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nanobowers edited this page Mar 2, 2020 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the OptimistXL Documentation and Examples wiki!

Basic Example - The basic example from the original OptimistXL documentation with some additional commentary.

Medium Example - A more comprehensive example and a few variations on it. Also a discussion of dependencies/conflicts and OptimistXL::die.

Subcommands - An example using sub-commands, in a manner similar to git, that each have separate options and help. This is the new way, and requires fewer lines of code.

Commands - An example using sub-commands, in a manner similar to git, that each have separate options and help. This is the "old" way and is more verbose, but may be more flexible.

Banner, Synopsis and Version - Ways to decorate your help message and provide version information.

Option Types - Discusses how to assign types to options.

Controlling Short Options - OptimistXL auto-generates short-options. What you need to know about this behavior and how to wrangle it.

Option Aliasing - How to alias mutiple short or long names to an option.