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Iteration 4 Plan

Zion Keretho edited this page Sep 23, 2022 · 1 revision


The Goal of Iteration 4 is to produce an app that others can install and run.


  1. Installer can recreate the database and your polls using any database.
  2. Data fixtures to import and export database data.
  3. Be able to run using virtual environment.
  4. Instruction for installation and running the application.


  1. Application can be install and run by the installer.
  2. Application can import or export database data.


All tasks are recorded on Project Board for Iteration 4.

  1. Create data fixtures for the users and polls data, so an installer can recreate the database and your polls using any database
  2. Remove the database from git
  3. Run the app in a virtual environment
  4. Write instructions for someone to install your app from Github including:
    • install the code from Github
    • create a virtual environment and install dependencies in it
    • run migrations
    • install data from the data fixtures
    • anything else the app needs during installation
  5. Test your installation instructions.
  6. Add “How to Run” instructions that include using the virtual env. This is separate from Installation (done only once).
  7. Code cleanup: use flake8 to find coding issues and unused imports.
  8. Run unit test from Iteration 1-3.
    • All tests must pass.
    • Fail : fix it and test again.

Evaluation Criteria

  1. Pass all tests.
  2. Installer understand the instruction and be able to follow instruction step by step for how to install and run the application.
  3. Installer can run using virtual environment.
  4. Iteration4 branch is deployable.