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  • An attempt to boost my productivity, I have developed this timer based on the Pomodoro technique. Main premise behind this technique is to work in blocks of time.

  • Throughout the day, you budget your time into short increments and take breaks periodically. You work for 25 minutes, then take break for five minutes.

  • This web application is developed using: Yii2 - PHP based MVC framework and Twitter Bootstrap. If your time management strategy uses longer focussed bursts, you can customize the time blocks as well!

  • Why did I use Yii2 MVC Framework? Initially, I had planned to make this as a full blown app - wherein several users can log in and track how well are they doing. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, I ended up building it using just jQuery. But, now, since the framework is in place, it can be easily extended to support REST APIs as well.

Folder Structure

├── assets              : Contains code for importing css/js
├── config              : Contains web and db config params
├── models              : MVC
├── controllers        
├── views                
├── web                 : Contains all css, and images.
├── test                : Contains unit, functional tests.


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