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How To Write An LLVM Register Allocator


This document is meant to be a quick start for developers who want to write a register allocator using the LLVM infrastructure.

In this tutorial, will be shown the method of writing a LLVM register allocator using the interface RegAllocBase, which is the simplest way, for those who want to create a allocator without this interface, they can find this tutorial helpful in some way also.

It's assumed that you already know what is a pass in the LLVM infrastructure, in the case you don't know, it's highly recommended to look Writing an LLVM Pass and of course, basics concepts for register allocation, intermediate representation of programs in compilers, SSA-form, liveness analysis and basic knowledge on computer organization and architecture.

Register Allocation

Register Allocation is executed during the Code Generation phase and consists in mapping a program with a unbounded number of virtual registers (like in the LLVM IR) to a program that contains a bounded (possibly small) number of physical registers of some particular architecture. Each target architecture has a different number of physical registers. If the number of physical registers is not enough to accommodate all the virtual registers, some of them will have to be mapped into memory. These virtual registers are called spilled virtuals. For more information about how the LLVM infrastructure represents registers, take a look at the Register Allocation Section in the LLVM docs.

The LLVM infrastructure provides a series of classes and tools to make the process of writing a register allocator easier.

Writing An Register Allocator in LLVM

In this section, will be shown the basic classes that are related to register allocation and how to write a register allocator extending the RegAllocBase interface.

Virtual Register and SSA

Virtual registers in the LLVM are represented by the LiveInterval class and each virtual register represents a unique variable with one single definition, this fact is due to the strict SSA-form, used to represent the LLVM IR. The SSA-form is destructed before the register allocation pass, but the Liveness Analysis is maintained in the SSA-form.

If you want to get all the virtual registers, you can use the following code:

 for (unsigned i = 0, e = MRI->getNumVirtRegs(); i != e; ++i) {
  // reg ID
  unsigned Reg = TargetRegisterInfo::index2VirtReg(i);
  // if is not a DEBUG register
  if (MRI->reg_nodbg_empty(Reg))
  // get the respective LiveInterval
  LiveInterval *VirtReg = &LIS->getInterval(Reg);

Where MRI corresponds to an instance of the MachineRegisterInfo class (contains information about virtual registers) and LIS corresponds to the Liveness Analysis pass, represented by the class LiveIntervals.

This procedure is performed in the RegAllocBase interface, by the method seedLiveRegs.

Irregularities in Architectures

Some architectures are not regular (such as x86) and their registers can be represented in different ways. The registers AH, AX and EAX share the same physical location, but they have different sizes. The LLVM deals with this by representing physical registers as register units, where each unit is an alias.

You can traverse through this units, given a physical register PhysReg and an instance of the class TargetRegisterInfo named TRI, using the following code:

for (MCRegUnitIterator Units(PhysReg, TRI); Units.isValid(); ++Units) {
     // do something

Another irregularity is pre-coloring, which consists of some physical registers of the architecture that are reserved for some operations like parameter passing, return values and others. One way to handle such registers by using the LiveRegMatrix class, which provides mechanisms to check if some physical register is reserved when you check for an interference, if it is reserved, the kind of interference returned will be IK_RegUnit. Another way is to call the freezeReservedRegs method of the MachineRegisterInfo class before the register allocation, this method will make the reserved physical register unaccessible during register allocation.

Interference Graph

Some register allocators uses the graph coloring approach, to do this they need a structure called Interference Graph, usually the nodes of such graphs are variables and each edge represents an interference between two or more variables, i.e., two or more variables which live the same time. To build an interference graph you'll need to do the following steps:

  • Add a node for each register unit and pre-color it.
  • Add a node for each virtual register.
  • Check for interferences between a virtual register and "the other virtual registers, also between a virtual register and register units, if an interference exists, add an edge. This interference can be checked through the overlaps method of the LiveInterval class.

This approach is to use the classical representation of the interference graph, LLVM provides a class named LiveRegMatrix that already performs a similar function. The difference is that this structure will check for interferences on-the-fly between a virtual register and the virtual registers assigned to some physical register. The LiveRegMatrix has four types of interferences (see the LiveRegMatrix source for reference).

To check the interference between a virtual register VirtReg and some physical register PhysReg, you can use an instance of the LiveRegMatrix named Matrix and also the AllocationOrder class, which provides an order of available physical registers that best fit for some virtual register. The arguments passed to the AllocationOrder constructor are an integer identifier of the virtual register, an instance of the VirtRegMap class and an instance of the RegisterClassInfo.

AllocationOrder Order(VirtReg->reg, *VRM, RegClassInfo);
while (unsigned PhysReg = {
 // Check for interference in PhysReg
 switch (Matrix->checkInterference(*VirtReg, PhysReg)) {
 case LiveRegMatrix::IK_Free:
   // do something

 case LiveRegMatrix::IK_VirtReg:
   // do something

   // do something

The LiveRegMatrix can also be used to collect all interferences of some virtual register VirtReg through the query method:

// Collect interferences assigned to any alias of the physical register.
for (MCRegUnitIterator Units(PhysReg, TRI); Units.isValid(); ++Units) {
 // build a query
 LiveIntervalUnion::Query &Q = Matrix->query(VirtReg, *Units);
 // collect all interfering virtual registers assigned to PhysReg
 // if some of the interferences cannot be spilled
 if (Q.seenUnspillableVReg()) {
  // do something
 // iterate through interferences
 for (unsigned i=0, e=Q.interferingVRegs().size(); i != e ; ++i) {
  LiveInterval *Intf = Q.interferingVRegs()[i];
  // do something

The The LiveRegMatrix also provides methods for assigning virtual registers to physical registers and unassign virtual registers from physical registers.


To apply spill to a virtual register, the class InlineSpiller can be used, this class implements the Spiller interface. The method used to apply spill to a virtual register is named spill and takes as parameter a instance of the class LiveRangeEdit. An instance of the LiveRangeEdit class has to be created each time the allocator decide to apply spill or split some virtual register, in order to create a new virtual register and preserves the original. The LiveRangeEdit constructor takes as parameters: the virtual register that will be modified, an array to insert split virtual registers, a pointer to the current function, a pointer to the Liveness Analysis and an instance of the VirtRegMap class.

// Spill some virtual register
LiveRangeEdit LRE(&VirtReg, SplitVRegs, *MF, *LIS, VRM);

After a spill has been inserted, the pass of Liveness Analysis is automatically called to update the LiveIntervals information.

The spill cost of each virtual register is already computed before the register allocation pass and it's stored in the weight attribute of the LiveInterval class, for more information see the CalcSpillWeights file.

Using the RegAllocBase Interface

The files that correspond to the header (RegAllocBase.h) and implementation (RegAllocBase.cpp) of the RegAllocBase interface are in the llvm/lib/CodeGen directory.

The RegAllocBase.h provides the methods that need to be overridden in order to implement the logic of the register allocator and attributes that stores useful information to the register allocation pass.

Some of the attributes are the following, to get more deeper information about each one, you can access the doxygen documentation of LLVM:

  • TRI: TargetRegisterInfo instance, provides information about the register in the target architecture.
  • MRI: MachineRegisterInfo instance, provides information about the virtual and physical registers.
  • VRM: VirtRegMap instance, maps virtual register to physical registers and also to stack slots.
  • LIS: LiveIntervals instance, provides information about the Liveness Analysis.
  • Matrix: LiveRegMatrix instance, provides on-the-fly interference information and indirect assignment and unassignment of virtual registers.
  • RegClassInfo: RegisterClassInfo instance, provides information about target register classes dynamically.

To implement the logic of the register allocator that have been designed, you'll need override the following methods.

The spiller Method

This methods returns an instance of some class that implements the Spiller interface, like the InlineSpiller class.

/// Inline Spiller
Spiller &spiller() override;

The enqueue Method

This method dictates the logic to the insertion of new virtual registers in the structure that you are using to store them. This method is called in the seedLiveRegs method and at each spill insertion, in order to store the new LiveInterval that has been created.

/// Put a new VirtReg for later assignment
void enqueue(LiveInterval *LI) override;

The dequeue Method

This method dictates the order to the removal of virtual registers of the structure that you are using to store them, so that virtual register will be assigned then. This method is called in the allocatePhysRegs method until some virtual register have not has been assigned yet.

/// Select a VirtReg for assignment
LiveInterval *dequeue() override;

The selectOrSplit Method

This method implements the logic of the heuristic applied to the register allocator, at each call the method will return an available physical register for some virtual register or it will split it. The split is not mandatory, but if you apply, you'll have to append the splitted virtual registers in the splitLRVs array. If you do not apply split, probably you'll have to spill the virtual register in the implementation of this method.

// Each call must guarantee forward progress by returning an available PhysReg or new set of split live virtual registers.
// It is up to the splitter to converge quickly toward fully spilled live ranges.
unsigned selectOrSplit(LiveInterval &VirtReg,
                      SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &splitLRVs) override;

The aboutToRemoveInterval Method

This method will be called before some the removal of some virtual register (i.e. LiveInterval instance). In this method you'll update some property or data struct that depends on information about the respective virtual register.

/// Method called when the allocator is about to remove a LiveInterval.
void aboutToRemoveInterval(LiveInterval &LI) override;

Built in Methods

Besides the methods that need to be overridden, the RegAllocBase interface has some methods that already have a implementation in the RegAllocBase.cpp file, this methods are the following ones.

The init Method

This methods initiates the attributes of the interface, makes the reserved register inaccessible and collects dynamic information about the register classes of the target architecture. The method has the following signature:

// A RegAlloc pass should call this before allocatePhysRegs.
void init(VirtRegMap &vrm, LiveIntervals &lis, LiveRegMatrix &mat);
The seedLiveRegs Method

This method collects all the available virtual registers before the register allocation and stores them through the enqueue method. It's a private method and has the following signature:

void seedLiveRegs();
The allocatePhysRegs() Method

This method is responsible for perform the allocation, while the dequeue returns a valid virtual register, the assignment to a physical register will be performed, in the case that a available physical register has not been found, the method will continue to the next iteration or will call enqueue, in the case where live interval splitting has been applied. The method has the following signature:

// The top-level driver. The output is a VirtRegMap that us updated with
// physical register assignments.
void allocatePhysRegs();

Once you have created the logic of your register allocator, you'll need to register it in the LLVM PassManager, this can be done using an existing pass registry for a new register allocator.

It's worth to remember that you have to inherit from an MachineXXXXPass also, where XXXX depends on the scope that you'll work with your register allocator, like Module, Function or BasicBlock.

Once you have registered your register allocation pass, you can use it in tools like llc:

$ llc -help
  -regalloc                    - Register allocator to use (default=linearscan)
  =linearscan                -   linear scan register allocator
  =local                     -   local register allocator
  =simple                    -   simple register allocator
  =myregalloc                -   my register allocator help string


How To Start

One good example to learn how the register allocation pass works on LLVM, using the RegAllocBase interface, is checking at the source code of the basic register allocator (RegAllocBasic.cpp) under the llvm/lib/CodeGen/ directory.

This allocator have a simple implementation, which is great for those who wants a kickoff to write a register allocator using LLVM.


If you want to collect some statistics in your register allocation pass, you can use the LLVM STATISTIC macro.


If you want to print debug messages in your register allocation pass, you can use the LLVM DEBUG macro.


The LLVM infrastructure automatically measures the runtime of passes executed during the compilation when you use the -time-passes option in tools like llc, if you want the runtime of an specific region of your register allocator code you can use:

NamedRegionTimer T("Code Region", TimerGroupName, TimePassesIsEnabled);

Where the TimeGroupName instance is accessible only if you use the RegAllocBase interface.

Command Line Options

If you want to add some command line options to tweak your register allocator, you can use the Command Line Library.