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nashysolutions committed May 1, 2021
1 parent 085ffff commit 5ed50ad
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Showing 23 changed files with 2,694 additions and 0 deletions.
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions Package.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
// swift-tools-version:5.3
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
name: "Records",
platforms: [
products: [
name: "Records",
targets: ["Records"]
targets: [
name: "Records",
dependencies: []
name: "RecordsTests",
dependencies: ["Records"],
resources: [
181 changes: 181 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
# Records

A light-weight wrapper around some of the CoreData API.

## Usage


With the assistance of [Sourcery]( the following code is dynamically updated to reflect immediate changes in your schema. So for instance, if the attribute `group` was removed from the entity `Performance`, the following code would no longer compile.

### Query

do {
let query = Performance.Query(group: .solo)
let performances = try query.all(in: context)
} catch {
// Errors from the CoreData layer such as 'model not found' etc

### Create

struct Information {
let name: String
let phone: String
let email: String
let type: String

extension Information: Recordable {
// implementation here ~ 2 minutes

let info = Information(name: "DanceSchool", phone: "01234567891", email: "", type: "School")

do {
// The record will be fetched from the database if it exists.
// If it does not exist, it will be created and then returned.
// The onus is on you to save.
// You can check if the context has changes (use `.hasChanges` on the context).
let record: Party = try info.record(in: context)
} catch {
// Errors from the CoreData layer such as 'model not found' etc

### Relationships

If we wanted to query for a `Performer` belonging to a particular `Party`, we would couple the data together.

struct Person {
let firstName: String
let lastName: String

extension Person {

// Couple person and party data together
struct Export {
let firstName: String
let lastName: String
let party: Party // NSManagedObject subclass

func couple(with party: Party) -> Export {
Export(firstName: firstName, lastName: lastName, party: party)

extension Person.Export: Recordable {
// implementation here ~ 2 minutes

let person = Person(firstName: "Stacey", lastName: "Turner")
let party: Party ... // fetch or create a party
let export = person.couple(with: party)
let record: Performer = try! export.record(in: context)

Or we can use an `Aggregate` in our `Query`.

1. include `Performer1` and `Performer2` (.allMatching)
2. include `Performer1` or `Performer2` (.someMatching)
3. exclude `Performer1` and `Performer2` (.noneMatching)

let aggregate = Aggregate<Performer>(.allMatching, records: Set([performer1, performer2]))
let query = Performance.Query(performers: aggregate)
let performances: [Performance] = try! query.all(in: context)

### Observe

The below table view responds to any database CRUD activity concerning `Event` records. See Wiki for details.

import UIKit

final class EventsViewController: UIViewController {

let eventController = EventController<EventTableView>()

private lazy var tableViewHandler = EventTableViewHandler(eventController)

@IBOutlet weak var tableView: EventTableView! {
didSet {
tableView.dataSource = tableViewHandler

override func viewDidLoad() {
eventController.delegate = tableView
try! eventController.reload()

## Installation

Copy this [template file]( to your project.

Install [Sourcery](

List this package in your `Package.swift` manifest file as a [Swift Package]( dependency. [Releases Page](

Create the following file at the root directory of your project.


This file should contain the following

- ./path/to/your/NSManagedObject/subclasses
- ./path/to/your/template/file

Run the following script as a `run script build phase`, just before the build phase named `compile sources`.

/opt/homebrew/bin/sourcery --config ./.sourcery.yml

In your core data model file, set codgen to 'manual' for each of your CoreData entities.

In each of your NSManagedObject subclasses:

1. Declared conformance to `Fetchable`.
2. Add annotation marks for Sourcery.
3. Change `NSSet` to `Set<Something>`

For example, `Performer`, should look like the following (Assuming your template file is called `ManagedObject.Query.stencil`).

import CoreData
import Records

public class Performer: NSManagedObject, Fetchable {
@NSManaged public var dob: Date
@NSManaged public var firstName: String
@NSManaged public var lastName: String
@NSManaged public var party: Party
//@NSManaged public var performances: NSSet?
@NSManaged public var performances: Set<Performance>?

// sourcery:inline:Performer.ManagedObject.Query.stencil
// sourcery:end

All done

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