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Eight Square Puzzle In AI

This program can solve a given 8 square puzzle using different search methods

Search Methods

  • Depth-Limited Search
  • Iterative Deepening Search
  • A* Search (# of tiles in the wrong place)
  • A* Search (Manhattan distance of tiles)

Depth-Limited Search

Given a start state, the program will find the goal by creating a search tree built by moving the blank tile up, down, left, right to create nodes If the goal is not found within a depth of 10, the program will return failure

Iterative Deepening Search

Given a start state, the program will find the goal by creating trees of increasing depth and performing DFS on them until the goal state is reached or the depth exceeds 10

A* Searches

Given a start state and heuristic, the program will use the heuristic value to find the optimal path to the goal (path with the least cost)


Start State

0 2 3
1 7 5
4 6 8

Goal State

1 2 3
4 0 5
6 7 8

Method - DLS

0 2 3
1 7 5
4 6 8


1 2 3
0 7 5
4 6 8


1 2 3
4 7 5
0 6 8


1 2 3
4 7 5
6 0 8


1 2 3
4 0 5
6 7 8

Number of moves = 4 Number of states enqueued = 430


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