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EPAM Diploma by Natalia Konovalova

Using API get all data about “dynamics of quotations of precious metals " for current month and store it into your DB:

Record Date Code Metals Name Buy Sell

Output the data by code (the code is set) in the form of a table and sort them by Record Date in ascending order.

Diploma task

Create a simple Web-application (see the description in the “Application” section below), CI/CD infrastructure and pipeline for it.

Acceptance Criteria and presentation

A short presentation (.ppt or other) which contains description of the solution should be prepared and sent to the commission before a demo session.

The working application with the pipeline is to be demonstrated live on a “protection of the diploma” session for experts with comments and explanation of the details of the implementation, reasons of choosing tools and technologies.

Detailed requirements/criteria:

Criteria Reqiurements Related Module
SCM Application sources should be placed in Git repository. Branching strategy should be explained. Git
Tests* CI pipeline may contain unit tests, smoke tests, linter check. CI/CD
Quality gate CI/CD pipeline should use some quality/vulnerability control tool like a Sonar or Anchore. CI/CD
IaC CI/CI and runtime infrastructure should be described as a code using Terraform, CloudFormation, or any similar tool. On the demonstration deployment procedure should be shown. Cloud, Terraform, Ansible
Orchestration All non cloud-native tools should be spinned up inside a K8S/OpenShift cluster inside a cloud. Application runtime environments should be inside the cluster too. Kubernetes
Logging Infrastructure should have centralized log collection/display system. Logs of the application components and infra components should be collected. Monitoring and Logging
Runtime/Deployment Runtime infrastructure should have production and non production environments. Deploy/release strategy should be explained. CI/CD
Scalability/redundancy Scalability should be provided and demonstrated Kubernetes
Cloud and Cost efficiency** Cloud resources and services must be used for the task. Report about the Cloud resource usage and the cost must be provided in the presentation. It should be efficient (minimal) – in accordance to the solving tasks. You can choose any cloud provider taking into account possible extra costs for the resources. Cloud

* Nice to have – optional

** Be careful with the Cloud resource usage and check the costs for not to exceed limits! Switch off your machines when you are not using them!


Develop a simple (lightweight) 3-tire application (front-end, back-end, database).

Back-end (collects data) must:

  • Retrieve a portion of data from API (see in your Variant) and store it in a database
  • Update data on demand
  • Update DB schema if needed on app’s update

Front-end (outputs data) must:

  • Display any portion of the data stored in the DB
  • Provide a method to trigger data update process


  • Choose Database type and data scheme in a suitable manner.
  • Data must be stored in a persistent way
  • It’s better to use cloud native DB solutions like an RDS/AzureSQL/CloudSQL.


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