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#aes encrypt with Android Jni based by openssl evp api this is a project process aes encrypt and decrpty , JNI packed, and use OPENSSL EVP api.

##folder tree:

|-sosec (the root folder of ndk build)
|--myApp (main cpp folder)
|--libs (the output armeabi/armeabi-v7a so files folder)

|-testAES (the root folder of android project)
|--src (the source folder contains test main function)
|--libs (the so files created by sosec/libs)


  1. download the latest NDK from and install it on path /home/NDK , in this example ,the ndk version is r10d-linux64, so after installed ,the NDK path is /home/NDK/android-ndk-r10d
  2. to check NDK installed ,entry the ndk path ,type ndk-build cmd in bash .
  3. copy sosec folder to path /home/sosec ,in this example ,the path is /home/sosec
  4. entry the sosec path in your bash (cd home/sosec)
  5. :~/sosec$../NDK/android-ndk-r10d/ndk-build
  6. it will notice ": => libs/armeabi/" , copy this to libs path in your android project, then use in the example code to use this so library.

the main source code is in path sosec/myApp/, pls modify the code under this path ,don't modify the code outside myApp


    final String srouce = "12374488";
    final String key = "abcdefg12345";
    String ciphterText = JniHelp.aesEncrypt(srouce, key);
    String plaintText = JniHelp.aesDecrypt(ciphterText, key);