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Metadata supporting the general STO functionality at NAV. This includes components both for external and internal handling of sending and receiving messages through the thread-message solution

Build GitHub version MIT License


This package is dependant on the following packages


  1. Install npm
  2. Install Salesforce DX CLI
    • Alternative: npm install sfdx-cli --global
  3. Clone this repository (GitHub Desktop is recommended for non-developers)
  4. Run npm install from the project root folder
  5. Install SSDX
    • Non-developers may stop after this step
  6. Install VS Code (recommended)
    • Install Salesforce Extension Pack
    • Install recommended plugins! A notification should appear when opening VS Code. It will prompt you to install recommended plugins.
  7. Install AdoptOpenJDK (only version 8 or 11)
  8. Open VS Code settings and search for salesforcedx-vscode-apex
  9. Under Java Home, add the following:
    • macOS: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-[VERSION_NUMBER].jdk/Contents/Home
    • Windows: C:\\Program Files\\AdoptOpenJDK\\jdk-[VERSION_NUMBER]-hotspot


To build locally without using SSDX, do the following:

  1. If you haven't authenticated a DX user to production / DevHub, run sfdx auth:web:login -d -a production and log in
    • Ask #crm-platform-team on Slack if you don't have a user
    • If you change from one repo to another, you can change the default DevHub username in .sfdx/sfdx-config.json, but you can also just run the command above
  2. Create a scratch org, install dependencies and push metadata:
sfdx force:org:create -f ./config/project-scratch-def.json --setalias scratch_org --durationdays 1 --setdefaultusername
echo y | sfdx plugins:install sfpowerkit@2.0.1
keys="" && for p in $(sfdx force:package:list --json | jq '.result | .[].Name' -r); do keys+=$p":{key} "; done
sfdx sfpowerkit:package:dependencies:install -u scratch_org -r -a -w 60 -k ${keys}
sfdx force:source:push
sfdx force:org:open


Enten: Spørsmål knyttet til koden eller prosjektet kan stilles som issues her på GitHub

For NAV-ansatte

Interne henvendelser kan sendes via Slack i kanalen #crm-nks.

Experience setup

To set up the "innboks" experience you need to go through a couple of easy steps.

  1. Kjør scratchSetup filen med kommandone npm run scratchSetup
  2. Aktiver community
    1. Gå til Setup -> All Sites -> Workspaces -> Administration
    2. I settings så trykk Activate
    3. I members legg til Permissionsettet Skriv til Oss - Experience Cloud Access
    4. Gå tilbake til All Sites og åpne builderen
    5. Publish siden
  3. Gå til kontoen Doktor Proktor for å logge inn i innboksen

Sider i innboksen

Liste over alle sidene (der BASE_URL er miljøet, eks:,,

Navn URl Parametere
Innboksen {BASE_URL}
Skriv ny STO {BASE_URL}/skriv-til-oss?category Category: Forteller hvilket tema/kategori STOen skal lages på, se metadata filen for gyldige verdier.
Vis en STO/STB {BASE_URL}/skriv-til-oss/<id> Id: Id til en STO/STB thread.
Vis en chat {BASE_URL}/chat/<id> Id: Id til en chat-thread.
Vis et samtalereferat {BASE_URL}/samtalereferat/<id> Id: Id til et samtalereferat.