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File metadata and controls

121 lines (109 loc) · 4.84 KB

Components dependencies are specified in meta.json file of module, for instance:

    "package"      : "Blogs",
    "category"     : "modules",
    "version"      : "0.105.2+build-118",
    "description"  : "Adds blogging functionality. Comments module is required for comments functionality, Plupload or similar module is required for files uploading functionality.",
    "author"       : "Nazar Mokrynskyi",
    "website"      : "",
    "license"      : "MIT License",
    "db_support"   : [
    "provide"      : "blogs",
    "require"      : "System=>0.589",
    "optional"     : [
    "multilingual" : [
    "languages"    : [

There are two main types of connections between components: dependencies and conflicts.


Conflicts are rather simple: each component can conflict dy component name directly using conflict parameter in meta.json or with any component that provides the same features with provide parameter in meta.json. Reduced example:

    "package"  : "Main_module",
    "provide"  : "super_feature",
    "conflict" : "Other_module<=3.0"

In this example Main_module will conflict with any component that provides super_feature or with Other_module that have version less or equal to 3.0.


Dependencies are more complex:

  • dependencies that are mandatory for component operation may be specified in require parameter in meta.json, it is possible to specify both exact components names and provided functionality in provide parameter of meta.json
  • optional dependencies may be specified with optional parameter of meta.json, syntax the same as for require
  • there can be reverse dependencies using provide parameter in meta.json (see below)

Reverse dependencies

Direct dependencies are specified as is and work just fine. Reverse dependencies are specified in provide parameter in meta.json in order to show that this component provides extension for other component. Reduced example:

    "package" : "Main_module",
    "provide" : "main_module",
    "require" : "main_dependency"
    "package" : "Main_module_patch",
    "provide" : "Main_module/patch"

In this example Main_module_patch component extends Main_module, technically behavior is the same as in case if Main_module have optional dependency on Main_module_patch with only difference that you don't have to specify any dependencies in Main_module.

This is especially handy for Polymer elements extension, when there can be any custom components that extend other (see below section JS/CSS/HTML inclusion). Because you have such flexible dependency you can extend components multiple times without having any conflicts between components.

Also, you can extend not only by component name, but also by functionality, just like with direct dependencies.

Dependency on specific version

It is possible to declare dependency on specific version of component. In example above you can see that component depends on System with version that is greater or equal than 0.589. You can use operators >, <, =, >= and <= here, but only one at a time.

Multiple dependencies

If you need to require or conflict with multiple packages - just specify them as array:

    "require" : [

or even limit version of packages from lower and upper sides:

    "require" : [


While there is an update feature, sometimes component might be unable to update from very old version to current directly (though, you might be able to achieve this with incremental updates). To specify supported versions for updating update_from_version parameter in meta.json is used. Reduced example:

    "package"             : "Main_module",
    "version"             : "3.0.0+build-300",
    "update_from_version" : "2.9.5"

In this example Main_module can be updated to version 3.0.0 from version 2.9.5 or newer.

JS/CSS/HTML inclusion

Components dependencies are only effective on installation/updating/deletion stages, but also for files inclusion.

For example from Reverse dependencies section above at first JS/CSS/HTML files from main_dependency and Main_module_patch will be included, and only then ones of Main_module itself. This gives both flexibility and control over assets order in source code of generated HTML for current page.