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Welcome to "Gotham's Gourmet," a Next.js project that brings the adventurous world of Batman-themed culinary delights to your table. Dive into the Batcave and explore a variety of unique recipes inspired by the characters and themes of Gotham City.

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Gotham's Gourmet

Welcome to "Gotham's Gourmet," a Next.js project that brings the adventurous world of Batman-themed culinary delights to your table. Dive into the Batcave and explore a variety of unique recipes inspired by the characters and themes of Gotham City.

Project Overview

"Gotham's Gourmet" is built with Next.js, utilizing the power of React for a dynamic and responsive user experience. Tailored for Batman enthusiasts and culinary adventurers, this web application presents a collection of fictional recipes that bring the essence of Gotham City into your kitchen.


  • Dynamic Recipe Display: Recipes are displayed using cards, offering a brief overview and an image representing the dish.
  • Vegan Badge: Vegan recipes are easily identifiable with a dedicated badge.
  • Responsive Layout: The website is fully responsive, catering to various screen sizes for a seamless user experience.
  • Delayed Loading Simulation: Experience a realistic loading scenario with an artificial delay, showcasing the asynchronous nature of real-world applications.

Technology Stack

  • Frontend: Next.js, React
  • Styling: Tailwind CSS with additional animation support
  • Package Management: Bun

Installation and Setup

To get started with "Gotham's Gourmet," follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd gotham-gourmet-nextjs-bun-shadcn
  2. Install dependencies: Using Bun as the package manager:

    bun install
  3. Run the development server:

    bun run dev

    Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Project Structure

The project follows a standard Next.js structure with some customizations:

  • components/: React components including UI elements and theme provider.
  • public/img/: Images for each recipe, named according to their recipe ID.
  • _data/recipe-data.ts: Data file containing the details of each recipe.
  • src/app/: Core application files including layout and global styles.
  • tailwind.config.js: Tailwind CSS configuration.

Functional Components

  • RootLayout: The main layout component that wraps around the entire application, setting up the page structure and global styles.
  • Home: The home page component, responsible for fetching recipe data (with simulated delay for loading) and rendering it in a grid layout using the Card component.
  • Card: A component used to display individual recipes. It includes a header, content, and footer section, each styled using Tailwind CSS.

Data Fetching and State Management

  • The application uses async functions to simulate data fetching, demonstrating how real-world applications handle asynchronous operations.
  • State management is kept minimal and localized, focusing on the presentation and interactivity of UI components.

Styling and Responsiveness

  • Tailwind CSS is used for styling, providing a utility-first approach for rapid UI development.
  • The application is designed to be responsive, ensuring a seamless user experience across different device sizes.


Contributions to "Gotham's Gourmet" are welcome. Whether it's adding new recipes, enhancing the UI, or fixing bugs, your input is appreciated.

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch).
  3. Make your changes and commit (git commit -am 'Add some feature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch).
  5. Open a new Pull Request.


Welcome to "Gotham's Gourmet," a Next.js project that brings the adventurous world of Batman-themed culinary delights to your table. Dive into the Batcave and explore a variety of unique recipes inspired by the characters and themes of Gotham City.




