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Codeforces Tool Minimal

Codeforces Tool is a command-line interface tool for Codeforces.

It's fast, small, cross-platform and powerful.

Features | Usage | Template Example


  • Support Contests, Gym, Groups and acmsguru.
  • Support all programming languages in Codeforces.
  • Submit codes.
  • Watch submissions' status dynamically.
  • Fetch problems' samples.
  • Generate codes from the specified template (including timestamp, author, etc.)
  • Setup a network proxy. Setup a mirror host.
  • Colorful CLI.


Let's simulate a competition.

cf race 1136 or cf race

To start competing the contest 1136!

If the contest has not started yet, cf will count down. If the contest have started or the countdown ends, cf will use the default browser to open dashboard's page and problems' page, and fetch all samples to the local.

cd ./cf/contest/1136/a (May be different from this, please notice the message on your screen)

Enter the directory of problem A, the directory should contain all samples of the problem.

cf gen

Generate a code with the default template. The filename of the code is problem id by default.

vim a.cpp

Use Vim to write the code (It depends on yourself).

cf submit

Submit the code.

You should run "cf config" to configure your handle, password and code
templates at first.

  cf config
  cf submit [-f <file>] [<specifier>...]
  cf parse [<specifier>...]
  cf gen [<alias>]

  -h --help            Show this screen.
  --version            Show version.
  -f <file>, --file <file>, <file>
                       Path to file. E.g. "a.cpp", "./temp/a.cpp"
  <specifier>          Any useful text. E.g.
                       "1111A", "1111", "a", "Cw4JRyRGXR"
                       You can combine multiple specifiers to specify what you
  <alias>              Template's alias. E.g. "cpp"
  ac                   The status of the submission is Accepted.

  cf config            Configure the cf-tool.
  cf submit            cf will detect what you want to submit automatically.
  cf submit -f a.cpp
  cf submit
  cf submit -f a.cpp 100A 
  cf submit -f a.cpp 100 a
  cf submit contest 100 a
  cf submit gym 100001 a
  cf parse 100         Fetch all problems' samples of contest 100 into
  cf parse gym 100001a
                       Fetch samples of problem "a" of gym 100001 into
  cf parse gym 100001
                       Fetch all problems' samples of gym 100001 into
  cf parse             Fetch samples of current problem into current path.
  cf gen               Generate a code from default template.
  cf gen cpp           Generate a code from the template whose alias is "cpp"
                       into current path.

  cf will save some data in some files:

  "~/.cf/config"        Configuration file, including templates, etc.
  "~/.cf/session"       Session file, including cookies, handle, password, etc.

  "~" is the home directory of current user in your system.

  You can insert some placeholders into your template code. When generate a code
  from the template, cf will replace all placeholders by following rules:

  $%U%$   Handle (e.g. naveen_21tyagi)
  $%Y%$   Year   (e.g. 2019)
  $%M%$   Month  (e.g. 04)
  $%D%$   Day    (e.g. 09)
  $%h%$   Hour   (e.g. 08)
  $%m%$   Minute (e.g. 05)
  $%s%$   Second (e.g. 00)

Script in template:
  Template will run 3 scripts in sequence when you run "cf test":
    - before_script   (execute once)
    - script          (execute the number of samples times)
    - after_script    (execute once)
  You could set "before_script" or "after_script" to empty string, meaning
  not executing.
  You have to run your program in "script" with standard input/output (no
  need to redirect).

  You can insert some placeholders in your scripts. When execute a script,
  cf will replace all placeholders by following rules:

  $%path%$   Path to source file (Excluding $%full%$, e.g. "/home/naveen_21tyagi/")
  $%full%$   Full name of source file (e.g. "a.cpp")
  $%file%$   Name of source file (Excluding suffix, e.g. "a")
  $%rand%$   Random string with 8 character (including "a-z" "0-9")

Template Example

The placeholders inside the template will be replaced with the corresponding content when you run cf gen.

$%U%$   Handle (e.g. naveen_21tyagi)
$%Y%$   Year   (e.g. 2019)
$%M%$   Month  (e.g. 04)
$%D%$   Day    (e.g. 09)
$%h%$   Hour   (e.g. 08)
$%m%$   Minute (e.g. 05)
$%s%$   Second (e.g. 00)
/* Generated by powerful Codeforces Tool
 * Author: $%U%$
 * Time: $%Y%$-$%M%$-$%D%$ $%h%$:$%m%$:$%s%$

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

typedef long long ll;

int main() {
    return 0;