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JavaScript library providing some functional helpers, all very Promise-friendly


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fun-helpers is a small collection of simple functions I've got used to use daily with promises. I finally packaged them here. It's very similar to fn.js or fun.js except its main purpose is to be "Promise-friendly" and as light as possible (no fancy autoCurry).

What I mean by "Promise-friendly" is that every method of this API returns a single-parameter function, ready to be used in your thens. For example map will not take two arguments but only one, the mapping function, and will return a function taking an array as parameter and returning the result of applying the mapping function over it.


var lowerNames = getUsers()
  .then(map(get("name"))) // get all users' names
  .then(call("strToLower")) // call method from each string
  .then(neutral(console.log)) // make a function neutral (return its first argument)


Written for Node.js but should be compatible with any modern browser (including Internet Explorer ≥ 9) using browserify or the pre-built versions in dist folder.


For Node.js:

npm install fun-helpers

If you target browser and don't use browserify, you can download a pre-built standalone version:


Read next section if you don't know how to read this API.

Note: All methods are safe (they do not mutate their input), and will have no side-effect in case of multiple thens on same promise.

  • all(test) any -> boolean -> [any] -> boolean
    • Checks if all elements of the promised array pass the test
  • any(test) any -> boolean -> [any] -> boolean
    • Checks if any element in the promised array pass the test
  • call(name, args…) (string, any…) -> Object -> any
    • Calls method "name" of the promised object, with optional additional arguments
  • defaults(values) Object -> Object -> Object
    • Sets all undefined keys of promised object to those from input object
  • equals(value) any -> any -> boolean
    • Checks if promised value is identical (triple equal) to input value
  • every(test) is an alias to all(test)
  • filter(test) any -> boolean -> [any] -> [any]
    • Filters promised array, keeping only values passing the test
  • get(property) string -> Object -> any
    • Returns property by its name from promised object
  • ifndef(default) -> any -> any -> any
    • Returns default value if promised value is null or undefined (default can be a function returning the value, or directly the fallback value)
  • isA(type) string or function -> any -> boolean
    • Checks promised value is of the given type (can be a type name or a constructor function)
  • is(value) is an alias to equals(value)
  • map(transform) any -> any -> [any] -> [any]
    • Returns the result of applying transform on every item of promised array
  • merge
    • Sets all keys of promised object (defined or not, it overwrites) to those from input object
  • neutral(foo) any… -> any -> any -> any
    • Will apply foo on promised value and return promised value, whatever foo was supposed to return
    • This is especially useful for loggers or function that do not return their input and would break the chain
  • not(foo) any -> boolean -> any -> boolean
    • Applies foo on promised value and returns reversed result
  • partial(foo, fixedArgs…) (any… -> any), any… -> any… -> any
    • The usual partial tool, will return a function like foo but with the n first parameters fixed
  • promisify(foo, PromiseImpl) (any…, (Error, any<T>)) -> any… -> Promise<T>
    • Transform a callback-style asynchronous function into a function returning a promise (provide Promise implementation if no global Promise object exists)
  • reduce(foo) any, any, number, [any] -> any -> [any] -> any
  • reduceRight is like reduce but will work with reversed array
  • resolve(value) any -> any -> any
    • Returns a function returning the given value whatever its input is.
  • set(property, value) string, any -> Object -> Object
    • Sets the property of promised object to given value
  • set(object, property) Object, string -> any -> Object
    • Sets the property of given object to promised value
  • some is an alias to any(test)
  • spread(foo) any… -> any -> [any] -> any
    • Will create a new function accepting a single Array argument, and returning the result of foo applied to those spread arguments
    • An additional parameter can be passed to set foo's this
  • unset(property) string -> Object -> Object
    • Deletes property from promised object

How to read type notation

Notation used here is inspired by (more and more common) Haskell type formatting:

(x, y) -> z

Can be read as a function taking two arguments of type x and y, and returning a value of type z.

Take all(test) for example:

  • all (any -> boolean) -> [any] -> boolean

Means all takes a parameter like function (anything) { return aBoolean }, and returns a result like function (array) { return aBoolean }.


JavaScript library providing some functional helpers, all very Promise-friendly





