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100 Days Of Code - Log (from newest to oldest)

Day 3: January 31st, 2017

Today's Progress: Completed more of codecademy's JS course, and also completed my 200th exercise (been a codecademy user for years).

Thoughts: It was repetative, but fun.

Link to Work:

Day 2: January 30th, 2017

Today's Progress: Completed more of codecademy's JS course (earlier one, will start on newer one after).

Thoughts: The repetition over things I've already completed under freeCodeCamp is helping cement concepts and syntax.

Link to Work:

Day 1: January 29th, 2017

Today's Progress: Thanks to this tweet from @MageeWorld ( ), I have found a new gameplan and started @codecademy's JS course to get me back on track. Completed up to starting the while loop section.

Thoughts: That article is amazing and is just what I needed: a plan of action, and it's right. I loved freeCodeCamp's material, but by the time I got started on the intermediate coding projects, I felt like I was behind or something. So, a refresher (and hopefully a dab of things I didn't know) may just help me in the right direction so that I can jump back into freeCodeCamp's projects and complete the certificate. I'm only four sections away from it anyway, although there's still a lot of ground to cover.

Link to Work:

Day 17: January 22nd, 2017

Today's Progress: I worked on the second intermediate coding challenge for freeCodeCamp, to build a weather app.

Thoughts: Working with geolocation is not going as planned. I've fleshed out a lot of how the app will look, but getting the javascript to cooperate is proving difficult. Every time I try to get the latitude and longitude, it shows up as undefined. I tried to write the function differently thinking that was the issue, but now the function isn't called at all. I need to do some more research into how geolocation is retrieved, as the official documentation from Mozilla isn't proving to be enough.

Link to Work:

Day 16: January 21st, 2017

Today's Progress: I started the four Intermediate projects today, and completed the first: build a random quote machine.

Thoughts: It was a nice challenge to complete the quote generator. I had to look up a lot to get the jQuery working just right, but I took my time, working on one aspect at a time, and got it to working.

Link to Work:

Day 15: January 20th, 2017

Today's Progress: Skipped yesterday (zzzz again), and had to make today a minimal day of coding as I wasn't at home for most of it. However, I got my time in here at the last moment. Completed the JSON APIs and Ajax section of freeCodeCamp. Now I'm up to the first Intermediate front-end developer projects, Build a Random Quote Machine. Looks like fun.

Thoughts: Need more sleep.

LInk to Work:

Day 14: January 18th, 2017

Today's Progress: Completed the last three challenges on freeCodeCamp's algorithm section.

Thoughts: I should not be sacrificing sleep as much as I am. It's why I skipped yesterday; was just too tired to code. But now I have a goal completed! On to JSON APIs and Ajax!

Link to Work:

Day 13: January 16th, 2017

Today's Progress: Completed one challenge. Just one. the "Falsy Bouncer" algorithm.

Thoughts: I wanted to complete the four algorithm challenges I had left. But I had no time left after trying my hand at that one. And to think the solution was so simple, after reading over and over on what exactly .filter() did and seeing examples of how others used it in YouTube videos. I finally found the place in the docs where it said it would only send back variables that were true, and then it dawned on me: all the ones I'm trying to filter out are by definition false, so they will never be picked up by filter anyway. So, there it was. Took several hours to figure that one out.

Link to Work:

Day 12: January 15th, 2017

Today's Progress: Completed three more challenges, only 4 to go.

Thoughts: Had several snags, especially on the Chunky Monkey and the Mutations challenge. But, I got them to complete.

Link to work:

Day 11: January 14th, 2017

Today's Progress: Skipped yesterday because I was falling asleep at the keyboard. :-/ Completed three more algorithm challenges on freeCodeCamp, and only have 7 more to go.

Thoughts: These challenges can be hard, but so far I've been working through them like a champ. Just haven't been able to spend a lot of time on working on them, only a couple of hours a night.

Link to Work:

Day 10: January 12th, 2017

Today's Progress: Completed two more of the algorithm challenges in freeCodeCamp, the Palindrome challenge and the longest word challenge. Worked on the "Title Case a Sentence" challenge but couldn't get it completed in time. EDIT (while writing no less): completed the "Title Case a Sentence" challenge.

Thoughts: Regular expressions are weird to me and are going to take some getting used to. Also, the title case a sentence challenge is bugging me. I think I've got the gist of what I need to do to make it work, but my code is not cooperating. The way I understand it, if it works this way, is I will need to split the sentence into an array of words, then split each word into an array of characters---wait, I think I figured out my problem. (tests) Yes, I did. One more challenge completed. :-)

Link to Work:

Day 9: January 11th, 2017

Today's Progress: Completed the "Basic JavaScript" section of freeCodeCamp, as well as the "Object Oriented and Functional Programming" section. Started on the "Basic Algorithm Scripting" section, completing the Reverse a String and Factorialize a Number challenge.

Thoughts: I sprinted through everything pretty quickly, and even knocked out the reverse a string challenge on the quick side. However, I had an issue with the factorialization problem. I originally wrote it as a recursive function call, which worked perfect. However, none of freeCodeCamp up to this point has went over recursion. So, I went back to do it again as a loop. Tried a for loop, but it would not work. Tried a while loop. Still wouldn't work. I was trying to count down from the parameter sent to the function down to 1. I had to reverse it to get the loop to work.

After that, I decided to post in the forum to see what my issue was to make it not even look at the loop when traversing one way, and be fine the other. It was while I was typing out the code that I realized: I had the comparison backwards, meaning it was always going to say the loop was not applicable. /doh /facepalm

Link to Work:

Day 8: January 10th, 2017

Today's Progress: Almost finished the JavaScript portion of freeCodeCamp.

Thoughts: Couldn't get as much done as I wanted because I'm too tired and need sleep. Only 7 more challenges though and I'll be on to the next section!

Link to work:

Day 7: January 9th, 2017

Today's Progress: Completed my 200th freeCodeCamp challenge, well into the JavaScript section and almost have it completed.

Thoughts: I'm trying to fly through the practices, while still pick up the details. I just hope it's sinking in.

Link to work:

Day 6: January 8th, 2017

Today's Progress: I spent a lot of the day working on the portfolio project for freeCodeCamp. Took a while, but managed to complete it satisfying all of the user stories! I also got a good chunk into the JavaScript section of freeCodeCamp.

Thoughts: I wouldn't say the portfolio is my best piece of work, but I like was I was able to do so far. And I can't wait to dive into JavaScript. I still got a lot to go in that section, though. Will see what the morrow may bring!

Link to work:

Day 5: January 7th, 2017

Today's Progress: Completed the Tribute page! Managed to find a Nintendo logo I could use that was under public domain, then wrote the code and added a timeline in an unordered list as well as a link to the Wikipedia page for Nintendo.

Thoughts: Went very well, although the only issue I had was the unordered list itself. I would have really liked to be able to center the list itself on the page, but not center the text (by that I mean, the list as a whole was center, but the text of each item in the list still aligned left with the dot). Couldn't figure out a way to do it, and just left it because it did make it work well on smaller, mobile screens. Tried to mess with padding, which worked, but made it horrible on mobile.

Link to Work:

Day 4: January 6th, 2017

Today's Progress: Worked on the Tribute project for freeCodeCamp. Picked the topic of making a small tribute page to Nintendo. Hopefully will complete it tomorrow.

Thoughts: Finding Creative Commons pictures for high-profile companies like Nintendo isn't easy.

Link to Work: Have it saved locally for now, will upload to CodePen and Github tomorrow.

Day 3: January 4th, 2017

Today's Progress: Completed the jQuery section of freeCodeCamp, and now I'm to start the first challenge: build a tribute page on CodePen! Sadly, I don't have the time to actually start the challenge tonight, but will work on it first chance tomorrow.

Thoughts: I already have some ideas in my head for what to base it on. Knowing me, I'll probably make it video game related, although I may base it on something else. A programming language, perhaps? There are many things I could pay tribute to in making a tribute page.

Link to work: Completed the "jQuery" section of freeCodeCamp. Signed up for CodePen. Will have link to pen that my tribute page is being worked on tomorrow.

Day 2: January 3rd, 2017

Today's Progress: Completed the "Responsive Design with Bootstrap" section of the Front End Development Certification track as well as the "Gear Up for Success" section and three exercises into the "jQuery" section.

Thoughts: Completed those sections faster than I thought I would. Also managed to surpass 100 exercises already.

Link to Work: Completed up to "Target Elements by ID using jQuery" exercise on freeCodeCamp.

Day 1: January 2nd, 2017

Today's Progress: After having started and stopped the first few exercises for the past several months, I decided to sit down and drill out as much as I can, every day, until the 100 days are complete or until I have completed all of the site content. If I complete it before the 100 days are up, I will begin to work on a project that I have in my heart that I've wanted to work towards.

Thoughts: While I had gotten about halfway through the first section on HTML and CSS over the past several months, by sitting down and spending several hours on it at a time instead of picking at it, I completed the section last night. It felt good to have the refresher, as I hadn't done any work in HTML5 and CSS since it was HTML3/4 and CSS1.

Link to Work: I'll be honest, I'm not sure how to link to work for the sections leading up to a project in I completed the full HTML5 and CSS section of the Front End Development Certification track.