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Bulk scan processor

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Retrieve scanned documents along with information extracted with OCR engine. Store the images and let recipient services fetch the new data.

Building and deploying the application

The project uses Gradle as a build tool. It already contains ./gradlew wrapper script, so there's no need to install gradle.

Building the application

To build the project execute the following command:

  ./gradlew build

Running the application

Create the image of the application by executing the following command:

  ./gradlew assemble

Application listens on port 8581 which can be overridden by setting SERVER_PORT environment variable or from .env file.

The application depends upon certain components that are already up and running. Configuration details for each component can be changed by passing values in environment variables:



Azure Blob Storage


Document Management Storage

  • DOCUMENT_MANAGEMENT_URL working endpoint URL

Service to Service Authentication

  • S2S_URL working endpoint URL
  • S2S_NAME service name
  • S2S_SECRET service secret

Please find more details in infrastructure/ file.

Running smoke tests

Smoke tests expect an address of deployed application to be passed in TEST_URL environment variable. For example:

  TEST_URL=http://localhost:8561 ./gradlew smoke

By default, it will use http://localhost:8581 which is defined in src/smokeTest/resources/application.yaml.

Running integration tests

  ./gradlew integration


To run migration gradle task expects FLYWAY_URL to be present. In case db requires username/password: FLYWAY_USER and FLYWAY_PASSWORD. Once those variables are exported all flyway tasks are available.

./gradlew flywayMigrate

API (gateway)

Bulk Scan Processor uses an (Azure API Management) API to protect its SAS token dispensing endpoint. The API allows only HTTPS requests with approved client certificates and valid subscription keys to reach the service.

Calling the API

In order to talk to the SAS dispensing endpoint through the API, you need to have the following pieces of information:

  • a certificate whose thumbprint is known to the API (has to be added to the list of allowed thumbprints in
  • a valid subscription key
  • name of an existing client service (e.g. test)

Preparing client certificate

First, generate client private key, a certificate for that key and import both into a key store:

# generate private key
openssl genrsa 2048 > private.pem

# generate certificate
openssl req -x509 -new -key private.pem -out cert.pem -days 365

# create the key store
# when asked for password, provide one
openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.pem -inkey private.pem -out cert.pfx -noiter -nomaciter

Next, calculate the thumbprint of your certificate:

openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -inform pem -in cert.pem | sed -e s/://g

Finally, add this thumbprint to allowed_client_certificate_thumbprints input variable (Terraform) for the target environment (e.g. in saat.tfvars file). Your definition may look similar to this:

allowed_client_certificate_thumbprints = ["2FC66765E63BB2436F0F9E4F59E951A6D1D20D43"]

Once you're run the deployment, the API will recognise your certificate.

Retrieving subscription key

You can get your subscription key for the API using Azure Portal. In order to do this, perform the following steps:

  • Search for the right API Management service instance (core-api-mgmt-{environment}) and navigate to its page
  • From the API Management service page, navigate to Developer portal (Developer portal link at the top bar)
  • In developer portal navigate to Products tab and click on bulk-scan
  • Click on one of the subscriptions from the list (at least bulk-scan (default) should be present).
  • Click on the Show link next to the Primary Key of one of the bulk-scan subscriptions. This will reveal the key. You will need to provide this value in your request to the API.

Getting the token through the API

You can call the API using the following curl command (assuming your current directory contains the private key and certificate you've created earlier):

curl -v --key private.pem --cert cert.pem https://core-api-mgmt-{environment}{service name} -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key:{subscription key}"

You should get a response with status 200 and a token in the body.

API tests

Jenkins (pipeline) runs the API gateway tests by executing apiGateway gradle task. This happens because there's a call to enableApiGatewayTest() in your Jenkinsfile_CNP/Jenkinsfile_parameterized. API tests are located in apiGatewayTest directory.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


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  • Java 95.6%
  • HCL 3.3%
  • Other 1.1%