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Library Management System V2

Following feature will be added in this repo

  1. Server side caching
  2. Server side validation
  3. Scalable image upload
  4. Wiring up CI/CD

Techonologies used in this application


  1. HTML5
  2. CSS3
  4. jQuery
  5. EJS 2.7.4(frontend dev can update if needed).


  1. Node.js
  2. Express.js
  3. MongoDB
  4. Passport.js

Install dependencies

Open git bash or command line tools at application file and run following npm command npm install if you have package.json file. or npm install passport passport-local passport-local-mongoose body-parser connect-flash ejs express express-session method-override mongoose multer sharp uuid bcrypt --save

Install dev dependencies if needed

npm install faker --save-dev

Run the application

  • create a .env file in app directory
  • add SESSION_SECRET=<your session secret>, ADMIN_SECRET=<your admin secret>, DB_URL=<your mongodb url> and DB_NAME=<database_name> into that file. or
  • rename .env.example to .env
  • run npm run dev
  • App will open at [http://localhost:3000]


Whole app is divided into three modules.

  • Admin
  • User
  • Browse books

Admin module functionalities

  • Sign up (This route is hidden. only accessible by typing the route manually and when admin log in)
  • Login
  • Logout
  • Track all users activities
  • Add books
  • Update books
  • Delete books
  • Out of stock books
  • Search books by category, title, author, ISBN
  • Find users by firstname, lastname, email and username
  • Delete user acount
  • Restrict individual user if violate any terms and conditions
  • Browse books showcase
  • Update admin profile and password
  • Add new admin
  • Delete currently logged in admin profile
  • Apporval and decline request books
  • Accept and decline return request

User module functionalities

  • Sign up
  • Login
  • Logout
  • Track own activities
  • Request books
  • Renew books
  • Return books
  • Browse books showcase
  • Add, edit and delete comment on any books comment section
  • Upload/Update profile picture
  • Update profile and password
  • Delete account

Browse books module functionalities

This module can be accessed by anyone

  • Show all books
  • Find books on filtered search


NodeJs MongoDB Express Web Based Library Management System V2







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