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Diagnosing issues

Nate McMaster edited this page May 26, 2020 · 2 revisions

Here are some tips for diagnosing issues with LettuceEncrypt.

Enable trace logging

Trace logging includes more details about what LettuceEncrypt is going. In a typical ASP.NET Core project using Microsoft's built-in logger, you can enable trace logging with 'appsettings.json' like this:

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "LettuceEncrypt": "Trace"

Then, look in your log output for statements coming from "LettuceEncrypt.*" loggers. Example:

info: LettuceEncrypt.Internal.AcmeCertificateLoader[0]
      Using existing account for

When sharing this in a GitHub issue, consider attaching the log as a .txt file or using as logs can be long and hard to view in an issue thread.

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