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sigstore policy controller demo

This demo will show you how to use the sigstore policy (admission) controller to verify keyless sigstore signatures.

Huh, what the hell is keyless?

Keyless is the slight of hand we use to perform crypto signing with no need for long term key management.

The flow is in general terms:

An ecdsa key pair is generated (encoded to memory, never to touch any disk).

A user connects to sigstores fulcio CA to request a signing certificate.

Fulcio directs them to an OpenID connect provider of their choosing (such as Github, Google, Microsoft etc).

If the user auths correctly, an ID Token is provided.

The user then presents their OAuth2 ID Token to the sigstore fulcio CA and requests a X509 certificate.

The certificate contains:

  • The Public Key of the ephemeral key pair.
  • The email address (stuck in a SAN)
  • It has a chain to the sigstore root CA

The user then signs an artifact (container in this instance), and the digest / x509 cert are stored in sigstore rekor (transparency log)

We can then drop the private key, as that signing event is effectively frozen in time.

We can now look at the transparency log and know that:

At X time, a user with control of X OpenID account, was in possession of X key pair, and X key pair signed X container digest.

Using the policy controller, we can then allow / deny an image, based on which OAuth2 account signed the image.

As a follow up, I will add details of how we can use this for a sort of code provenance using GitHubs OpenID ambient credentials.

## Prerequisites

Five tools are required to run this demo:

Grab the nginx image:

docker pull nginxdemos/nginx-hello

Tag to images:

docker tag nginxdemos/nginx-hello{$GITHUB_USERNAME}/nginx:signed

docker tag nginxdemos/nginx-hello{$GITHUB_USERNAME}/nginx2:unsigned

docker push{$GITHUB_USERNAME}/nginx:signed

docker push{$GITHUB_USERNAME}/nginx2:unsigned

Create a kind cluster:

kind create cluster --name sigstore-demo --config manifests/kind-config.yaml
kubectl config use-context kind-sigstore-demo

Apply manifests:

kubectl apply -f manifests/base
kubectl apply -f manifests/ingress-controller

Setup the policy controller helm chart and install:

helm repo add sigstore
helm repo update
helm install policy-controller -n sigstore-system sigstore/policy-controller

Wait for ready STATUS

$ kubectl get pod -n sigstore-system
NAME                                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
policy-controller-policy-webhook-767d96744d-n2tf4   1/1     Running   0          59s
policy-controller-webhook-55587bc76d-v5j9w          1/1     Running   0   

Apply the image policy, but first set the email account you plan to sign with:

  - keyless:
          - issuer:
$ kubectl apply -f manifests/imagePolicy.yaml

Ensure webhooks are set correctly:

$ kubectl get validatingwebhookconfiguration
NAME                                         WEBHOOKS   AGE
ingress-nginx-admission                      1          52m                          1          79s   1          79s

$ kubectl get mutatingwebhookconfiguration
NAME                                         WEBHOOKS   AGE   1          83s     

Ensure the policy is applied to the correct namespace

$ kubectl get ns nginx-ns1 -o jsonpath='{.metadata.labels}'

Deploy images

Sign the image with cosign

cosign sign{$GITHUB_USERNAME}/nginx:signed

Attempt to deploy the signed version (should succeed)

$ helm install nginx-signed --atomic -n nginx-ns1 ./manifests/nginx-demo -f manifests/nginx-signed.yaml

NAME: nginx-signed
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Sep  2 18:55:28 2022
NAMESPACE: nginx-ns1
STATUS: deployed

Attempt to deploy the unsigned version (should fail)

$ helm install nginx-unsigned --atomic -n nginx-ns1 ./manifests/nginx-demo -f manifests/nginx-unsigned.yaml

Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: release nginx-unsigned failed, and has been uninstalled due to atomic being set: admission webhook "" denied the request: validation failed: failed policy: sigstore-demo: spec.template.spec.containers[0].image signature keyless validation failed for authority authority-0 for no matching signatures:

Altenatively, you can use a different email address to sign the unsigned image, which should also fail

& helm install nginx-unsigned --atomic -n nginx-ns1 ./manifests/nginx-demo -f manifests/nginx-unsigned.yaml

Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: release nginx-unsigned failed, and has been uninstalled due to atomic being set: admission webhook "" denied the request: validation failed: failed policy: sigstore-demo: spec.template.spec.containers[0].image signature keyless validation failed for authority authority-0 for no matching signatures:
none of the expected identities matched what was in the certificate


A lot of the k8s configs was lifted from here, so thanks due to @slimm609 / Brian Davis.