this way often causes more nodes to be explored. Nevertheless, computation time can be 
                                    significantly reduced for some problems.
                                F - Traditional BB is conducted on the entire objective space at once. (default)
    25) -osDisj         Values: T - Each time a portion of the objective space is determined to be dominated which, if 
                                    removed, results in two disjoint remaining regions of the objective space, a 
                                    polyhedral disjunction is created based on these two regions and a valid cutting plane 
                                    is generated for the convex hull of the union of the disjoint sets. This cut is added 
                                    to the model as a local cut. Note that this can be performed with or without objective 
                                    space fathoming.
                                F - No such cuts are generated. (default)
    26) -showProgress   Values: T - BB progress is printed to the screen in a similar fashion to CPLEX's output for single 
                                    objective MIPs. Each time "-showFreq" (below) nodes are processed, the following 
                                    information is displayed: (i) the number of nodes processed so far, (ii) the number of 
                                    remaining nodes, and (iii) the current dual gap (measured using the hausdorff metric - 
                                    reported as a percentage of the maximum of the f_1 and f_2 ranges of the instance, or 
                                    the hypervolume - also reported as a relative percentage, depending on the value of 
                                    the "-hausHyper" parameter below). Note that unlike single objective MIP, dual 
                                    information is not readily available and must be constructed in order to be reported, 
                                    and so showing progress can cause a significant increase in overall solution time.
                                F - Progress is not reported until BB terminates. (default)
    27) -showFreq       Values: positive integers - The number of nodes that should be processed in between each progress 
                                                    report. Note that this value has no effect unless -showProgress = T. 
                                                    (default value - 5)
    28) -hausHyper      Values: A - Duality gaps are measured using the hausdorff metric.
                                Y - Duality gaps are measured using hypervolume. (default)
    29) -nodeSel        Values: T - CPLEX's default node selection is occasionally overridden. The default node selection 
                                    in CPLEX is to choose the node with best weighted-sum objective value as the next node 
                                    to process. If this parameter is set to 1, each time a new node needs to be selected, 
                                    a random number is generated (uniform 0-1). If the number is less than 
                                    "-nodeSelPerc" (below), then 50% of the time the node with maximum f_1 value in its 
                                    weighted-sum objective is selected for processing, and 50% of the time the node with 
                                    maximum f_2 value in its weighted-sum objective is selected for processing. This can 
                                    often allow more progress to made in dual bound gap reduction throughout BB, although, 
                                    when exhaustive BB is desired, overall number of nodes processed and solution time 
                                    does not seem to be significantly reduced, in general.
                                F - CPLEX default node selection is always used. (default)
    30) -nodeSelPerc    Values: reals in (0,1) - See above. (default value - 0.95)
    31) -nodeSelVar     Values: T - Instead of using "-nodeSelPerc" as a cut-off for whether or not the default CPLEX node 
                                    selection scheme is used, a value between "-nodeSelPerc1" and "-nodeSelPerc2" (both 
                                    below) is used. Essentially, in this case the value of "-nodeSelPerc" is overridden, 
                                    initially set to "-nodeSelPerc1" and then increased by 0.005 each time a new node is 
                                    selected, until the value reaches "-nodeSelPerc2". We allow for this scheme because it 
                                    seems that low (near 0) values of "-nodeSelPerc" result in more progress closing the 
                                    dual bound gap early in the BB procedure, while large (near 1) values result in more 
                                    progress near the end of BB. However, when exhaustive BB is desired, there does not 
                                    seem to be a large impact on number of nodes processed or overall solution time. Note 
                                    that this parameter has no impact if -nodeSel = F.
                                F - Use "-nodeDelPerc" as described above. (default)
    32) -nodeSelPerc1   Values: reals in (0,1) - See above. (default value - 0.1)
    33) -nodeSelPerc2   Values: reals in (0,1) - See above. (default value - 0.95)
    35) -domCol         Values: T - The check for dominated columns during presolve is turned on.
                                F - The check for dominated columns during presolve is turned off. (default)
    36) -domColCuts     Values: T - If -domCol = T, the dominance relationship is used to generate disjunctive cuts while 
                                    processing the root node. For further information on this dominance relationship and 
                                    the resulting disjunctions, see "Progress in presolving for mixed integer 
                                    programming," (Gamrath et al. 2015). 
                                F - No such cuts are generated. (default)
    37) -dualFix        Values: T - The check for duality fixing during presolve is turned on.
                                F - The check for duality fixing during presolve is turned off. (default)
    38) -singCol        Values: T - The check for singleton columns during presolve is turned on.
                                F - The check for singleton columns during presolve is turned off. (default)
    39) -limitType      Values: T - Single objective MIPs will be solved for a time up to the value of the parameter -
                                    mipTime. (default)
                                N - Single objective MIPs will be solved until -mipNode nodes have been processed. 
    40) -proveInfeas    Values: T - Single objective MIPs which return the status "time limit infeasible" will continue to 
                                    be solved until this status changes, even if the time -mipTime is exceeded. The 
                                    motivation for enabling this feature is that if the MIP being considered is truly 
                                    infeasible, the MIPs at every child node will also be infeasible. Thus, it is likely 
                                    that we receive the "time limit infeasible" at every child node until the associated 
                                    subproblem becomes easy enough to show that the MIP is infeasible within "time_limit." 
                                    Hence, allowing the initial MIP to run until infeasibility is proved can significantly 
                                    reduce overall BB time.
                                F - Single objective MIPs will cease to be processed after -mipTime seconds.  (default)
    41) -bbTime         Values: positive reals -    The maximum time to spend in BB (in seconds). Note that presolve and 
                                                    preprocessing will run to termination even if this limit is exceeded. 
                                                    (default value - 43200)
    42) -bbNodes        Values: positive integers - The maximum number of nodes to process during BB. 
                                                    (default value - 100000000)
    43) -mipTime        Values: positive reals -    The maximum time to spend on each single objective MIP solve during BB 
                                                    (in seconds). (default value - 60)
    44) -mipNode        Values: positive integers - The maximum number of nodes to process for each single objective MIP 
                                                    solved during BB. (default value - 1000000000)
    45) -presolve1time  Values: positive reals -    The maximum amount of time to spend in presolve phase 1 (in seconds). 
                                                    (default value - 300)
    46) -presolve2time  Values: positive reals -    The maximum amount of time to spend in presolve phase 2 (in seconds). 
                                                    (default value - 20)
    47) -bndRedTime     Values: positive reals -    The maximum amount of time to spend tightening variable bounds after 
                                                    processing each node (in seconds). (default value - 1)
    48) -ppTime         Values: positive reals -    The maximum amount of time to spend in preprocessing (in seconds). 
                                                    (default value - 1800)
    49) -dualGapLimit   Values: positive reals -    BB is terminated when the dual gap falls below its value. This value
                                                    indicates a percentage and should be on the scale 0-100. Note that 
                                                    unlike single objective MIP, dual information is not readily available 
                                                    and must be constructed in order to be utilized. This information is 
                                                    NOT generated unless -showProgress = T. Therefore, unless -
                                                    showProgress = T, this value has NO EFFECT. (default value - 0.3)
    50) -dualTime       Values: positive reals -    The maximum time to be spent attempting to generate the problem's dual 
                                                    bound (in seconds) if the overall time limit or node limit is 
                                                    exceeded. After this time limit is exceeded, the dual bound will be 
                                                    approximated. If twice this time limit is exceeded, BB will simply 
                                                    terminate, and indicate that the quality of the solution is unknown. 
                                                    (default value - 7200)
    51) -probePerc      Values: reals in [0,100] -  The percentage of integer variables which will be checked for probing. 
                                                    Probing has been shown to be effective, but can be extremely time 
                                                    consuming if there are a large number of integer variables. 
                                                    (default value - 100)
    52) -out            Values: a filename -    The name of the output file containing summary information. Note that this 
                                                file is opened in "append" format so that previous results are not 
                                                overwritten. (default value - bb_results.txt)
                                                Note: To suppress this output file entirely, enter "none"
    53) -print          Values: T -             The Pareto set is displayed in the standard out after termination of BB.
                                F -             Output of the Pareto set is suppressed. (default)
                                a filename -    The Pareto set is printed in the specified file after termination of BB.
    54) -matlab         Values: T - If displayed, the Pareto set is pre-formatted so that it can be copied and pasted into 
                                    the MATLAB file "display_Pareto.m" (included), which creates a plot of these 
                                    solutions. (default)
                                F - The Pareto set is displayed in the format:  (i) Segments: (x1,y1) -- (x2,y2) 
                                                                                (ii) Points: (x,y)


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