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Super convenient code-generation for PureScript using purescript-tidy.


tidy-codegen provides constructors for quickly building CST types from purescript-language-cst-parser. Paired with tidy, code-generators can be assembled in hardly any time at all.

import Prelude
import PureScript.CST.Types
import Tidy.Codegen
import Tidy.Codegen.Monad

import Control.Monad.Writer (tell)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)

exampleModule :: Module Void
exampleModule = unsafePartial $ codegenModule "Data.Maybe" do
  importOpen "Prelude"
    [ declData "Maybe" [ typeVar "a" ]
        [ dataCtor "Nothing" []
        , dataCtor "Just" [ typeVar "a" ]

    , declDerive Nothing [] "Functor" [ typeCtor "Maybe" ]

    , declSignature "maybe" do
        typeForall [ typeVar "a", typeVar "b" ] do
            [ typeVar "b"
            , typeArrow [ typeVar "a" ] (typeVar "b")
            , typeApp (typeCtor "Maybe") [ typeVar "a" ]
            (typeVar "b")

    , declValue "maybe" [ binderVar "nothing", binderVar "just" ] do
        exprCase [ exprSection ]
          [ caseBranch [ binderCtor "Just" [ binderVar "a" ] ] do
              exprApp (exprIdent "just") [ exprIdent "a" ]
          , caseBranch [ binderCtor "Nothing" [] ] do
              exprIdent "nothing"
module Data.Maybe where

import Prelude

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

derive instance Functor Maybe

maybe :: forall a b. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe nothing just = case _ of
  Just a -> just a
  Nothing -> nothing

A note on overloading and Partial

tidy-codegen is designed to be fast to write. It features a highly overloaded API which lets you intuitively construct CST types like it's a bare-bones AST. It's common to use string and array literals, where the CST types actually use more specific newtypes or non-empty arrays. In these cases, the overloaded APIs will do runtime validation (eg. by lexing string literals) and crash if these arguments are incorrect. This results in a Partial constraint which must be discharged with unsafePartial. If you want to avoid this partiality, you can always pass in the safe types instead with all overloaded APIs and no Partial constraint will be required.


All of the snapshot modules are self contained examples, with their results shown in .output files.