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T-MATS v1.1.1

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@GRC-RHC-Sim GRC-RHC-Sim released this 15 Jan 14:56
· 171 commits to master since this release

T-MATS version 1.1.1
Developed in: MATLAB 2014b
with mex compiler: Microsoft Software Development Kit (SDK) 7.1

Major update in interaction between T-MATS MATLAB and Cantera Modules:
Creation of Flow Class to create a more uniform T-MATS/Cantera interface
Creation of more general Thermodynamic usable Simulink blocks that utilize Cantera
Re-write of many Turbomachinery_Cantera blocks to utilize new flow objects

Creation or update of several new Turbomachinery blocks which are useful for high Mach simulation, including CD nozzle and update of Ambient block to use high Mach valid calculations.
Additional updates including a few bug fixes and documentation improvement.