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binning:Discretization is the process of transforming continuous variables into discrete variables by creating a set of contiguous intervals that span the range of the variable's values .discretization is also called binningwe use binning to

i) To handle outliers ii)To improve the value spread

discretization types of discretization

Quantile-Binning: Quantile binning aims to assign the same number of observations to each bin, if the number of observations is evenly divisible by the number of bins. As a result, each bin should have the same number of observations, provided that there are no tied values at the boundaries of the bins.

equal fraequency     quantileBinning

KMeans-Binning: Ckmeans allows to cluster numeric data (on one dimension) into groups with the least within-group sum-of-squared-deviations. We'll use simple-statistics' very fast implementation of this algorithm in Plot.binX's transform: # of thresholds.


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