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CMR TEA Configuration Generator

A lambda project to generate Thin Egress App (TEA) configuration files using Serverless


A set of lambda functions to run under the CMR domain name which generate a TEA configuration.

See: Cumulus thin egress app


The command will execute many of the stages of the software needed get the application started. To see the options supported, run ./ -h. To start the application, run in one terminal window: ./ -o. This will install the lambda functions and start the offline server. In another terminal window try the following commands:

curl 'http://localhost:3000/dev/configuration/tea/capabilities'
curl -I 'http://localhost:3000/dev/configuration/tea/status'
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer uat-token-value' 'http://localhost:3000/dev/configuration/tea/provider/POCLOUD'
Action URL Description
Capabilities /configuration/tea/ Describe the service
Capabilities /configuration/tea/capabilities Describe the service
Status /configuration/tea/status Returns the service status
Generate /configuration/tea/provider/{provider-id} Generate the TEA configuration file


  1. Install serverless using one of these commands:
    • npm install -g serverless
    • curl -o- -L | bash
  2. Plugin: serverless plugin install -n serverless-python-requirements
  3. Plugin: serverless plugin install -n serverless-s3-local
  4. Python dependencies: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  5. Install locally: serverless offline
  6. Run some example URLS: ./ -e


The Dockerfile defines a node image which includes python3 and serverless for use as a build and deployment environment when running under a CI/CD system.

Deploying to AWS

Several methods are provided to publish this application to specific CMR AWS environments. These processes can be reused for other similar environments based on need.


The serverless.yml file will create an IAM role for the lambda functions and install them under an Application Load Balancer. The ARN is to be provided. The IAM role will use the following Role name: tea-config-generator-role-${self:custom.env}-${self:provider.region} and will use arn:aws:iam::${aws:accountId}:policy/NGAPShRoleBoundary for a Permissions Boundary. This setup is suitable for situations where a public URL is applied at the Loadbalancer level. The CMR URL must be set if production CMR is not to be used. See example below.

  • NOTE: This is the file used for deployment to SIT, UAT, and OPS

Example usage for UAT:

AWS_PROFILE=<your-profile-name-here> \
    serverless deploy --stage uat


The serverless-sandbox.yml file will also create an IAM role and be bound to the same Permissions Boundary, however it will use an API Gateway to publish the lambda functions. The URL for the API Gateway can be used for internal testing or for use within an AWS account.

  • NOTE: This is the file used for testing on AWS but not SIT, UAT, or OPS.

Local Use

The serverless-local.yml file is meant for use locally by developers of the application. It will locally publish an API Gateway and allow access to the lambda functions through that. It also includes an S3 bucket for displaying the HTML API documentation.

  • NOTE: for localhost use only.


Read the details in the ./ script. There are functions which have all the predefined parameters for running pylint and unit testing:

  • Unit Testing: ./ -u
  • Lint: ./run -l


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