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File metadata and controls

331 lines (237 loc) · 6.39 KB


Mflow is the monad-style flow control library for nodejs.

This library is inspired by followings:

Supported monad-style flows are followings:

  • async
  • lazy
  • maybe
  • state


Mflow uses ECMAScript 6 generators. Currently you must use the --harmony-generators flag when running node 0.11.x.


$ npm install mflow


This is an async flow.

var fs = require('fs');
var mflow = require('mflow');
var async = mflow.async;

var flow = async(function *() {
  var a = yield function(f) { fs.readFile('file1', 'utf8', f); };
  var b = yield function(f) { fs.readFile('file2', 'utf8', f); };
  return a + b;

flow(function (err, data) {
  if (err) throw err;


Mflow provides following top-level functions:

  • async
  • lazy
  • maybe
  • state

These functions accept a generator function which has no parameter.


Makes an async flow.

  • fn: a generator function
  • return: an async function

The yieldable values are followings:

  • a function which has one parameter and passes it to an async function
  • an async flow

yield returns the async function's result.

var fs = require('fs');
var mflow = require('mflow');
var async = mflow.async;

var flow = async(function *() {
  var a = yield function(f) { fs.readFile('file1', 'utf8', f); };
  var b = yield function(f) { fs.readFile('file2', 'utf8', f); };
  return a + b;

flow(function (err, data) {
  if (err) throw err;


Runs multiple async functions in parallel.

  • fn...: multiple functions or an array of function
  • return: a yieldable function. When this function is yielded, all joined function's results are returned as an array.
var fs = require('fs');
var mflow = require('mflow');
var async = mflow.async;

var flow = async(function *() {
  var a = function(f) { fs.readFile('file1', 'utf8', f); };
  var b = function(f) { fs.readFile('file2', 'utf8', f); };
  var results = yield async.join(a, b);
  // instead of multiple arguments, you can use an array.
  // var results = yield async.join([a, b]);
  return results[0] + results[1];

flow(function (err, data) {
  if (err) throw err;


Makes a lazy flow.

  • fn: a generator function
  • return: a function which wraps an expression. When this function is called or is yielded, the expression is evaluated only once.

The yieldable values are followings:

  • a function which has no parameter and returns a value
  • a lazy flow
  • non-function value: When it is yielded, the value is returned without any change.
var mflow = require('mflow');
var lazy = mflow.lazy;

var x = 10;
var result = lazy(function *() {
  return x + 10;

console.log(result()); // 20

When a non-function value is yielded, the value is returned without any change.

var mflow = require('mflow');
var lazy = mflow.lazy;

var x = 10;
var lazyValue1 = lazy(function *() { return x + 10; });
var lazyValue2 = lazy(function *() { return x * 10; });

function add(value1, value2) {
  return lazy(function *() {
    var a = yield value1;
    var b = yield value2;
    return a + b; 

console.log(add(lazyValue1, lazyValue2)()); // 120
console.log(add(1, 2)()); // 3


Runs a flow which results a successful value or null.

  • fn: a generator function
  • return: a successful value or null

The yieldable values are followings:

  • null
  • undefined
  • other values

When null or undefined is yielded, the flow is stopped and results null. Otherwise the yielded value is returned without any change.

var mflow = require('mflow');
var maybe = mflow.maybe;

function add(x, y) {
  return maybe(function *() {
    var a = yield x;
    var b = yield y;
    return a + b;

console.log(add(1, 2));    // 3
console.log(add(1, null)); // null


Makes a state flow.

  • fn: a generator function
  • return: a function which has one parameter and returns an array. The parameter is a flow's state. The returned array contains the flow's result as 1st elment and the flow's state as 2nd element.

The yieldable values are followings:

  • a function which has one parameter and returns an array. The parameter is a flow's state. The returned array contains the flow's result as 1st elment and the flow's state as 2nd element.
  • a state flow
var mflow = require('mflow');
var state = mflow.state;

function pop() {
  return function (s) {
    return [s.shift(), s];
function push(value) {
  return function (s) {
    return [null, s];

var flow = state(function* () {
  var a = yield pop();
  if (a === 5) {
    yield push(5);
  } else {
    yield push(3);
    yield push(8);
  return 10;

var result = flow([9, 0, 2, 1, 0]);
console.log(result[0]); // 10
console.log(result[1]); // [8, 3, 0, 2, 1, 0]


Gets a flow's state.

  • return: a yieldable function. When this function is apply to yield, a flow's state are returned.

pop and push functions in abobe code can be replaced with following implementations using state.get and state.put:

var pop = function () { 
  return state(function *() {
    var s = yield state.get();
    var ret = s.shift();
    yield state.put(s);
    return ret;

var push = function (value) {
  return state(function *() {
    var s = yield state.get();
    yield state.put(s);


Puts a new state as a flow's state.

  • s: a new state
  • return: a yieldable function. When this function is apply to yield, a flow's state is replaced with the argument.

See state.get().

state.eval(flow, s)

Runs a flow and returns the flow's result.

  • flow: a state flow
  • s: a flow's state

Followings are equivalent:

var result = state.eval(flow, [9, 0, 2, 1, 0]);
console.log(result); // 10
var result = flow([9, 0, 2, 1, 0]);
console.log(result[0]); // 10

state.exec(flow, s)

Runs a flow and returns the flow's state.

  • flow: a state flow
  • s: a flow's state

Followings are equivalent:

var result = state.exec(flow, [9, 0, 2, 1, 0]);
console.log(result); // [8, 3, 0, 2, 1, 0]
var result = flow([9, 0, 2, 1, 0]);
console.log(result[1]); // [8, 3, 0, 2, 1, 0]


$ mocha --harmony-generators
