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MCMotdParser Build Status

A parser for Minecraft motds which parses them to HTML

Supports parsing old and new format motds to HTML and parsing old format motds to new JSON format motds.

Usage NodeJS:
Install from npm (see
npm install motdparser

const motdparser = require('mcmotdparser');
var motd = "§aSuper cool Server §7Come join us! §e§lNEW GAME:§b§l THE BRIDGE";
var html = "";
motdparser.toHtml(motd, (err, res) => {
	html = res;

Usage Web:

// Include this tag in your head or below your body
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

	var motd = "§aSuper cool Server §7Come join us! §e§lNEW GAME:§b§l THE BRIDGE";
	var html = "";
	motdParser.toHtml(motd, function(err, res) {
		html = res; // Do with this whatever you want :)

To convert a "text" style motd to a modern json motd one can use motdParser.textToJson("motdtext", callback);

The CSS File which helps styling the output are in the dist/ Folder and on Parsing is supported for motds in text format as well as motds in the Minecraft Json-Text Format.


Render of the example above:
Another example:
And one last example:

Size (gipped):

File Size
motdparserweb.js.gz 1424 bytes
mcmotd.css.gz 491 bytes
=> 1.9 kB all together