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ghost-on-github is a Docker container for running Ghost blog on docker and publising on github pages. This is a combination of official Ghost docker image and ghost-on-github scripts in one docker image for ease of deployment and publishing.

Credits to Ghost community and Fernando Paladini for Ghost on Github scripts. All I have done here is combined them both to run the Ghost blog on Docker and also publish on Github pages.


  • Docker installation is required, make sure your host has Docker installed and you can run docker containers.
  • New Github Repository to publish the ghost blog on github. (This is optional, you can run the ghost blog as is on host server)


To Run Ghost blog

docker-compose up -d

Contents of docker-compose.yml file

version: '3'

    image: najarramsada/ghost-on-github
    container_name: ghost #name your container for easy identification.
    restart: always
      - 8880:2368 #Ghost is running on 2368, map a custom port to your host server.
      - ghost:/home/node/.ghost/content	#Always a good idea to have a volume for persistent data. If not used, each time you start the container a new instance of blog will be deployed  


Edit your blog locally

Go to your web browser and open a link http://<docker host IP>:<your custom port>/ (e.g. Go to http://<docker host IP>:<your custom port>/admin to create your account and edit the blog to your liking. This is also the address for you to write a new post.

To publish the Ghost blog on your github pages.

Go to and create a new repository. Copy the HTTPS URL of your repository, e.g.

For first run below commands are required to establish the github identity

docker exec -it <Container name or id> gosu node git config --global "<Your Github useremail>"

docker exec -it <Container name or id> gosu node git config --global "<Your Github username>"

Publish the blog

docker exec -it <Container name or id> gosu node /tmp/

For first commit you will need to supply the Github repository URL which was copied in earlier step (e.g. This script will also prompt you to login to github, enter your username and password. Wait till the repository is pushed to Github pages, than goto settings page of your github repository and it will show you the URL it is published as. Your blog is live on github pages.

Ongoing Updates

Downside of hosting Ghost blog on Github is that each time you write a new post, you need to update the static pages on github, to do that just run below command on host where your Ghost docker is running. This is a same command that was used for first commit and applies for ongoing update.

docker exec -it <Container name or id> gosu node /tmp/
