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Stats Viewer


The tool & why

Stats Viewer is a helping tool to track score progress and performance improvement over time, by displaying a list sorted by your most played scenarios so you can focus on the bigger picture. Each scenario shows an interactive chart with your max and average scores.

Originally, the idea was just to list which were the scenarios I had played the most. You already have access to this information in Kovaak's, but there you have to go through tons of scenarios clicking one by one with most of them containing just a few data points, this app shows the same information but sorted by most played.


  • On the top right of each chart there is a toolbox where you can zoom in and download them as an image to share on social media.

  • Hover over data points (the dots on the lines) to check the FOV and sensibility you used to get high scores and visualize what worked best for you.

  • Toggle max scores, average scores and 7-day moving average lines by clicking on the legend at the top of the chart.

  • The 7-day moving average is a weighted moving average where scores achieved on the same day receive equal weight and the weight decreases in descending order within the 7-day window. This means recent scores contribute more to the average value.

  • Quickly go to a specific scenario by using the browser's search function (ctrl + f by default in most browsers).

Performance Chart BETA

Calculates your performance by getting the average score for every scenario (of that day) and converting it into a percentage of your current high score.


Day 1, Scenario X, current high score: 50.
Challenge scores for day 1: 40, 45, 49.
Convert those scores into a percentage of high score ((score*100) / high score): 80, 90, 98.
Day 1, Scenario X performance: 89.

This is done for each scenario played that day and calculating the performance average of all scenarios.

Online sample

Not hyped yet?!

Before you download and run the tool to add value to your training and progress tracking, check out this online sample.

How does it work?

The application will process the files in the stats folder to generate a list with a chart per scenario, and output StatsViewer.html file in the same directory as the tool's executable statsViewer.exe.

That also means that if you lost some of your stats files when switching PC's, uninstalling Kovaak's, reinstalling your operating system or by any other means, that data won't be available in the result.

How to use

It's super simple, I just like to write a lot.

Basicaly you download the app, set the path to your stats folder (which is even optional, see third option on step 2) and run it.

  1. Download and extract the latest release of the tool here.

  2. Set the path to your Kovaak's stats folder. There are three different options for this step.

    1. Are you already using Progress Sheet Updater? Copy the config.json file from that tool and paste it inside StatsViewer folder (the one you extracted in step 1). Done.

    2. Inside StatsViewer folder (the one you extracted in step 1) create a file named config.json and paste the following snippet:

          "stats_path": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\FPSAimTrainer\\FPSAimTrainer\\stats"

      Make sure you duplicate each "\", as in the example above.

      If your steam library is not installed in the default location you will need change the path manually to point it to the right stats folder (Instructions: "Find your stats folder"). Done.

    3. For the lazy ones. Copy the contents from StatsViewer folder (the one you extracted in step 1) and paste them in the same directory of your stats folder.

      The executable statsViewer.exe has to be in the same directory as the stats folder (not inside). Done.

      For example, if your stats path is


      You want to paste them in

  3. Run the tool by executing or double clicking statsViewer.exe.

  4. A terminal/console will open and you'll see a progress bar. Wait for a few seconds as it processes your data.

  5. Once finished, that window will close itself and you should have a new file StatsViewer.html in the same directory as the executable statsViewer.exe. Double click the .html file to open it in your default browser. That's it, done!

TIP: Run the tool everytime you want to update the charts.

Upgrading version

Extract this files of the new release onto the old ones and make sure to replace all files. Or extract them into a different folder and copy the config.json file to this new directory.

Troubleshooting & support

Tested on Windows 10.

If you need some help or found a bug, feel free to open an issue or contact me via Discord at Malhumoradour#5542 and send me a screenshot of the error you found.

Suggestions and PR's welcome!


This is my first open source side project and also my first time programming in Go.

Shipping was prioritized over code quality so if you are a dev and want to check the code, I offer my sincere apology for what your eyes are about to see.

Build it from source

Go 1.15+ required.

$ git clone
$ cd statsViewer
$ go build