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NamanCustomAlertDialogLibrary is the customize Android alert dialog library feel free to use it.

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NamanCustomAlertDialogLibrary is the customize Android alert dialog library.

Example is available in app module.



Add this to your app build.gradle:

dependencies {
implementation 'com.rultech.naman.namandialoglibrary:NamanCustomAlertDialogLibrary:0.1.4'



NamanCustomAlertDialogLibrary extends Dialog class, so feel free to use its inherited functions.

Note: Default dialog has no title, message or any buttons. Just a close icon on top and you can dismiss the dialog by clicking outside the dialog or on clicking "ok" button.

Simple Dialog, No Customization:

NamanCustomDialog namanCustomDialog = new NamanCustomDialog(MainActivity.this);
                namanCustomDialog.setTitle("Request Send").setIcon(null, null, null);
                namanCustomDialog.setMessage("Changes will appear after some time");
                namanCustomDialog.addButton("OK", null, null, new NamanCustomDialogCallback() {
                    public void onClick() {
                        Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "OK", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

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Change Icon:

  • You can set the dialog icon resource:
.setIcon(R.drawable.pdlg_icon_info, null, null)
  • And set a color tint for it:
.setIcon(null, R.color.pdlg_color_black, null)

  • And set background color for it:
.setIcon(null, null, R.color.pdlg_color_green);
  • All in one place
.setIcon(R.drawable.ic_setting, R.color.pdlg_color_yellow, R.color.pdlg_color_red)

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Add Buttons:

Note: There are two types of button available one which gets the edittext value and other gives only button click event :

  • You can add unlimited customized buttons to dialog:there are two types of button one which gets the edittext value and other gives only button click event

// Button with Edit text string value.

 .addButtonWithEditetext("Submit", R.color.pdlg_color_black, R.color.pdlg_color_gray, new NamanCustomDialogWithDataCallback() {
                    public void onClickWithData(String firstEditTextValue, String secondEditTextValue, String thirdEditTextValue) {
                        Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, firstEditTextValue + " " + secondEditTextValue + " " + thirdEditTextValue, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

//Simple click event button

               .addButton("Cancel", R.color.pdlg_color_black, R.color.pdlg_color_gray, new NamanCustomDialogCallback() {
                   public void onClick() {
                       Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "close the dialog", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Set Edit Text max 3:

Note: You can add maximum 3 edit text in your dialog just pass the number 3 in setEditText method along with the hints of edit text you need for example: Note: To get the values of edit text use addButtonWithEditetext() method it will give you the string typed in edit text

  • This will create 3 edit text with the hints given below
 .setEditText(3, "Current Password", "New Password", "Confirm Password")
  • This will create two edit fields with the given hints
 .setEditText(2, "Current Password", "New Password", "null")
  • This will give you a single edit text with the hint
.setEditText(1, "Current Password", "null", "null")

Set Edit Text InputType :

Note: You can also set the InputType of every edit text for example: .setEditTextInputType(idIfEditText, InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT)

  • This will set the first edittext input type as text
.setEditTextInputType(1, InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT)
  • This will set the Second edittext input type as text
  .setEditTextInputType(2, InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD)

  • This will set the Third edittext input type as text
 .setEditTextInputType(3, InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD)
  • And if you want all your edit text to have same input type For example password then type "4" in idOfEditText
 .setEditTextInputType(4, InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD)
 namanCustomDialog = new NamanCustomDialog(MainActivity.this);
                namanCustomDialog.setTitle("Change Password ?").setIcon(null, R.color.pdlg_color_black, R.color.pdlg_color_gray)
                        .setEditText(3, "Current Password", "New Password", "Confirm Password")
                        .setEditTextInputType(1, InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT)
                        .setEditTextInputType(2, InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD)
                        .setEditTextInputType(3, InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD)
                .addButtonWithEditetext("Submit", R.color.pdlg_color_black, R.color.pdlg_color_gray, new NamanCustomDialogWithDataCallback() {
                    public void onClickWithData(String firstEditTextValue, String secondEditTextValue, String thirdEditTextValue) {
                        Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, firstEditTextValue + " " + secondEditTextValue + " " + thirdEditTextValue, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                .addButton("Cancel", R.color.pdlg_color_black, R.color.pdlg_color_gray, new NamanCustomDialogCallback() {
                    public void onClick() {
                        Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "close the dialog", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

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Note: To Dismiss NamanCustomDialog on a button click, you have to instantiate NamanCustomDialog and keep the variable, then call hide() on the variable inside button's onClickListener method:

NamanCustomDialog namanCustomDialog = new NamanCustomDialog(MainActivity.this);
                namanCustomDialog.setTitle("Request Send").setIcon(null, null, null);
                namanCustomDialog.setMessage("Changes will appear after some time");
                namanCustomDialog.addButton("OK", null, null, new NamanCustomDialogCallback() {
                    public void onClick() {
                        Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "OK", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Simple Dialog with edittext and Buttons:

NamanCustomDialog namanCustomDialog = new NamanCustomDialog(MainActivity.this);
                namanCustomDialog.setTitle("Forgot Password ?").setIcon(null, null, R.color.pdlg_color_green);
                namanCustomDialog.setEditText(1, "Enter your email", null, null);
                namanCustomDialog.addButtonWithEditetext("Submit", null, R.color.pdlg_color_green, new NamanCustomDialogWithDataCallback() {
                    public void onClickWithData(String firstEditTextValue, String secondEditTextValue, String thirdEditTextValue) {
                        Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, firstEditTextValue, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                namanCustomDialog.addButton("Cancel", null, R.color.pdlg_color_green, new NamanCustomDialogCallback() {
                    public void onClick() {
                        Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "close the dialog", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


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Custom Title, Message,Buttons:

 namanCustomDialog = new NamanCustomDialog(MainActivity.this);
                namanCustomDialog.setIcon(R.drawable.ic_setting, R.color.pdlg_color_yellow, R.color.pdlg_color_red)
                        .setMessage("Changes will appear after some time")
                namanCustomDialog.addButton("Submit", null, R.color.pdlg_color_red, new NamanCustomDialogCallback() {
                    public void onClick() {
                        Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Submit", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                namanCustomDialog.addButton("Submit", null, R.color.pdlg_color_green, new NamanCustomDialogCallback() {
                    public void onClick() {
                        Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Submit", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                namanCustomDialog.addButton("Cancel", null, R.color.pdlg_color_blue, new NamanCustomDialogCallback() {
                    public void onClick() {
                        Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Submit", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

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Change button Height and Text size:

  • Change Button Height
  • Change Button Text Size
NamanCustomDialog namanCustomDialog=new NamanCustomDialog(this);
                        .setTitle("Button size change")
                        .setMessage("change button height and button text size")
                        .addButton("Submit", null, null, new NamanCustomDialogCallback() {
                            public void onClick() {
                                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Submit", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                        .addButton("Submit", null, null, new NamanCustomDialogCallback() {
                            public void onClick() {
                                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Submit", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


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Change font style of whole dialog:

  • Change Type face

  namanCustomDialog=new NamanCustomDialog(this);
                        .setTitle("Change font of dialog")
                        .setMessage("change front style of the dialog")
                        .addButtonWithEditetext("Submit", null, null, new NamanCustomDialogWithDataCallback() {
                            public void onClickWithData(String firstEditTextValue, String secondEditTextValue, String thirdEditTextValue) {
                                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, firstEditTextValue, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                        .addButton("Cancel", null, null, new NamanCustomDialogCallback() {
                            public void onClick() {
                                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Submit", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

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  • Enable/Disable dialog animation:
  • Set Typeface:


Functions Description Default
setTitle(String) sets a title for dialog ""
setTitleTextColor(Integer color) sets title's color #212121 (kinda black)
setTitleTextSize(float size) set the size of title text
setMessage(String) sets a message for dialog ""
setMessageTextColor(Integer color) sets message's color #212121 (kinda black)
setMessageTextSize(float size) sets message's text size
setIcon(Integer icon, Integer iconTint, Integer backgroundColor) sets the dialog's icon, iconTint, backgroundColor "edit" icon
setEditText(int numberOfEdittext, String hint1, String hint2, String hint3) sets the number of edittext you want max 3, hint of first edittext,hint of second edittext, hint of third edit text, if you need only 1 edittext then pass null in hint2 and hint3 no default value you have to set it
setEditTextInputType(int idOfEdittext, int inputType) sets the input type of a particular edittext ids of edit text is 1,2,3 defalut is text
addButton(String buttonText, Integer buttonTextColor, Integer buttonBackGroundColor, NamanCustomDialogCallback callback) adds button with text,text color,background color and callback
addButtonWithEditetext(String buttonText, Integer buttonTextColor, Integer buttonBackGroundColor, final NamanCustomDialogWithDataCallback customDialogWithDataCallback) adds button with text,text color,background color and customDialogWithDataCallback
setAnimationEnabled(boolean) enables or disables dialog animation Disables
setButtonsHeight(Interger buttonHeight) set the all buttons height
setButtonsTextSize(Interger butonTextSize) set the all buttons text size
setTypeface(Typeface.defaultFromStyle(Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC)) set the font style of whole dialog
setButtonTypeface(Typeface.defaultFromStyle(Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC)) set the font style of whole dialog buttons
setEditTextTypeface(Typeface.defaultFromStyle(Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC)) set the font style of whole dialog edittext
setTitileTypeface(Typeface.defaultFromStyle(Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC)) set the font style of dialog title
setMessageTypeface(Typeface.defaultFromStyle(Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC)) set the font style of dialog message
setButtonsBackgroundImage(R.drawable.button_background) make sure you use this after adding the button


Modified Version of All credits goes to


NamanCustomAlertDialogLibrary is the customize Android alert dialog library feel free to use it.






No releases published


