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Nathan Cox edited this page Aug 14, 2013 · 3 revisions

This is the start of a SilverStripe 3 module for creating radio button fields with a more custom appearance.

At the moment it's only tested with images in place of radio buttons/labels but will ideally take whole HTML blocks.

Example Usage

// in getCMSFields
		// set up a field to pick an icon for this page
		$icons = array(

		$makeOption = function($iconName) {
			return "<img src='mysite/images/treeicons/" . $iconName . ".png' alt='' />";

		$options = array();
		foreach($icons as $iconName) {
			$options[$iconName] = $makeOption($iconName);

		$fields->addFieldtoTab('Root.Settings', $iconField = new HTMLOptionsetField(
			'Tree icon',


HTMLOptionSetField example 1

Note: Icons are from the Fugue icon set (

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