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Solution Architect


  1. Docker
  2. Kubernates
  3. Event Bus using RabbitMQ
  4. gRPC


  1. Service discovery
  2. Handle Null connection


  1. Build image from the folder with dockerfile :
docker build -t nayan112/platformservice .
  1. Run the image: (disabled https redirection & swagger is enabled in dev only)
docker run -p 8080:80 -d nayan112/platformservice

  1. push the image :
docker push nayan112/platformservice
  1. Check id kubernetis is running with version:
kubectl version
  1. Navigate to the folder K8S and deploy platform service & related cluster ip:
kubectl apply -f platforms-deployment.yaml
  1. Check deployments: (need to push the image to docker hub first if missed)
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get pods
  1. delete deployment related to platform service:
kubectl delete deployment platform-deployment 
  1. Start services to enable access through node port:
kubectl apply -f platforms-np-srv.yaml
  1. Check services:
kubectl get services
  1. Get the external port of nodeport to connect to the pod
  2. Refresh deployment/docker image:
kubectl rollout restart deployment <depoyment_name>
  1. To view pods running from all namespaces: (default is application namespace):
kubectl get namespaces 
kubectl get deployments --namespace=ingress-nginx 
kubectl get services --namespace=ingress-nginx
  1. Configuration of Ingress Nginx container & Ingress Nginx load balancer:
kubectl apply -f
  1. Deploy ingress service so that application can be accessed from outside:
kubectl apply -f ingress-srv.yaml  
  1. Ingress service needs a host name. Localhost doesn't work. So create an entry in host file similar to hostname in deployment file.
  2. Create persistent view claim for MSSQL:
kubectl apply -f local-pvc.yaml
  1. Verify the claim:
kubectl get pvc 
kubectl get storageclass
  1. Create a secret for db password:
kubectl create secret generic mssql --from-literal=SA_PASSWORD="r00t.R00T"  
  1. Deploy mssql: check status with pods & deployments (ImagePullBackOff is a common error)
kubectl apply -f mssql-platform-deployment.yaml
  1. Setup of DB migration (not part of execution): run ef migration. Need to disable in memory db & set db connection string)
dotnet ef migrations add initialmigration
  1. Deploy rabbitmq queue manager & management portal, load balancer & cluster ip: (verify at http://localhost:15672)
kubectl apply -f rabbitmq-deployment.yaml
  1. gRPC setup done without https, needed in the server (platformservice) -- check kestrel config in prod configs


  1. Editing code in VSCode: Navigate to the particular project and type
code -r <foldername>
  1. Formatting in VS CODE :
Alt + Shift + F


  1. Swagger fails to load : Fix: decoreate api methods with REST method decorators, HTTPGET, HTTPPUT
  2. GetPlatformById method doesnt hit breakpoint/Swagger doesn't hit the method: Duplicate method if query string is not recognized. Set decorator as HTTPGET("Id=id")
  3. Converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 4: found character that cannot start any token: Yaml is CRAZY.. use spaces instead of tab
  4. NodePort not working: Verify name in selector-> app & service deployment file (eg. in platforms-deployment.yaml & platforms-np-srv.yaml)
  5. http port is not accessible: System restart or try changing the port no.
  6. ImagePullBackOff : no network, no image, wrong image path
  7. mssql image deployment error: port 1433 in host machine in use, password policy not in complience

Enabling & using local dashboard: Remote- coming..

  1. Deploy dashboard:
kubectl apply -f dashboard.yaml
  1. Deploy an admin user:
kubectl apply -f dashboard-adminuser.yaml
  1. Get the token:
kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard get secret $(kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard get sa/admin-user -o jsonpath="{.secrets[0].name}") -o go-template="{{.data.token | base64decode}}"
  1. Run the dashboard proxy:
kubectl proxy 
  1. Application is available Application
  1. Remove the admin ServiceAccount and ClusterRoleBinding.
kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard delete serviceaccount admin-user
kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard delete clusterrolebinding admin-user
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