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32 Bit version of patrikeh's go-deep library with a few extra activation functions


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This is an edited version of the go-deep library except it has been converted to 32-bit for better performance and some extra activation functions have been added (Elu, Mish and Swish, RootX, MulDiv and DoubleRoot)

Update: concurrency is now used more to increase performance and enabled multiple activation functions in the one network. (one activation function type per layer)


Feed forward/backpropagation neural network implementation. Currently supports:

  • Activation functions: sigmoid, hyperbolic, ReLU, Elu, Mish, Swish, also activations I created (RootX, DivX, DoublePow, DoubleRoot and DoubleDiv).. RootX is particularly effective.
  • Double Root is looks like a combination of the sqrt function and tanh (double Div is similar except using division), they can be used to squash numbers inside your network to prevent the network from exploding... Boom!
  • I designed DoubleDiv, DoublePow & DoubleRoot to help the neural networks solve mathematical equations, usually used with the linear activation function
  • RootX (combining sqrt with relu) seems to solve problems facter than Mish and Swish... Still testing DivX (combining division with relu) but should produce similar results to RootX
  • Solvers: SGD, SGD with momentum/nesterov, Adam
  • Classification modes: regression, multi-class, multi-label, binary
  • Supports batch training in parallel
  • Bias nodes

Networks are modeled as a set of neurons connected through synapses. No GPU computations - don't use this for any large scale applications.


go get -u


Import the go-deep package

import (
	deep ""

Define some data...

var data = training.Examples{
	{[]float32{2.7810836, 2.550537003}, []float32{0}},
	{[]float32{1.465489372, 2.362125076}, []float32{0}},
	{[]float32{3.396561688, 4.400293529}, []float32{0}},
	{[]float32{1.38807019, 1.850220317}, []float32{0}},
	{[]float32{7.627531214, 2.759262235}, []float32{1}},
	{[]float32{5.332441248, 2.088626775}, []float32{1}},
	{[]float32{6.922596716, 1.77106367}, []float32{1}},
	{[]float32{8.675418651, -0.242068655}, []float32{1}},

Create a network with two hidden layers of size 2 and 2 respectively:

n := deep.NewNeural(&deep.Config{
	/* Input dimensionality */
	Inputs: 2,
	/* Three hidden layers consisting of two neurons each, and a single output */
	Layout: []int{2, 2, 2, 2, 1},
	/* Activation functions: Sigmoid, Tanh, ReLU, Linear, Elu, Mish, Swish, RootX, DoubleRoot */
	/*Defining the three hidden layer's Activation function*/
	Activation: []deep.ActivationType{
	/* Determines output layer activation & loss function: 
	ModeRegression: linear outputs with MSE loss
	ModeMultiClass: softmax output with Cross Entropy loss
	ModeMultiLabel: sigmoid output with Cross Entropy loss
	ModeBinary: sigmoid output with binary CE loss */
	Mode: deep.ModeBinary,
	/* Weight initializers: {deep.NewNormal(μ, σ), deep.NewUniform(μ, σ)} */
	Weight: deep.NewNormal(1.0, 0.0),
	/* Apply bias */
	Bias: true,


// params: learning rate, momentum, alpha decay, nesterov
optimizer := training.NewSGD(0.05, 0.1, 1e-6, true)
// params: optimizer, verbosity (print stats at every 50th iteration)
trainer := training.NewTrainer(optimizer, 50)

training, heldout := data.Split(0.5)
trainer.Train(n, training, heldout, 1000) // training, validation, iterations

resulting in:

Epochs        Elapsed       Error         
---           ---           ---           
5             12.938µs      0.36438       
10            125.691µs     0.02261       
15            177.194µs     0.00404       
1000          10.703839ms   0.00000       

Finally, make some predictions:

fmt.Println(data[0].Input, "=>", n.Predict(data[0].Input))
fmt.Println(data[5].Input, "=>", n.Predict(data[5].Input))

Alternatively, batch training can be performed in parallell:

optimizer := NewAdam(0.001, 0.9, 0.999, 1e-8)
// params: optimizer, verbosity (print info at every n:th iteration), batch-size, number of workers
trainer := training.NewBatchTrainer(optimizer, 1, 200, 4)

training, heldout := data.Split(0.75)
trainer.Train(n, training, heldout, 1000) // training, validation, iterations


See training/trainer_test.go for a variety of toy examples of regression, multi-class classification, binary classification, etc.

See examples/ for more realistic examples:


32 Bit version of patrikeh's go-deep library with a few extra activation functions







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