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José Ignacio Amelivia Santiago edited this page Oct 29, 2020 · 2 revisions

Get travel restrictions

Get travel restrictions endpoint reference on the official TravelPerk documentation.

Given the origin, destination, and a Carbon date, this function will fetch the travel restrictions between the two locations at the specific date.


Get local summary

Get local summary endpoint reference on the official TravelPerk documentation.

Given the location this function will fetch the local guidelines summary for that location.

$travelperk->travelSafe()->travelSafe()->localSummary('ES', 'country_code');

Get airline safety measures

Get airline safety measures endpoint reference on the official TravelPerk documentation.

Given the iata code for the airline this function will fetch the safety measures for that airline.

$webhook = $travelperk->travelSafe()->travelSafe()->airlineSafetyMeasures('LH');

Get location types

Will return all possible location types.

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