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[ADDED] README for micro package
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Signed-off-by: Piotr Piotrowski <>
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piotrpio committed May 22, 2023
1 parent c939dd1 commit 0f793d6
Showing 1 changed file with 189 additions and 0 deletions.
189 changes: 189 additions & 0 deletions micro/
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
# NATS micro

- [Overview](#overview)
- [Basic usage](#basic-usage)
- [Endpoints and groups](#endpoints-and-groups)
- [Discovery and Monitoring](#discovery-and-monitoring)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Documentation](#documentation)

## Overview

The `micro` package in the NATS.go library provides a simple way to create
microservices that leverage NATS for scalability, load management and

## Basic usage

To start using the `micro` package, import it in your application:

import ""

The core of the `micro` package is the Service. A Service aggregates endpoints
for handling application logic. Services are named and versioned. You create a
Service using the `micro.NewService()` function, passing in the NATS connection
and Service configuration.

nc, _ := nats.Connect(nats.DefaultURL)

// request handler
echoHandler := func(req micro.Request) {

srv, err := micro.AddService(nc, micro.Config{
Name: "EchoService",
Version: "1.0.0",
// base handler
Endpoint: &micro.EndpointConfig{
Subject: "svc.echo",
Handler: micro.HandlerFunc(echoHandler),

After creating the service, it can be accessed by publishing a request on
endpoint subject. For given configuration, run:

nats req svc.echo "hello!"

To get:

17:37:32 Sending request on "svc.echo"
17:37:32 Received with rtt 365.875µs

## Endpoints and groups

Base endpoint can be optionally configured on a service, but it is also possible
to add more endpoints after the service is created.

srv, _ := micro.AddService(nc, config)

// endpoint will be registered under "svc.add" subject
err = srv.AddEndpoint("svc.add", micro.HandlerFunc(add))

In the above example `svc.add` is an endpoint name and subject. It is possible
have a different endpoint name then the endpoint subject by using
`micro.WithEndpointSubject()` option in `AddEndpoint()`.

// endpoint will be registered under "svc.add" subject
err = srv.AddEndpoint("Adder", micro.HandlerFunc(echoHandler), micro.WithEndpointSubject("svc.add"))

Endpoints can also be aggregated using groups. A group represents a common
subject prefix used by all endpoints associated with it.

srv, _ := micro.AddService(nc, config)

numbersGroup := srv.AddGroup("numbers")

// endpoint will be registered under "numbers.add" subject
_ = numbersGroup.AddEndpoint("add", micro.HandlerFunc(addHandler))
// endpoint will be registered under "numbers.multiply" subject
_ = numbersGroup.AddEndpoint("multiply", micro.HandlerFunc(multiplyHandler))

## Discovery and Monitoring

Each service is assigned a unique ID on creation. A service instance is
identified by service name and ID. Multiple services with the same name, but
different IDs can be created.

Each service exposes 3 endpoints when created:

- PING - used for service discovery and RTT calculation
- INFO - returns service configuration details (used subjects, service metadata
- STATS - service statistics

Each of those operations can be performed on 3 subjects:

- all services: `$SRV.<operation>` - returns a response for each created service
and service instance
- by service name: `$SRV.<operation>.<service_name>` - returns a response for
each service with given `service_name`
- by service name and ID: `$SRV.<operation>.<service_name>.<service_id>` -
returns a response for a service with given `service_name` and `service_id`

For given configuration

nc, _ := nats.Connect("nats://localhost:4222")
echoHandler := func(req micro.Request) {

config := micro.Config{
Name: "EchoService",
Version: "1.0.0",
Endpoint: &micro.EndpointConfig{
Subject: "svc.echo",
Handler: micro.HandlerFunc(echoHandler),
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
srv, err := micro.AddService(nc, config)
if err != nil {
defer srv.Stop()

Service IDs can be discovered by:

nats req '$SRV.PING.EchoService' '' --replies=3

8:59:41 Sending request on "$SRV.PING.EchoService"
18:59:41 Received with rtt 688.042µs

18:59:41 Received with rtt 704.167µs

18:59:41 Received with rtt 707.875µs

A specific service instance info can be retrieved:

nats req '$SRV.INFO.EchoService.tNoopzL5Sp1M4qJZdhdxqC' ''

19:40:06 Sending request on "$SRV.INFO.EchoService.tNoopzL5Sp1M4qJZdhdxqC"
19:40:06 Received with rtt 282.375µs

To get statistics for this service:

nats req '$SRV.STATS.EchoService.tNoopzL5Sp1M4qJZdhdxqC' ''

19:40:47 Sending request on "$SRV.STATS.EchoService.tNoopzL5Sp1M4qJZdhdxqC"
19:40:47 Received with rtt 421.666µs

## Examples

For more detailed examples, refer to the `./test/example_test.go` directory in
this package.

## Documentation

The complete documentation is available on

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