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v1.1 on dart 2.17

Closed Apr 22, 2024 100% complete

Minor geospatial data format and function enhancements.

In release 1.1.0 all packages shall continue to require only Dart 2.17 (in pubspec.yaml it's specified as sdk: '>=2.17.0 <4.0.0'). In future Dart SDK requirement is increased to Dart 3.3 + (records, patterns, extension types, etc.), starting from geobase and geodata releases 2.0.0.

Published 2024-04-22

Minor geospatial data format and function enhancements.

In release 1.1.0 all packages shall continue to require only Dart 2.17 (in pubspec.yaml it's specified as sdk: '>=2.17.0 <4.0.0'). In future Dart SDK requirement is increased to Dart 3.3 + (records, patterns, extension types, etc.), starting from geobase and geodata releases 2.0.0.

Published 2024-04-22

This milestone is closed.

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