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BCSGameValue.m computes the value of a binary constraint system game
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nathanieljohnston committed Jun 23, 2015
1 parent a85a9d7 commit ca788f4
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Showing 2 changed files with 129 additions and 8 deletions.
118 changes: 118 additions & 0 deletions BCSGameValue.m
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
%% BCSGAMEVALUE Computes the maximum value of a binary constraint system (BCS) game
% This function has one required input argument:
% C: A cell, each of whose elements is a constraint in the BCS. The
% constraints themselves are specified as 2-by-2-by-2-by-... binary
% arrays, where the (i,j,k,...)-entry is 1 if and only if setting
% v1=i, v2=j, v3=k, ... satisfies that constraint.
% BCSVAL = BCSGameValue(C) is the maximum value that the specified
% BCS game can take on in classical mechanics. For the maximum quantum
% or no-signalling value, see the optional arguments described below.
% This function has two optional input arguments:
% MTYPE (default 'classical'): one of 'classical', 'quantum', or
% 'nosignal', indicating what type of BCS game value should be
% computed. IMPORTANT NOTE: if MTYPE='quantum' then only an upper
% bound on the nonlocal game value is computed, not its exact value
% (see the argument K below).
% K (default 1): if MYTPE='quantum', then K is a non-negative integer
% or string indicating what level of the NPA hierarchy to use to
% bound the nonlocal game (higher values give better bounds, but
% require more computation time). See the NPAHierarchy function for
% details.
% BCSVAL = BCSGameValue(C,MTYPE,K) is the maximum value that the
% specified nonlocal game can take on in the setting (classical, quantum,
% or no-signalling) specified by MTYPE.
% URL:

% requires: CVX (, NonlocalGameValue.m,
% NPAHierarchy.m, opt_args.m, update_odometer.m
% author: Nathaniel Johnston (
% package: QETLAB
% last updated: June 23, 2015

function bcsval = BCSGameValue(C,varargin)

% set optional argument defaults: MTYPE='classical', K=1
[mtype,k] = opt_args({ 'classical', 1 },varargin{:});

% Derive the form of the nonlocal game from the winning conditions of
% the binary constraint system game.
num_cons = length(C); % number of constraints
num_vars = ndims(C{1}); % number of variables

% Determine which variables appear in which constraints
var_in_cons = ones(num_cons,num_vars);
for x = 1:num_cons
for y = num_vars:-1:1
tindCell{y} = 1:2;
for y = 1:num_vars
indCell = tindCell;
indCell{y} = 1;
indVec = ones(1,num_vars);
indVec(y) = 2;

if(all(C{x} == repmat(C{x}(indCell{:}),indVec))) % winning condition does not depend on the value of this variable
var_in_cons(x,y) = 0;

% Compute the probability that each given constraint/question pair is
% asked.
p = zeros(num_cons,num_vars);
max_num_vars_in_cons = 0;
for x = 1:num_cons
num_vars_in_cons = sum(var_in_cons(x,:));
max_num_vars_in_cons = max(max_num_vars_in_cons,num_vars_in_cons);
for y = 1:num_vars
if(var_in_cons(x,y) == 0) % variable does not appear in constraint
p(x,y) = 0;
p(x,y) = 1/(num_cons*num_vars_in_cons);

% Now compute which answer pairs correspond to Alice and Bob winning.
V = zeros(2^max_num_vars_in_cons,2,num_cons,num_vars); % a = 2^num_vars, b = 2, x = num_cons, y = num_vars
for a = 1:2^max_num_vars_in_cons
% Create a cell containing the binary representation of a as its
% entries, but with 1's and 2's instead of 0's and 1's. Also, pad
% on the left with 1's so that each of these have the same length
% as we loop over a.
a_cell = cellfun(@str2num,num2cell(dec2bin(a-1)));
a_cell = num2cell(1+padarray(a_cell,[0,max_num_vars_in_cons-length(a_cell)],0,'pre'));
for b = 1:2
for x = 1:num_cons
full_a = expand_a(a_cell,var_in_cons(x,:),num_vars);
for y = 1:num_vars
if(C{x}(full_a{:}) == 1 && b == full_a{y}) % this variable assignment by Alice satisfies constraint x, and this variable assignment by Bob agrees with Alice
V(a,b,x,y) = 1;

% Compute the value of this binary constraint system game, which can be
% phrased as a general nonlocal game.
bcsval = NonlocalGameValue(p,V,mtype,k);

function full_a = expand_a(small_a,var_list,num_vars)
ct = 1;
for j = 1:num_vars
if(var_list(j) == 1)
full_a{j} = small_a{ct};
ct = ct + 1;
% We don't care about this variable's value; set it to anything.
full_a{j} = 1;
19 changes: 11 additions & 8 deletions BellInequalityMaxQubits.m
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
%% BELLINEQUALITYMAXQUBITS Approximates the optimal value of a Bell inequality in qubit (i.e., 2-dimensional quantum) settings
%% BELLINEQUALITYMAXQUBITS Approximates the optimal value of a 2-outcome Bell inequality in qubit (i.e., 2-dimensional quantum) settings
% This function has five required input arguments:
% JOINT_COE: a matrix whose (i,j)-entry is the coefficient of the term
% JOINT_COE: A matrix whose (i,j)-entry is the coefficient of the term
% <A_iB_j> in the Bell inequality.
% A_COE: a vector whose i-th entry is the coefficient of the term <A_i>
% A_COE: A vector whose i-th entry is the coefficient of the term <A_i>
% in the Bell inequality.
% B_COE: a vector whose i-th entry is the coefficient of the term <B_i>
% B_COE: A vector whose i-th entry is the coefficient of the term <B_i>
% in the Bell inequality.
% A_VAL: a vector whose i-th entry is the value of the i-th measurement
% outcome on Alice's system
% B_VAL: a vector whose i-th entry is the value of the i-th measurement
% outcome on Bob's system
% A_VAL: A vector whose i-th entry is the value of the i-th measurement
% outcome on Alice's system. Must have exactly 2 entries.
% B_VAL: A vector whose i-th entry is the value of the i-th measurement
% outcome on Bob's system. Must have exactly 2 entries.
% BMAX = BellInequalityMaxQubits(JOINT_COE,A_COE,B_COE,A_VAL,B_VAL) is an
% upper bound on the maximum value that the specified Bell inequality can
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a_val = a_val(:); b_val = b_val(:);
a_coe = a_coe(:); b_coe = b_coe(:);

if(length(a_val) ~= 2 || length(b_val) ~= 2)
error('BellInequalityMaxQubits:InvalidInequality','This script is only capable of handling Bell inequalities with two outcomes.');
m = ma;

tot_dim = 2^(2*m+2);
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