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XDP programmable forwarding plane


The xdprtrctl command is provided to control xdprtr.

Usage: xdprtrctl [options]

 - Control xdprtr programmable forwarding plane

Required options:
 -d, --dev <ifname>         Operate on device <ifname>

Other options:
 -h, --help                 Show help
 -S, --skb-mode             Install XDP program in SKB (AKA generic) mode
 -N, --native-mode          Install XDP program in native mode
 -A, --auto-mode            Auto-detect SKB or native mode
 -F, --force                Force install, replacing existing program on interface
 -U, --unload               Unload XDP program instead of loading
 -M, --reuse-maps           Reuse pinned maps
     --filename <file>      Load program from <file>
     --progsec <section>    Load program in <section> of the ELF file

There are also xdprtrload and xdprtrunload utils that take interfaces as arguments to quickly load/unload xdprtr.

The xdprtr.o eBPF ELF file contains four XDP programs, defined in sections and can be supplied to xdprtrctl with the --progsec flag.

eBPF ELF Sections

  • xdp_rtr - Router
  • xdp_rtr_debug - Router with kernel tracing and stat map logging enabled
  • xdp_pass - Pass all traffic to kernel network stack
  • xdp_drop - Drop all traffic


The xdpstat utility serves to read XDP statistics from a BPF map. With the xdp_rtr_debug loaded, xdpstat -d <iface> can be used to poll stats in real time.

Usage: xdpstat [options]

 XDPRTR XDP stats program - get statistics from running XDP program

Required options:
 -d, --dev <ifname>         Operate on device <ifname>

Other options:
 -h, --help                 Show help
 -q, --quiet                Quiet mode (no output)


xdprtr can be installed from my code repositories or as a GitHub release.