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Releases: natanielf/

v1.2.0 - Style, Formatting, and Portfolio Improvements

07 Aug 20:50
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Code Quality Improvements, Shortened Portfolio section

  • All files are now formatted with Prettier to keep things properly formatted
  • Dark mode has been implemented in a much more efficient way (it also looks better now)
  • More modern CSS properties have been added
  • CSS variable names have been improved
  • CSS selectors have improved in both clarity and simplicity (thanks to the :is() functional pseudo-class)
  • All colors are now in hsl() (or hsla()) format rather than hexadecimal
  • Unnecessary license files have been deleted from the repository
  • The home section has been improved
  • Graphic design 3-4 projects have been removed
  • New YouTube videos have been added (including "The Sidekick" short film)

v1.1.5 - Project and Performance Updates

08 Apr 17:09
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New Projects Added, Performance Improvements

This release includes all of my recent projects including:

  • All projects from Graphic Design 3-4
  • Another video added to the client work section
  • Updated the video in the "latest video" section to my most recent project

There are also some other small improvements such as:

  • The addition of rel="preload" in HTML for the font file, this should improve performance
  • The addition font-display: swap to CSS, this should also improve user experience

v1.1.4 - Small Style Updates

06 Jan 22:24
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Subtle Style Improvements

This is a relatively minor release, bringing just a few small style improvements.

v1.1.3 - Small Overall Improvements

14 Dec 16:36
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Overall Stability and Style Improvements

This release brings a couple new additions to the portfolio and improvements to the mobile version of the site!

v1.1.2 - Small Style Updates

07 Dec 20:36
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Style Improvements

The main update in this release is some improved styling. I've added red accent borders, a box shadow on hover for the navigation bar, and a few other small updates.

v1.1.1 - Portfolio Cleanup and Particles.js

07 Dec 17:23
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Removed Old Images, Added New Ones, Added particles.js to the Background

The main changes in are release is a portfolio update and the addition of particles.js. In the portfolio, I removed old images and added a couple new ones. I also made the image description transition a little faster. The particles are red and the interactive effects are not working yet, but I plan on troubleshooting that soon.

Specific portfolio changes listed below:

Changes to AP CSP section:
+ instagram_direct_messages.svg
+ instagram_new_post.svg

Changes to Graphic Design 1-2 section:
- basic_shapes_animal.jpg
- building_ad.jpg
- horror_movie_poster.jpg
- jumbo_jet_graphics.jpg
- record_album_display.jpg
- record_album_mockup.jpg
- summer_activities_adlib.jpg
- tour_shirt.jpg

v1.1.0 - Image Description Update

04 Dec 23:41
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Added Image Description Animation

The main update in this release is I've removed the "polaroid style" image effect in the portfolio section and replaced it with an animated image description popup. I Used code found here for a cool image description animation in 100% CSS.

v1.0.1 - Font Update

02 Dec 17:44
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Small Updates

The main update in this release is a font change from Source Sans 3 to Space Grotesk. There are also a few small style improvements.

v1.0.0 - Stable Release

29 Nov 20:04
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This is the first stable release of my site!

Things definitely aren't perfect, but I'm pretty happy with how far the site has come so far.

I have big plans for the future of the site, but for now, this is what it is.

v0.1.0 - Beginnings of the Site

23 Nov 20:19
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This release shows how far this site has come!

I left the code as-is to show my progress since. As you can see, files are unorganized, code isn't structured properly, etc.

I encourage you to look through this release (or look at the legacy branch of this repository) and check it out. I have learned so much since this point and I wanted to show that everyone starts somewhere.