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Container Registry Sync


Container Registry Sync (crs) lets you sync Docker images between registries, public or private. Several sync tasks can be defined, as one-off or periodic tasks (see Configuration section). An image is synced by using a sync relay, a local Docker daemon. When using the latter, the image is first pulled from the source, then tagged for the destination, and finally pushed there.

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  • Starring and sharing the projects you like 🚀

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Thanks! ❤️


Usage: registry-sync or crs [options]


    -h, --help      output usage information
    -V, --version   output the version number
    -d, --dryrun    Enable dryrun (simulate pushes and pulls). Flag.
    -h, --host <s>  Docker host. Default: $DOCKER_HOST or unix:///var/run/docker.sock
    -b --bail       Exit process on first error. Flag.
    --config <s>    Path to config yaml.

Config File

  # Docker host to use as the relay
  dockerhost: unix:///var/run/docker.sock
  # Docker API version to use, defaults to 1.24
  api-version: 1.24

# settings for image matching (see below)
  # maximum number of repositories to list, set to -1 for no limit, defaults to 100
  maxItems: 100
  # for how long a repository list will be re-used before retrieving again;
  # specify as a Go duration value ('s', 'm', or 'h'), set to -1 for not caching,
  # defaults to 1h
  cacheDuration: 1h

# list of sync tasks
  - name: task1 # required

    # interval in seconds at which the task should be run; when omitted,
    # the task is only run once at start-up
    interval: 60

    # determines whether for this task, more verbose output should be
    # produced; defaults to false when omitted
    verbose: true

    # 'source' and 'target' are both required and describe the source and
    # target registries for this task:
    #  - 'registry' points to the server; required
    #  - 'username' if required by the registry
    #  - 'password' if required by the registry
    #  - 'skip-tls-verify' determines whether to skip TLS verification for the
    #    registry server (only for 'skopeo', see note below); defaults to false
      password: CLI-PASSWORD
      password: CLI-PASSWORD
      skip-tls-verify: true

    # 'mappings' is a list of 'from':'to' pairs that define mappings of image
    # paths in the source registry to paths in the destination; 'from' is
    # required, while 'to' can be dropped if the path should remain the same as
    # 'from'. Regular expressions are supported in both fields. Additionally, 
    # the tags being synced for a mapping can
    # be limited by providing a 'tags' list. This list may contain semver and
    # regular expressions filters. When omitted, all image tags are
    # synced.
      - from: test/image
        to: archive/test/image
        tags: ['0.1.0', '0.1.1']
      - from: test/another-image

Docker Configuration


  • Using in a Docker-Container

The container must have access to the docker.sock, so you have to add the docker-group ID to the container with

docker run ... --group-add 250
the ID 250 may be different on your system.

Exposing TCP-Daemon port

  • hostname hostname of docker (e.g. "localhost")
  • port port of docker (e.g. "2375")

In order to expose the docker-engine TCP daemon, you have to do the following:

  • Docker for Windows / Docker Desktop:
    Under Settings / General check "Expose daemon on tcp://localhost:2375 without TLS"


  • Docker-CE



# File: /etc/default/docker
# Use DOCKER_OPTS to modify the daemon startup options.
DOCKER_OPTS="-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock"


# File: /lib/systemd/system/docker.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker daemon -H fd:// -H tcp://
