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RobotCompetition - Rob-bottle


This code was written for the robot competition 2022 at EPFL ( It was used for Rob-bottle (our robot) that collects pet bottles and brings them back to a recycling area. The contributors are Brodier Mariane, Ourion Cyril and Schmid Nicolaj.


In this repository there are all files used for the arduino. The arduino does the low level computation: motor control (wheel, arm and basket motors) and the ultrasonic sensor reading. The file flashed on the arduino is called motor_sensor_arm_controller.


This repository contains the source files of the catkin workspace run on a Raspberry Pi 4. It is a ROS noetic implementation and does the high level computation. The code of the external packages can be found in the corresponding github repositories:


The files in this repositroy can be run on a windows machine and are visualizing the calculations:

  • path_planner_visualization: contains a pythons script that plots the robot's trajectory.
  • real_time_map_visualization: is a ros node for Visual Studio and shows the map of the robot's surrounding.

Launching Rob-bottle

Assuming that the catkin workspace and ROS noetic are installed correctly on the Raspberry Pi, the code can be compiled as follows:

        cd catkin_ws


Then, motor_sensor_arm_controller must be flashed on the arduino. And finally, the robot can be launched with the launch file robot.launch from the package robot:

        roslaunch robot robot.launch


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