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@laurenfrederick laurenfrederick released this 24 Mar 16:16
· 898 commits to master since this release

Release v11.0.0

Please note - this release has been superseded by release v11.1.0.

Users upgrading to V11 should upgrade instead to at least v11.1.0, but should follow the migration instructions noted here.


Release v11.0 is a maintenance release series, replacing v9.9. If you are
upgrading to or past v11 from v9.9.x to this release, please pay attention to the following
migration notes from prior releases:

Migration steps

After deploying the data-persistence module, but before deploying the main cumulus module
  • Due to a bug in the PUT /rules/<name> endpoint, the rule records in PostgreSQL may be
    out of sync with records in DynamoDB. In order to bring the records into sync, re-deploy and re-run the
    data-migration1 Lambda with a payload of
    {"forceRulesMigration": true}:
aws lambda invoke --function-name $PREFIX-data-migration1 \
  --payload $(echo '{"forceRulesMigration": true}' | base64) $OUTFILE
As part of the cumulus deployment
After the cumulus deployment

As part of the work on the RDS Phase 2 feature, it was decided to re-add the
granule file type property on the file table (detailed reasoning This
change was implemented as part of CUMULUS-2672/CUMULUS-2673, however granule
records ingested prior to v11 will not have the file.type property stored in the
PostGreSQL database, and on installation of v11 API calls to get granule.files
will not return this value. We anticipate most users are impacted by this issue.

Users that are impacted by these changes should re-run the granule migration
lambda to only migrate granule file records:

PAYLOAD=$(echo '{"migrationsList": ["granules"], "granuleMigrationParams": {"migrateOnlyFiles": "true"}}' | base64)
aws lambda invoke --function-name $PREFIX-postgres-migration-async-operation \

You should note that this will only move files for granule records in
PostgreSQL. If you have not completed the phase 1 data migration or
have granule records in dynamo that are not in PostgreSQL, the migration will
report failure for both the DynamoDB granule and all the associated files and the file
records will not be updated

If you prefer to do a full granule and file migration, you may instead
opt to run the migration with the migrateAndOverwrite option instead, this will re-run a
full granule/files migration and overwrite all values in the PostgreSQL database from
what is in DynamoDB for both granules and associated files:

PAYLOAD=$(echo '{"migrationsList": ["granules"], "granuleMigrationParams": {"migrateAndOverwrite": "true"}}' | base64)
aws lambda invoke --function-name $PREFIX-postgres-migration-async-operation \

Please note: Since this data migration is copying all of your granule data
from DynamoDB to PostgreSQL, it can take multiple hours (or even days) to run,
depending on how much data you have and how much parallelism you configure the
migration to use. In general, the more parallelism you configure the migration
to use, the faster it will go, but the higher load it will put on your
PostgreSQL database. Excessive database load can cause database outages and
result in data loss/recovery scenarios. Thus, the parallelism settings for the
migration are intentionally set by default to conservative values but are
configurable. If this impacts only some of your data products you may want
to consider using other granuleMigrationParams.

Please see the second data migration

for more on this tool if you are unfamiliar with the various options.

Notable changes

  • CUMULUS-2703
    • ORCA Backup is now a supported reportType for the POST /reconciliationReports endpoint


  • CUMULUS-2311 - RDS Migration Epic Phase 2
    • CUMULUS-2208
      • Added @cumulus/message/utils.parseException to parse exception objects
      • Added helpers to @cumulus/message/Granules:
        • getGranuleProductVolume
        • getGranuleTimeToPreprocess
        • getGranuleTimeToArchive
        • generateGranuleApiRecord
      • Added @cumulus/message/PDRs/generatePdrApiRecordFromMessage to generate PDR from Cumulus workflow message
      • Added helpers to @cumulus/es-client/indexer:
        • deleteAsyncOperation to delete async operation records from Elasticsearch
        • updateAsyncOperation to update an async operation record in Elasticsearch
      • Added granules PUT endpoint to Cumulus API for updating a granule.
        Requests to this endpoint should be submitted without an action
        attribute in the request body.
      • Added @cumulus/api-client/granules.updateGranule to update granule via the API
    • CUMULUS-2303
      • Add translatePostgresProviderToApiProvider method to @cumulus/db/translate/providers
    • CUMULUS-2306
      • Updated API execution GET endpoint to read individual execution records
        from PostgreSQL database instead of DynamoDB
      • Updated API execution-status endpoint to read execution records from
        PostgreSQL database instead of DynamoDB
    • CUMULUS-2302
      • Added translatePostgresCollectionToApiCollection method to
      • Added searchWithUpdatedAtRange method to
    • CUMULUS-2301
      • Created API asyncOperations POST endpoint to create async operations.
    • CUMULUS-2307
      • Updated API PDR GET endpoint to read individual PDR records from
        PostgreSQL database instead of DynamoDB
      • Added deletePdr to @cumulus/api-client/pdrs
    • CUMULUS-2782
      • Update API granules endpoint move action to update granules in the index
        and utilize postgres as the authoritative datastore
    • CUMULUS-2769
      • Update collection PUT endpoint to require existance of postgresql record
        and to ignore lack of dynamoDbRecord on update
    • CUMULUS-2767
      • Update provider PUT endpoint to require existence of PostgreSQL record
        and to ignore lack of DynamoDB record on update
    • CUMULUS-2759
      • Updates collection/provider/rules/granules creation (post) endpoints to
        primarily check for existence/collision in PostgreSQL database instead of DynamoDB
    • CUMULUS-2714
      • Added @cumulus/db/base.deleteExcluding method to allow for deletion of a
        record set with an exclusion list of cumulus_ids
    • CUMULUS-2317
      • Added @cumulus/db/getFilesAndGranuleInfoQuery() to build a query for searching file
        records in PostgreSQL and return specified granule information for each file
      • Added @cumulus/db/QuerySearchClient library to handle sequentially fetching and paging
        through results for an arbitrary PostgreSQL query
      • Added insert method to all @cumulus/db models to handle inserting multiple records into
        the database at once
      • Added @cumulus/db/translatePostgresGranuleResultToApiGranule helper to
        translate custom PostgreSQL granule result to API granule
    • CUMULUS-2672
      • Added migration to add type text column to Postgres database files table
    • CUMULUS-2634
      • Added new functions for upserting data to Elasticsearch:
        • @cumulus/es-client/indexer.upsertExecution to upsert an execution
        • @cumulus/es-client/indexer.upsertPdr to upsert a PDR
        • @cumulus/es-client/indexer.upsertGranule to upsert a granule
    • CUMULUS-2510
      • Added execution_sns_topic_arn environment variable to
        sf_event_sqs_to_db_records lambda TF definition.
      • Added to sf_event_sqs_to_db_records_lambda IAM policy to include
        permissions for SNS publish for report_executions_topic
      • Added collection_sns_topic_arn environment variable to
        PrivateApiLambda and ApiEndpoints lambdas.
      • Added updateCollection to @cumulus/api-client.
      • Added to ecs_cluster IAM policy to include permissions for SNS publish
        for report_executions_sns_topic_arn, report_pdrs_sns_topic_arn,
      • Added variables for report topic ARNs to
      • Added variable for granule report topic ARN to
      • Added pdr_sns_topic_arn environment variable to
        sf_event_sqs_to_db_records lambda TF definition.
      • Added the new function publishSnsMessageByDataType in @cumulus/api to
        publish SNS messages to the report topics to PDRs, Collections, and
      • Added the following functions in publishSnsMessageUtils to handle
        publishing SNS messages for specific data and event types:
        • publishCollectionUpdateSnsMessage
        • publishCollectionCreateSnsMessage
        • publishCollectionDeleteSnsMessage
        • publishGranuleUpdateSnsMessage
        • publishGranuleDeleteSnsMessage
        • publishGranuleCreateSnsMessage
        • publishExecutionSnsMessage
        • publishPdrSnsMessage
        • publishGranuleSnsMessageByEventType
      • Added to ecs_cluster IAM policy to include permissions for SNS publish
        for report_executions_topic and report_pdrs_topic.
    • CUMULUS-2315
      • Added paginateByCumulusId to @cumulus/db BasePgModel to allow for paginated
        full-table select queries in support of elasticsearch indexing.
      • Added getMaxCumulusId to @cumulus/db BasePgModel to allow all
        derived table classes to support querying the current max cumulus_id.
    • CUMULUS-2673
      • Added ES_HOST environment variable to postgres-migration-async-operation
        Lambda using value of elasticsearch_hostname Terraform variable.
      • Added elasticsearch_security_group_id to security groups for
        postgres-migration-async-operation lambda.
      • Added permission for DynamoDb:DeleteItem to
        postgres-migration-async-operation lambda.
    • CUMULUS-2778
      • Updated default value of async_operation_image in
        tf-modules/cumulus/ to cumuluss/async-operation:41
      • Added ES_HOST environment variable to async operation ECS task
        definition to ensure that async operation tasks write to the correct
        Elasticsearch domain
  • CUMULUS-2642
    • Reduces the reconcilation report's default maxResponseSize that returns
      the full report rather than an s3 signed url. Reports very close to the
      previous limits were failing to download, so the limit has been lowered to
      ensure all files are handled properly.
  • CUMULUS-2703
    • Added @cumulus/api/lambdas/reports/orca-backup-reconciliation-report to create
      ORCA Backup reconciliation report


  • CUMULUS-2311 - RDS Migration Epic Phase 2
    • CUMULUS-2208
      • Removed trigger for dbIndexer Lambda for DynamoDB tables:
        • <prefix>-AsyncOperationsTable
        • <prefix>-CollectionsTable
        • <prefix>-ExecutionsTable
        • <prefix>-GranulesTable
        • <prefix>-PdrsTable
        • <prefix>-ProvidersTable
        • <prefix>-RulesTable
    • CUMULUS-2782
      • Remove deprecated @ingest/granule.moveGranuleFiles
    • CUMULUS-2770
      • Removed waitForModelStatus from example/spec/helpers/apiUtils integration test helpers
    • CUMULUS-2510
      • Removed stream_enabled and stream_view_type from executions_table TF
      • Removed aws_lambda_event_source_mapping TF definition on executions
        DynamoDB table.
      • Removed stream_enabled and stream_view_type from collections_table
        TF definition.
      • Removed aws_lambda_event_source_mapping TF definition on collections
        DynamoDB table.
      • Removed lambda publish_collections TF resource.
      • Removed aws_lambda_event_source_mapping TF definition on granules
      • Removed stream_enabled and stream_view_type from pdrs_table TF
      • Removed aws_lambda_event_source_mapping TF definition on PDRs
        DynamoDB table.
    • CUMULUS-2694
      • Removed @cumulus/api/models/granules.storeGranulesFromCumulusMessage() method
    • CUMULUS-2662
      • Removed call to addToLocalES in POST /granules endpoint since it is
      • Removed call to addToLocalES in POST and PUT /executions endpoints
        since it is redundant.
      • Removed function addToLocalES from es-client package since it is no
        longer used.
    • CUMULUS-2771
      • Removed _updateGranuleStatus to update granule to "running" from @cumulus/api/lib/ingest.reingestGranule
        and @cumulus/api/lib/ingest.applyWorkflow


  • CVE-2022-2477
    • Update node-forge to 1.3.0 in @cumulus/common to address CVE-2022-2477
  • CUMULUS-2311 - RDS Migration Epic Phase 2
    • CUMULUS_2641

      • Update API granule schema to set productVolume as a string value
      • Update @cumulus/message package to set productVolume as string
        (calculated with file.size as a BigInt) to match API schema
      • Update @cumulus/db granule translation to translate granule objects to
        match the updated API schema
    • CUMULUS-2714

      • Updated
        • @cumulus/api/lib.writeRecords.writeGranulesFromMessage
        • @cumulus/api/lib.writeRecords.writeGranuleFromApi
        • @cumulus/api/lib.writeRecords.createGranuleFromApi
        • @cumulus/api/lib.writeRecords.updateGranuleFromApi
      • These methods now remove postgres file records that aren't contained in
        the write/update action if such file records exist. This update
        maintains consistency with the writes to elasticsearch/dynamodb.
    • CUMULUS-2672

      • Updated data-migration2 lambda to migrate Dynamo granule.files[].type
        instead of dropping it.
      • Updated @cumlus/db translateApiFiletoPostgresFile to retain type
      • Updated @cumulus/db translatePostgresFileToApiFile to retain type
      • Updated @cumulus/types.api.file to add type to the typing.
    • CUMULUS-2315

      • Update index-from-database lambda/ECS task and elasticsearch endpoint to read
        from PostgreSQL database
      • Update index-from-database endpoint to add the following configuration
        tuning parameters:
        • postgresResultPageSize -- The number of records to read from each
          postgres table per request. Default is 1000.
        • postgresConnectionPoolSize -- The max number of connections to allow the
          index function to make to the database. Default is 10.
        • esRequestConcurrency -- The maximium number of concurrent record
          translation/ES record update requests. Default is 10.
    • CUMULUS-2308

      • Update /granules/<granule_id> GET endpoint to return PostgreSQL Granules instead of DynamoDB Granules
      • Update /granules/<granule_id> PUT endpoint to use PostgreSQL Granule as source rather than DynamoDB Granule
      • Update unpublishGranule (used in /granules PUT) to use PostgreSQL Granule as source rather than DynamoDB Granule
      • Update integration tests to use waitForApiStatus instead of waitForModelStatus
      • Update Granule ingest to update the Postgres Granule status as well as the DynamoDB Granule status
    • CUMULUS-2302

      • Update API collection GET endpoint to read individual provider records from
        PostgreSQL database instead of DynamoDB
      • Update sf-scheduler lambda to utilize API endpoint to get provider record
        from database via Private API lambda
      • Update API granule reingest endpoint to read collection from PostgreSQL
        database instead of DynamoDB
      • Update internal-reconciliation report to base report Collection comparison
        on PostgreSQL instead of DynamoDB
      • Moved createGranuleAndFiles @cumulus/api unit helper from ./lib to
    • CUMULUS-2208

      • Moved all @cumulus/api/es/* code to new @cumulus/es-client package
      • Updated logic for collections API POST/PUT/DELETE to create/update/delete
        records directly in Elasticsearch in parallel with updates to
      • Updated logic for rules API POST/PUT/DELETE to create/update/delete
        records directly in Elasticsearch in parallel with updates to
      • Updated logic for providers API POST/PUT/DELETE to create/update/delete
        records directly in Elasticsearch in parallel with updates to
      • Updated logic for PDRs API DELETE to delete records directly in
        Elasticsearch in parallel with deletes to DynamoDB/PostgreSQL
      • Updated logic for executions API DELETE to delete records directly in
        Elasticsearch in parallel with deletes to DynamoDB/PostgreSQL
      • Updated logic for granules API DELETE to delete records directly in
        Elasticsearch in parallel with deletes to DynamoDB/PostgreSQL
      • sfEventSqsToDbRecords Lambda now writes following data directly to
        Elasticsearch in parallel with writes to DynamoDB/PostgreSQL:
        • executions
        • PDRs
        • granules
      • All async operations are now written directly to Elasticsearch in parallel
        with DynamoDB/PostgreSQL
      • Updated logic for async operation API DELETE to delete records directly in
        Elasticsearch in parallel with deletes to DynamoDB/PostgreSQL
      • Moved:
        • packages/api/lib/granules.getGranuleProductVolume ->
        • packages/api/lib/granules.getGranuleTimeToPreprocess
          -> @cumulus/message/Granules.getGranuleTimeToPreprocess
        • packages/api/lib/granules.getGranuleTimeToArchive ->
        • packages/api/models/Granule.generateGranuleRecord
          -> @cumulus/message/Granules.generateGranuleApiRecord
    • CUMULUS-2306

      • Updated API local serve (api/bin/serve.js) setup code to add cleanup/executions
        related records
      • Updated @cumulus/db/models/granules-executions to add a delete method in
        support of local cleanup
      • Add spec/helpers/apiUtils/waitForApiStatus integration helper to retry API
        record retrievals on status in lieu of using waitForModelStatus
    • CUMULUS-2303

      • Update API provider GET endpoint to read individual provider records from
        PostgreSQL database instead of DynamoDB
      • Update sf-scheduler lambda to utilize API endpoint to get provider record
        from database via Private API lambda
    • CUMULUS-2301

      • Updated getAsyncOperation to read from PostgreSQL database instead of
      • Added translatePostgresAsyncOperationToApiAsyncOperation function in
      • Updated translateApiAsyncOperationToPostgresAsyncOperation function to
        ensure that output is properly translated to an object for the
        PostgreSQL record for the following cases of output on the incoming API
        • record.output is a JSON stringified object
        • record.output is a JSON stringified array
        • record.output is a JSON stringified string
        • record.output is a string
    • CUMULUS-2317

      • Changed reconciliation reports to read file records from PostgreSQL instead of DynamoDB
    • CUMULUS-2304

      • Updated API rule GET endpoint to read individual rule records from
        PostgreSQL database instead of DynamoDB
      • Updated internal consumer lambdas for SNS, SQS and Kinesis to read
        rules from PostgreSQL.
    • CUMULUS-2634

      • Changed sfEventSqsToDbRecords Lambda to use new upsert helpers for executions, granules, and PDRs
        to ensure out-of-order writes are handled correctly when writing to Elasticsearch
    • CUMULUS-2510

      • Updated @cumulus/api/lib/writeRecords/write-execution to publish SNS
        messages after a successful write to Postgres, DynamoDB, and ES.
      • Updated functions create and upsert in the db model for Executions
        to return an array of objects containing all columns of the created or
        updated records.
      • Updated @cumulus/api/endpoints/collections to publish an SNS message
        after a successful collection delete, update (PUT), create (POST).
      • Updated functions create and upsert in the db model for Collections
        to return an array of objects containing all columns for the created or
        updated records.
      • Updated functions create and upsert in the db model for Granules
        to return an array of objects containing all columns for the created or
        updated records.
      • Updated @cumulus/api/lib/writeRecords/write-granules to publish SNS
        messages after a successful write to Postgres, DynamoDB, and ES.
      • Updated @cumulus/api/lib/writeRecords/write-pdr to publish SNS
        messages after a successful write to Postgres, DynamoDB, and ES.
    • CUMULUS-2733

      • Updated _writeGranuleFiles function creates an aggregate error which
        contains the workflow error, if any, as well as any error that may occur
        from writing granule files.
    • CUMULUS-2674

      • Updated DELETE endpoints for the following data types to check that record exists in
        PostgreSQL or Elasticsearch before proceeding with deletion:
        • provider
        • async operations
        • collections
        • granules
        • executions
        • PDRs
        • rules
    • CUMULUS-2294

      • Updated architecture and deployment documentation to reference RDS
    • CUMULUS-2642

      • Inventory and Granule Not Found Reconciliation Reports now compare
        Databse against S3 in on direction only, from Database to S3
        Objects. This means that only files in the database are compared against
        objects found on S3 and the filesInCumulus.onlyInS3 report key will
        always be empty. This significantly decreases the report output size and
        aligns with a users expectations.
      • Updates getFilesAndGranuleInfoQuery to take additional optional
        parameters collectionIds, granuleIds, and providers to allow
        targeting/filtering of the results.
    • CUMULUS-2694

      • Updated database write logic in sfEventSqsToDbRccords to log message if Cumulus
        workflow message is from pre-RDS deployment but still attempt parallel writing to DynamoDB
        and PostgreSQL
      • Updated database write logic in sfEventSqsToDbRccords to throw error if requirements to write execution to PostgreSQL cannot be met
    • CUMULUS-2660

      • Updated POST /executions endpoint to publish SNS message of created record to executions SNS topic
    • CUMULUS-2661

      • Updated PUT /executions/<arn> endpoint to publish SNS message of updated record to executions SNS topic
    • CUMULUS-2765

      • Updated updateGranuleStatusToQueued in write-granules to write to
        Elasticsearch and publish SNS message to granules topic.
    • CUMULUS-2774

      • Updated constructGranuleSnsMessage and constructCollectionSnsMessage
        to throw error if eventType is invalid or undefined.
    • CUMULUS-2776

      • Updated getTableIndexDetails in db-indexer to use correct
        deleteFnName for reconciliation reports.
    • CUMULUS-2780

      • Updated bulk granule reingest operation to read granules from PostgreSQL instead of DynamoDB.
    • CUMULUS-2778

      • Updated default value of async_operation_image in tf-modules/cumulus/ to cumuluss/async-operation:38
    • CUMULUS-2854

      • Updated rules model to decouple createRuleTrigger from create.
      • Updated rules POST endpoint to call rulesModel.createRuleTrigger directly to create rule trigger.
      • Updated rules PUT endpoints to call rulesModel.createRuleTrigger if update fails and reversion needs to occur.


  • CUMULUS-2311 - RDS Migration Epic Phase 2
    • CUMULUS-2810
      • Updated @cumulus/db/translate/translatePostgresProviderToApiProvider to
        correctly return provider password and updated tests to prevent
    • CUMULUS-2778
      • Fixed async operation docker image to correctly update record status in
    • Updated localAPI to set additional env variable, and fixed GET /executions/status response
    • CUMULUS-2877
      • Ensure database records receive a timestamp when writing granules.